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Mommy, why does daddy have boobies?


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Monster: 14


3 Yubel

2 Yubel - Terror Incarnate

1 Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare


3 Mystic Tomato

3 Giant Germ

1 Marshmallon

1 Sangan


Spells: 10


3 Allure of Darkness

3 Wave-Motion Cannon

1 Heavy Storm

1 Creature Swap

1 Monster Reborn

1 Card of Destruction


Traps: 16


3 Solemn Judgment

3 Battle Mania

3 Secret Barrel

3 Recless Greed

2 Limit Reverse

1 Ceasefire

1 Torrential Tribute


Suggestions/fixes only pl0x?

Okay' date=' here's the plan. Straight-off, I can see that two Yubel - Terror Incarnate is NOT necessary. With three Yubel, and considering they summon from the Hand, Deck, OR Graveyard, you'll be getting back Incarnate no matter where it ends up.


-1x Yubel - Terror Incarnate


We can also lose the Giant Germs, considering the goal is to summon Yubel, and it does nothing but give you a delayed, battle-only 500 burn. I get the point is to use Yubel to stall and burn them to death, but considering your Yubel - Terror Incarnate will almost certainly be out 90% of the game, Germ is going to die well before you have a chance to capitalize on it.


-1x Yubel - Terror Incarnate

-3x Giant Germ


Sangan has the unfortunate problem searching for two kinds of cards here; The kind we don't want to draw, and the kind we don't really need. Considering the fact that it takes a turn to manage and has poor targets, we'll be nixing it to form another free slot for cards.


-1x Yubel - Terror Incarnate

-3x Giant Germ

-1x Sangan


Next is Mystic Tomato, which has a similar problem to Sangan, but only in half the aspect. It has 1 good target, and many bad targets. I'll be dropping it to 1, since it can help with Yubel, but ideally we'll get to summon it in other ways, which my inclusions will be making note of, using a single Tomato.


-1x Yubel - Terror Incarnate

-2x Mystic Tomato

-3x Giant Germ

-1x Sangan


Next comes the Spells, and with it, a loss of Creature Swap. We don't need it without the Germs and Tomatoes, and even if we DID have it, there's nothing to attack with, short of what you're hoping they have on the field, and relying on the opponent to make a move is NOT what we want to be doing nowadays.


-1x Yubel - Terror Incarnate

-2x Mystic Tomato

-3x Giant Germ

-1x Sangan

-1x Creature Swap


From the Traps, our first cut will be 1 Battle Mania. Having two as an option isn't bad, but having three is overkill. Odds are, two will kill them after a push anyway.


-1x Yubel - Terror Incarnate

-2x Mystic Tomato

-3x Giant Germ

-1x Sangan

-1x Creature Swap

-1x Battle Mania


And lastly, the Reckless Greeds need to go. Considering the number of cards that either need to take a turn to use [12 other traps now, and 5 monsters'], we'll want to include more dramatic options in the way of "I think I'll play first." Drawing 2 cards that can't be used on your next turn isn't just useless, it's... Well, reckless.


-1x Yubel - Terror Incarnate

-2x Mystic Tomato

-3x Giant Germ

-1x Sangan

-1x Creature Swap

-1x Battle Mania

-3x Reckless Greed


Now, let's start the additions. First off, monsters. We took out 7, so we can put that many back in safely. We'll make our first inclusion something to help Yubel along in her way of summoning...


... Armageddon Knight. His lower attack lets him interact with Mystic Tomato, and gets you a Yubel to Limit Reverse or Monster Reborn as soon as he touches the field. Two of them will make the cut. For the sake of consistency, we'll also be adding his cousin...


+2x Armageddon Knight


... Dark Grepher as a single copy. He can do something our little relative Armageddon Knight can't do; Help out a Yubel in your hand. Being able to discard it will be a huge boon for us here.


+2x Armageddon Knight

+1x Dark Grepher


We'll also be setting in two copies of Doom Shaman. Our friend Doom Shaman can summon both Yubel from Hand and Graveyard, and let's you take advantage getting to Yubel - Terror Incarnate quickly, by using Yubel to tribute Doom Shaman in the End Phase, destroying Yubel on the spot.


+2x Armageddon Knight

+1x Dark Grepher

+2x Doom Shaman


That's all we'll be doing for the Monsters, since we'll be adding in consistency with the spells and traps.


Swing of Memories makes the cut first, since we can get out Doom Shaman with it and turn it on, leading to an instant Yubel - Terror Incarnate in the process. Two swing are in order.


+2x Armageddon Knight

+1x Dark Grepher

+2x Doom Shaman

+2x Swing of Memories


Speaking of consistency, let's add in a single Reinforcement of the Army to get out Dark Grepher or Armageddon Knight, while Mystic Tomato goes to get the second Armageddon Knight.


+2x Armageddon Knight

+1x Dark Grepher

+2x Doom Shaman

+2x Swing of Memories

+1x Reinforcement of the Army


From there, let's add in something that already has a nature synergy with a whopping ELEVEN cards in the deck, Card of Safe Return. Doom Shaman, Yubel, Yubel - Terror Incarnate, Monster Reborn, Swing of Memories, and Limit Reverse all let you bring something back from the Graveyard, so drawing with it would be pretty likely, considering.


+2x Armageddon Knight

+1x Dark Grepher

+2x Doom Shaman

+2x Swing of Memories

+1x Reinforcement of the Army

+2x Card of Safe Return


And lastly, considering we have three Allure of Darkness, let's add in two D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation. It'll let us bring back an Allure'd Yubel, Doom Shaman, Armageddon Knight to set up a combo, and more. Taking everything into account, it's probably the best card for the job.


+2x Armageddon Knight

+1x Dark Grepher

+2x Doom Shaman

+2x Swing of Memories

+1x Reinforcement of the Army

+2x Card of Safe Return

+2x D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation


That's what I see that I would do with the deck, so hopefully it's useful information to you.


Good luck with the remodel.

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