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OK thanks for my pic rendered it's awesome. Sending points.

But you said you couldn't upload the second one.

I used tinypic, you can try there.(www.tinypic.com)

OK i'd like a booster with the first pic you were able to render.

Name of Booster: Dragon's Burst

Colour of Name: Red

Colour of BG: Green

Colour of Magicians Circle: Indigo

Pic (Must be a render): 301dgy1.jpg

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No' date=' I'll send you it with the booster when I've finished that as well.


Thanks, but when will that be?


I'm going on holidays from tommorrow early in the morning and won't be back until the 11th of January.

I can't pay points until then.

Send me a reminder PM when I return.

Also when you finish the second render, I'd like it on a booster pack as well.

Name of Booster: Demonic Energy

Colour of Name: Dark Gold or Red (whichever looks better)

Colour of BG: Dark red(maroonish)

Colour of Magicians Circle: Golden

Pic (Must be a render): [spoiler=Pic]2cxdank.jpg


Render the pic as well and use tinypic to upload it because it's too big. PM me if you want the IMG code.

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