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Mommy, why does daddy have boobies?


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Monster: 13


3 Yubel

2 Doom Shaman

1 Yubel - Terror Incarnate

1 Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare


3 Armageddon Knight

1 Dark Grepher

1 Marshmallon

1 Spirit Reaper


Spells: 15


3 Allure of Darkness

3 Wave-Motion Cannon

2 Swing of Memories

2 Card of Safe Return

2 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Heavy Storm

1 Monster Reborn

1 Card of Destruction


Traps: 12


3 Solemn Judgment

3 Secret Barrel

2 Battle Mania

2 Limit Reverse

1 Ceasefire

1 Torrential Tribute


Suggestions/fixes only pl0x?

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-3 Reckless Greed' date=' +3 Dark Bribe?


Protects Wave Motion Cannon moreso, I dunno. Looks good.



Wave-Cannon is just here if I need it, since they won't actually want to attack Yubel or it's forms, so when I deal damage with the Battle Mania combo (which is so pwnsome), I'kk try to burn my op even more.


And besides, I don't have much draw power in this deck, so I kinda need Reckless Greed =/

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Dark Bribe isn't all that good for protecting Spells and Traps anyhow.


Spells and traps that kill WMC:

Heavy Storm

Mystical Space Typhoon

Side-decked Dust Tornado?


Monsters that kill WMC:

Snipe Hunter


Judgment Dragoon


Dark Armed Dragon

Breaker the Magical Warrior



Black Rose Dragon


Most s/t removal is monster-based nowadays.

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accctualy yubel is more of a shemale IMO, this deck makes me say, its a pity wanghu's effect isnt optional, I'd im not having an easy time with this one, but it does occur to me, you could use Black Garden, it wouldnt effect yubel with its attack lowering effect, and with its detination effect you could potentionaly get 2 terror incarnates, or a terror incarnate and an ultimate nightmare....thought that probably wont work

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