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Randomize Deck


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21 Monster :

- Yubel 2x

- Mystic Tomato

- Disk Magician

- Card Excluder

- Spirit of Demise

- Puppet King

- Deep Sea Super Old Fish

- Maha Valio 2x

- Blue Eyes B. Dragon 3x

- Red Eyes B. Dragon 2x

- Summoned Skull

- Dark Magician of Chaos

- Warrior Raj 2x

- Atlantis Warrior

- Huge Mouse


10 Spell cards :

- Assistance

- Polymeration 2x

- Magic Gavel

- Light Erazer

- Dark Hole

- Twister

- Humble Kettle

- Stim Pack 2x


8 Trap Cards :

- Trap Hole 2x

- Narrow Past

- Magic Cylinder

- Fairy Box

- Chain of Destruction

- Rider

- Zero Gravity


Please Comment



1 Fusion Cards :

- Black Skull Dragon

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- Yubel 2x <-you run this but not the other forms >.>

- Disk Magician <-horrible card in horrible deck

- Card Excluder <-no such thing o.o

- Spirit of Demise <-no such thing o.o

- Puppet King <-they will most likely add it during their turn so you just get a 1-turn unusable beatstick

- Deep Sea Super Old Fish <-no such thing o.o

- Maha Valio 2x <-running this card with no equips is pro (sarcasm)

- Blue Eyes B. Dragon 3x <-no such thing o.o

- Dark Magician of Chaos <-banned o.o

- Warrior Raj 2x <-no such thing o.o

- Atlantis Warrior <-reword properly please,even so,not supposed to be here

- Huge Mouse <-i loled,no such thing o.o,you mean Giant Rat right....RIGHT?!?

- Assistance <-no such thing o.o

- Polymeration 2x <-add other fusions if you plan to run this

- Magic Gavel <-no such thing o.o,magical mallet?

- Light Erazer <-no such thing o.o

- Dark Hole <-banned o.o

- Twister <-you run this but no MST

- Humble Kettle <-no such thing o.o

- Stim Pack 2x <-soz but i am no interested in a "Slim Pack",no such thing o.o

- Narrow Past <-with the rate monsters are already swarming and the failed choice of monsters,no,and it's call "Narrow Pass"

- Chain of Destruction <-no such thing o.o

- Rider <-no such thing o.o

- Zero Gravity <-random card >.>


i removed the cards i have no problems with,not much....


i died because of this non-existant toilet paper

buying the NEW zombie structure deck will be less costlier and OVER 9000! times better.

i would help but i need a theme and not random...

from the horrible rewording i can tell you have some of those fake cards which re-words things


fill this out:

i (loled,cried,died because) at(of) this (non-existant,illegal,terrible) (deck,random pile of card,thing I remembered throwing out last night...,toilet paper)

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