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Chaos Universe: The Unknown Past Ch. 1 - 84 (Chapter 76: Fight for the Throne Pt. 2) has arrived

Haou Devil 12

Who will win in the final test?  

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  1. 1. Who will win the final test?

    • Nick
    • Zeo The Chaos Warrior

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Here's Chapter 23 & 24 everyone. Enjoy.


[spoiler=Chapter 23]Previously:


("Then I guess this is GOODBYE!" yelled Nick. "ZEO"! (ATK: 5000) Avenge my family! Crush her with "Chaos Waves of Fury"!")


("(LP: 0) Nick." said the S.Q. in a familiar voice.)


("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" yelled Nick in pain as he was caught.)


("I'm not leaving you!" yelled Nick.)


("You have to before it's too LAAAAAAAAAAATE!!!" yelled Nick after he dispersed.)


("NICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Kris in agony.)


The story continues:


2 days have passed ever since Nick was lost to everyone.


"I... I just... Can't believe it." said Rein.


"He's gone... Just like that." said Cody.


"He sacrificed himself and Z & Yubel were caught in the middle of it." said Brad.


"Look, just forget about him, okay?" asked Travis.


"Yeah. He's gone and there's nothing we can..." said Zane until...


Both Rachel & Alice slapped Zane & Travis.


"HE'S NOT GONE!!" yelled Rachel as she cried.


"He just can't be gone!" yelled Alice as she cried. "Why do you scold him when you saw what happened to him?!"


"So, now what?" said Cody.


meanwhile back at Haou's castle:


"Have you readied the troops?" said a voice.


"Yes, your majesty." said a Darkwing fiend. "All troops in each sector are ready for your reign over this land."


"Good. Now that I have the power I need, there will be no one to oppose me." said the voice.


"Yes, your highness!" shouted the Darkwing fiends. "All hail the Supreme Devil King!"


After a few hours of mourning over what happened to Nick, Haou's reign had begun to take effect as an explosion was heard throughout the forest.


"What was that?!" yelled Rein.


"It came from the north. Come on." said Brad as he ran toward the smoke.


The group followed Brad through another trail in the forest. And when the trail ended, they saw a small town that was destroyed without warning and people were turned into their cards except for one who is nearly on the verge of doing so until he gave the others a warning.


"It was... The... Supreme Devil King..." said the person weakly. "Beware... Beware!" said the person fading away.


The person then turned into its card.


"That's it!" yelled Brad. "The reason you guys came here was to talk to Haou, right?! Well we're absolutly gonna talk to him! Besides I want to speak with him up close and personal."


The gang arrived at the where Nick disappeared and Brad yelled...


"Haou!" yelled Brad. "Come out of there and Duel me you coward!"


They then saw at the top of the castle a big, veiny-muscled figure that's about their height and his face is covered with a metal helmet, his pants covered with metal padding on the shin and the legs. And he wore a sharp, metalic glove that made his fingers look like claws. And he had giant black demon wings. And last, but not least, his horns sticking out from both sides of his head that were first pointing to opposite sides and then pointing upward.


"Very well." said the S.D.K. "I accept your terms, human!"


Just then, 6 elemental light came down to where Haou is.


"What the..." said Rein. "Hydroc, Searon, Windcon, everyone? What are you doing... Wait. Your those Death Spirits Nick told us about, aren't you?"


"Yes. You are indeed correct." said D. Searon. "We are the dark halves of the original Chaos Spirits. Aside from that, his majesty would never waste his energy on you. The Sacred Beasts are nothing but dead weight weaklings to him."


"I see." said Brad. "In that case..."


Brad took out his Sacred Beast Deck and put in another Deck.


"I think you'll find this Deck a lot more challenging." said Brad as he readied his Duel Disk.


"Fine then." said the S.D.K. "Let us Duel."


Haou then formed out of his dark aura his Duel Disk that looked a lot like Nick's Duel Disk.


"Shall we begin?" said the S.D.K.


"Bring it!" yelled Brad.



Brad/ 5 cards/ LP 8000

S.D.K./ 5 cards/ LP 8000


S.D.K.: Turn 1

I draw. I activate the spell "Cost Down", so now all monsters on my field and in my hand have their levels subtracted by 2. Next, I activate the spell "Double Summon", so I can now summon 2 times, so I summon "Elemental Hero Necroshade"(LV3/DARK/Warrior/Effect/ATK/1600 DEF/1800) (Cody says: An Elemental Hero Deck?) and "Destiny Hero Doom Lord"(LV1/DARK/Warrior/Effect/ATK/600 DEF/800) (Brad says: Mixed with Destiny Hero cards? What are you planning?) You'll find out soon enough. Now I play the spell "Devil Fusion", with this card, I can send from my hand, field, or Deck monsters that are listed on a DARK attributed Fusion List to the Graveyard to Fusion Summon a new breed of monsters, so I send "Elemental Hero Necroshade" and "Destiny Hero Doom Lord" to the Graveyard to Fusion Summon "Death Hero Necroslave"(LV6/DARK/Warrior/Fusion/Effect/ATK/2000 DEF/1600) (Brad says: Death Heroes? A mixed breed of heroes using Elemental and Destiny heroes?) And also Evil Heroes. I play 1 card face-down and end my turn.


