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The Official Poke Plushies Clan [Show off your adoptables here!]


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[align=center]The Poke-Plushies Clan


Welcome one and all to the official clan for pokeplushies. Here is where we trade share and give adoptables. We talk about the plushies and maybe even make our own. You will be able to make unofficial adoptables and make your own shop with them. You may make a museum here or just post your adoptables in the trade station. You may give an adoptable away or just have fun!




There are many rules to this clan.


1. No spamming.


Any spamming seen in this clan or anywhere will result in a 20% warn count. Do not double post either unless you are bumping this thread. Please keep this clan organized and happy!


2. No flaming/Insulting.


Do not insult anyone for anything. Wheather it is for a lower adoptable than you or anything. Please keep theis rule enforced and be happy!


3. No stealing.


If anyone posts their plushies do not steal the picture. This clan is to show off our adoptables and to help each other get their dream adoptable. So don't steal anything.






[spoiler=Hioco's Museum] Posting later



If you would like a museum please fill out this form. (You must be a member to have a museum).


Name of museum:

You will have to pm me the codes for all of your plushies..  Do not worry I am a mod. I will not steal. I wouldn't even think of doing anything like that. 


Trade Station


Here you may pm me the codes of plushies you want to trade. Like I said you do not have to worry about any stealing. I will not steal as I am a mod and a nice person.


I currently have nothing to trade. I have cashies which I will put up later.




Hioco-Admin of club-10+ Adoptables.


If you want to sign up use the form below.


Sign up form



Number of adoptables:
Have you read the rules:
Will you stay active: 


HAVE FUN GUYS![/align]

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