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Not as useless as it seems. It is, infact, less useful.


The only way to use if's effect is to summon it, but it's not worth it to summon it.

If you do summon it it now needs to get destroyed by battle. Even if we were in a good meta, this isn't a 100%.

Now even if you get it's effect it can be removed from play.

Lastly it's effect isn't even that worth while since it can take some time to be of much use and it can help your opponent.

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The destroyed by battle effect makes it suck' date=' though you could of course get it in the grave via Armageddon Knight or such, bring it back with Doom Shaman, and wait for it to be destroyed =/


It's not terrible, it's just bad.


I like how you Summoned it from the Graveyard when it's not possible.

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