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Phantom Darkness

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New japenese set... seems awesome...


Phantom Darkness (507) 「ファントムダークネス」

Release Date: 13 February 2008 in U.S.

Release Date: 23 November 2007 in Japan

5 cards per pack, 30 packs per box


Includes 80 cards:

1 Holographic Rare

5 Ultra Rare

9 Super Rare

18 Rare

48 Common


"Dark Monster" (new series) , focus on Dark Attribute Monster (deckbuilding)

Cards used by Yubel, Axel Brodie, Jaden Yuki, Jesse Anderson, Zane Truesdale and Aster Phoenix.


Cover Card will be Yubel.


Since Rainbow Dark Dragon is in this set, it can be assumed that also in this set are:

Advanced Dark

Advanced Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle

Advanced Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise

Advanced Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle

Advanced Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth

Advanced Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger

Advanced Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat

Advanced Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus


It will finish the Destiny Hero Series.


Cards that are already been added are:

Rainbow Dark Dragon 「究極宝玉神レインボー・ダーク・ドラゴン」

Elemental Hero Storm Neos 「E-HEROストーム・ネオス」

Yubel 「ユベル」


Whats your opinion... even though it aint much... but MORE dark support...!

Don't we have enough Dark Support already -.-

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That's plenty short enough to wait for Advanced Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle...It can special summon itself from the Spell and Trap card zone any time you want during your turn, and it still has normal Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncles effect of special summoning all the Crystal Beasts in your Spell and Trap card zone...No cost at all...

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Gak' date=' I'm talking about "Advanced Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle" not "Crystal Beast Ruby Crabuncle"...The ADVANCED ONE!...I know that the normal one can special summon its self!


Then why don't you check this site to find out? or maybe this



...I HATE WIKIPEDIA!!! Alright listen..."Wikipedia" is NOT a reliable sorce for info all the time...Yes, it is a good sorce to have but don't go there for everything...Here is a better sorce: HERE!! I know what the damn things effect is....I'm a freaking judge!!...That, and I use the CB's as a main deck...and I plan on getting that cards at just about any cost!

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Hold On...on the top it says:


"5 cards per pack' date=' 30 packs per box"


That isn't right!! Please enlighten me...



idk if u ever boaught japanese packs, but they only come with 5 cards in them. this is a japanese spoiler, so they just translated everything from the japanese text. also we dont get 30 packs in a box, we get 24.

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Plasma Viceman is gonna be Super Rare and Expressroid is gonna be a normal rare...


I mean, sence we got Expressroid in the Syrus deck and Plasma Viceman is gonna be a tin...UDE might take them out of the US release and either replace them, or just take them out of the set...:?

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