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generic decks

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why is it that people usually just post generic decks such as lightsworn, DAD, plants.....etc and nothing different i mean i understand wanting a good deck but seeing the same old decks time after time is really boring plus than the posters brag about a deck they supposedly thought of on their own.


any way post your thoughts on this and any other types of post that are annoying

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ya but honestly how fun is it to see the same deck over and over and over again this is one of the reasons yugioh is becoming less and less popular people are just sick of playing or playing against the same generic decks as far as these posts go their the reason i don't post on here that much anymore cuz when i come back i'll see the same decks posted

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ya but honestly how fun is it to see the same deck over and over and over again this is one of the reasons yugioh is becoming less and less popular people are just sick of playing or playing against the same generic decks as far as these posts go their the reason i don't post on here that much anymore cuz when i come back i'll see the same decks posted


You bring up a valid point.


IIRC, a slower meta will create more variety.


I hope the meta becomes slower...

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Any well built deck can win with high consistency. CB' date=' Jurac/Frembell, Infernity, Blackwing, Dragons, Normal, etc;


I have won the majority of duels I've been in using decks like those. At least 75%. Including facing Tele-DAD and the like.



Then I guess decks like Tele-DAD aren't a real problem, and the real problem is that not enough people have been netdecking your Jurac/Frembell build to beat them.


ya but honestly how fun is it to see the same deck over and over and over again this is one of the reasons yugioh is becoming less and less popular people are just sick of playing or playing against the same generic decks as far as these posts go their the reason i don't post on here that much anymore cuz when i come back i'll see the same decks posted


You bring up a valid point.


Anyone worth talking to wouldn't need the point brought up.


IIRC' date=' a slower meta will create more variety.


I hope the meta becomes slower...



The fastest formats tend to have such speed because some deck is able to win so fast. On the other hand, the slowest formats tend to lack such speed because some deck is able to slow down the game so well and win. In each case, a wide variety is unlikely to be found, since each has its speed defined by the presence of a certain powerful deck.


It is in formats of moderate speed where variety is more likely to be found.


No one plays for fun anymore


Its all about the money' date=' winning, and the prizes



Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Crab Helmet.

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I play for fun. I honestly don't like the fast paced meta. I stopped a lot of it here in Oregon by going to tournaments and using original decks to win tournaments, showing people that cookie-cutting is a bad thing. All generic decks are incredibly easy to beat. Everyone has went up against them and knows how to beat them now.

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lol you say this liek there is literally only 3 decks posted, i used to think everyone used the same thign but its not true people use the same deck but with their own unique variation, i myself post numerous " unique" competitive decks and they get lots of attentiaon mainly because i have made a name formyself by beign able to make decent decks XP


so there is only 1 word for your situation



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