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Tick Tock

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WAY too slow for the current meta, but I figured I'd run it at locals for ****s and giggles




3| Destiny Hero - Malicious


3| Nimble Momonga

3| Krebons

1| Marshmallon

1| Spirit Reaper

1| Card Trooper




3| Hand Destruction

3| Upstart Goblin

2| Final Countdown

2| Emergency Teleport

2| Messenger of Peace

2| Dark World Dealings

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Level Limit - Area B

1| Swords of Revealing Light




3| Solemn Judgment

3| Pyro Clock of Destiny

1| Mirror Force

1| Torrential Tribute

1| Gravity Bind




3| Stardust Dragon

3| Thought-Ruler Archfiend

2| Red Dragon Archfiend

2| Psychic Lifetrancer

2| Goyo Guardian

2| Magical Android

1| Natural Beast (3rd Lifetrancer, until released)




3| Royal Oppresion

2| Light-Imprisoning Mirror

2| Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

2| Imperial Iron Wall

2| Token Thanksgiving

2| Mind Control

1| Return from the Different Dimension

1| Brain Control


The goal is, of course, to get out 2-3 Stardusts to form a wall against destruction, and Gravity Bind/Level Limit - Area B to form a wall against attacking.


And yeah, Crush Card Virus would love to be in this deck, but sadly I don't have one.


So how does it look?

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See, that's your problem- You're too stubborn on the meta, not sure where you learned your stuff, but just because a deck isn't competitive, doesn't mean you shouldn't try to build it if you enjoy doing so. I wanted to build a deck with the Win Condition of Final Countdown. There's no law against that, and I dunno where you get off saying that it's a lost cause. Maybe I enjoy trying to make usable decks out of unused cards.

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See' date=' that's your problem- You're too stubborn on the meta, not sure where you learned your stuff, but just because a deck isn't competitive, doesn't mean you shouldn't try to build it if you enjoy doing so. I wanted to build a deck with the Win Condition of Final Countdown. There's no law against that, and I dunno where you get off saying that it's a lost cause. Maybe I enjoy trying to make usable decks out of unused cards.



the meta is what I base all decisions off of because, in the end, all real life decks are subject to it. The only time I wouldn't apply a deck to the meta would be if someone stated that a deck was for fun. Then i just look at content and how well the deck could do in an every day duel.

I have nothing against making a deck out of unused cards. I said that the deck was a lost cause because the unused cards being used there didn't make a good deck. Not because it fails in the meta, but because the deck itself was bad.

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See' date=' that's your problem- You're too stubborn on the meta, not sure where you learned your stuff, but just because a deck isn't competitive, doesn't mean you shouldn't try to build it if you enjoy doing so. I wanted to build a deck with the Win Condition of Final Countdown. There's no law against that, and I dunno where you get off saying that it's a lost cause. Maybe I enjoy trying to make usable decks out of unused cards.



Amen, brother.

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