Brad/ 5 cards/ LP 8000

S.D.K./ 0 cards/ LP 8000


Brad: Turn 2

I draw. I summon "Fossil Dragon - Dugroth"(LV4/EARTH/Rock/Effect/ATK/1600 DEF/1000) When he's summoned, I can draw a card from my Deck. If it's Rock-type monster, he gains 1000 ATK during battle. And it's a Rock-type. Now I play the spell "Living Fossil", when this card is activated, I can select 1 "Fossil Dragon" monster on my field and Special Summon 1 "Fossil Dragon" with the same name from my Deck, so I summon another "Fossil Dragon - Dugroth"(LV4/EARTH/Rock/Effect/ATK/1600 DEF/1000) Now I play "Polymerization", so I fuse my two "Fossil Dragon"(s) and Fusion Summon "Fossil Dragon - Skelgor"(LV6/EARTH/Rock/Fusion/Effect/ATK/2400 DEF/1200) and when he's summoned, I discard 3 Rock-type monsters from my Deck and he gains 200 ATK for each Rock-type monster in my Graveyard and I count 5. (2400 + 200 x 5 = 3400 ATK) Now "Fossil Dragon - Skelgor" destroy his "Death Hero Necroslave". (S.D.K.: LP 6600) (S.D.K. counters: I activate the trap "Death Draw" when this card is activated, if a "Death Hero" monster was destroyed by battle, I can draw cards from my Deck equal to the level of the destroyed "Death Hero", so I draw 6 cards. (S.D.K.: Hand: 6) I play 1 card face-down and end my turn.


Brad/ 3 cards/ LP 8000

S.D.K./ 6 cards/ LP 6600


S.D.K.: Turn 3

I draw. I play another "Devil Fusion", so I fuse "Elemental Hero Avian"(LV3/WIND/Warrior/ATK/1000 DEF/1000) with "Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude"(LV4/DARK/Warrior/Effect/ATK/1400 DEF/1600) to Fusion Summon "Death Hero Crystal Monarch"(LV7/DARK/Warrior/Fusion/Effect/ATK/2400 DEF/2000) Now I activate its effect, once per turn, I can flip over the top card of my Deck. If it's a spell, I gain 500 LP, if it's not a spell, it switches to Defense Position, so I draw. (S.D.K.: Hand: 5) And it's a spell card, so I gain 500 LP. (S.D.K.: LP 7100) Next, I activate the spell "O - Oversoul", so I can Special Summon 1 Normal "Elemental Hero" monster from my Graveyard, so I Special Summon "Elemental Hero Avian"(LV3/WIND/Warrior/ATK/1000 DEF/1000) Now I sacrifice him to summon "Evil Hero Malicious Edge"(LV7/EARTH/Fiend/Effect/ATK/2600 DEF/1800) Thanks to Edge's effect, he can be summoned with only 1 tribute. Now "Evil Hero Malicious Edge" destroy his "Fossil Dragon - Skulgor". (Brad: LP 7800) (Brad counters: I activate the Continuous Trap "Adament Guardian", when this card is activated, it becomes a monster and is put into my Monster Zone. (LV4/EARTH/Rock/Effect/ATK/0 DEF/2500) In that case, "Death Hero Crystal Monarch" attack his "Adament Guardian". (Brad says: Wait a minute! "Adament Guardian"(s) DEF are higher than your monsters ATK. It can't be destroyed.) Hmph. Look again. (S.D.K.: LP 6900) (Brad says: That's impossible. "Adament Guardian" was stronger.) Thanks to "Death Hero Crystal Monarch"(s) effect, if it attacks a monster whose DEF are higher than that of its ATK, it is automatically destroyed, but as you can already see, I still take damage. (Brad counters: I activate "Adament Guardian"(s) effect, when he's destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon 1 LV4 or lower Rock-type monster from my Graveyard, so come on back "Fossil Dragon - Dugroth"(LV4/EARTH/Rock/Effect/ATK/1600 DEF/1000) I activate another "Double Summon", so I summon "Death Spirit Searon"(LV3/DARK/Spirit/Effect/ATK/600 DEF/800) (Rein says: Great. He summoned the dark version of "Chaos Spirit Searon" and if what Nick told me them was right...) "Death Spirit Searon" gains 300 ATK for each Spell & Trap card in your Graveyard and since there's 3, he gains 900 ATK. (900 + 600 = 1500 ATK) Next, I activate the spell "Trap Reproduction", when this card activates, I can select a Trap Card from my Graveyard and add it to my hand. (S.D.K.: Hand: 1) I play 1 card face-down and end my turn.


