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DAD Likes to Garden


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this is a slightly improved version of a deck I posted while ago (too long ago to bump)


Monsters: 20

Archfiend Soldier x3

Breaker the Magical Warrior

Dark Armed Dragon x2

Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 x2

Krebons x3

Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x3

NS - Grand Mole

Prometheus, King of the Shadows x3

Shadowpriestess of Ohm x2



Spells 14

Allure of Darkness x3

Black Garden x3

Emergency Teleport x3

Giant Trunade

Heavy Storm

Monster Reborn

Mystical Space Typhoon




Traps 6

Crush Card Virus


Solemn Judgment x3



extra 15

Dark-End Dragon x3 - looking to replace, any ideas?

Goyo Guardian x3

Red Dragon Archfiend x3

Stardust Dragon x3

Thought Ruler Archfiend x3

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well then, I'll explain how it's worked thus far



Aside from the first 2, these can all changer order


1) Summon big monster

2) activate black garden

3) beat down opponent and his tokens

4) get rid of garden, either by it's own effect, or by trunade

5) summon DAD (as many coppies as possible)

6) pwn


I also have options like CCVing a token - they make good fodder

Ive been getting DAD's summoning requirment, and his ammo, by using ohm to tribute, also, at one particular stage where I had an UNBELIVABLE hand I opened with

[spoiler=awsome first turn that I'll never be able to repeat]

1) Summon Ohm

2) Activate 2 E-tele 2 krebons from deck

3) tribute 1 to ohm

4) synch the other one for a Goyo

5) Drop 2 DADs

6) Garden


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why are you running Archfiend Soldier?

-3 Archfiend Soldier


i can't believe that i am saying this... but put in 3 malicious instead.

archfiend soldier is a beatstick that works as dad fodder, in this deck, anything with under 1600 needs to have a sweet effect, otherwise its not progressive at all

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why are you running Archfiend Soldier?

-3 Archfiend Soldier


i can't believe that i am saying this... but put in 3 malicious instead.

archfiend soldier is a beatstick that works as dad fodder' date=' in this deck, anything with under 1600 needs to have a sweet effect, otherwise its not progressive at all




okay then, never mind.

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