Brad/ 3 cards/ LP 7800

S.D.K./ 0 cards/ LP 6900


Brad: Turn 4

I draw. (Brad thinks: Look's like he threw down his "Death Draw" trap again. Great, I have nothing in my hand to stop it. Wait a minute. Yes! Okay let's see if it'll work.) First, I activate "Fossil Dragon - Dugroth"(s) effect, so I draw. (Brad: Hand: 5) And it's a Rock-type. Next, I summon "Fossil Dragon - Groudan"(LV4/EARTH/Rock/Effect/ATK/1500 DEF/1400) When he attacks, he gains 400 ATK during battle for each Rock-type monster in my Graveyard. Now "Fossil Dragon - Dugroth" destroy his "Death Hero Crystal Monarch". And remember, since I drew a Rock-type monster, he gains 1000 ATK during battle. (1600 + 1000 = 2600 ATK) (S.D.K.: LP 6700) (S.D.K. counters: I activate the trap "Death Draw".) I activate the Quick-Play Spell "Dust to Ashes", when this card is activated, I can negate your "Death Draw"(s) effect and destroy it, then I can Special Summon 1 Rock-type monster from my Deck, so I summon "Fossil Dragon - Mountar"(LV4/EARTH/Rock/Effect/ATK/1500 DEF/1000) (S.D.K. says: But since you put another Spell card in your Graveyard, "Death Spirit Searon" gets stronger. (1500 + 300 = 1800 ATK) Now "Fossil Dragon - Groudan" destroy "Evil Hero Malicious Edge" and thanks to his effect, since there are 5 Rock-type monsters in my Graveyard, he gains 2000 ATK during battle. (2000 + 1500 = 3500 ATK) (S.D.K.: LP 5800) Since your "Death Spirit Searon" is stronger than my "Fossil Dragon - Mountar", I can't attack anymore. (S.D.K. says: Hmm.) But I can do this! I activate "Prehistoric Fusion", when this card activates, I can send 2 or more Rock-type monsters to my Graveyard to Special Summon 1 Fusion Rock-type monster from my Fusion/Extra Deck, so I send "Fossil Dragon - Dugroth", "Fossil Dragon - Groudan", and "Fossil Dragon - Mountar" to Fusion Summon "Fossil Dragon Knight - Carnicerus"(LV9/EARTH/Rock/Effect/ATK/2700 DEF/2200) I end my turn.


"Alright, enough of this." said Brad. "Tell me what you did with my cousin right now! And tell me why you destroyed all those villages! Why?!"


"Why you ask?" said the S.D.K. "(laughs) Because I wanted to. I wanted to people to fear me, serve me, and obey my every command. And with the power of darkness and the fiends that serve me, I can do just that without even trying."


"You're... You're inhuman!" yelled Brad.


Just then a portal came from behind Brad and out came Kuro.


"What's wrong, boy?" asked Brad.


Then Kuro ran at Haou and rubbed his head on his leg.


"What the...?" said Brad.


Then Haou petted him on the head.


"Good boy, Kuro." said the S.D.K.


"Wait a minute." said Rein. "Kuro is only that friendly whenever Nick is around. (gasps)"


"Unless..." said Brad just now realizing it. "Then that means..."


"The Supreme Devil King is no stranger." said the S.D.K. "To you or to anyone." said the S.D.K. in a familiar voice.


Haou then put his whole hand on his helmet and crushed on it until it broke into little pieces. His hand still covered his face, then he moved his hand and revealed his face.


"N... No way." said Brad. "It... It can't be you."


"Indeed it is me, Brad." said the S.D.K.


"It's... Nick." said Rein.


"Yes! It is true. I am most definitly alive." said SDK. Nick. "And once I defeat you, once I defeat all of you, there will be no one left to stand in my way from ruling this world! (laughs maniaclly) Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"




Card of the Day: "Death Hero Crystal Monarch"



[spoiler=Chapter 24]Previously


("Alright, enough of this." said Brad. "Tell me what you did with my cousin right now! And tell me why you destroyed all those villages! Why?!")


("(laughs) Because I wanted to." said the S.D.K. "I wanted to people to fear me, serve me, and obey my every command. And with the power of darkness and the fiends that serve me, I can do just that without even trying.")


("N... No way." said Brad. "It... It can't be you.")


("It's... Nick." said Rein.)


("Yes! It is true. I am most definitly alive." said SDK. Nick. "And once I defeat you, once I defeat all of you, there will be no one left to stand in my way from ruling this world! (laughs maniaclly) Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!")


The story continues:


"Nick... Snap out of it!" yelled Brad. "You're being controlled!"


"There's no way you can reach him." said SDK. Nick. "Nick and I are two wandering spirits that control this vessel, but my spirit proved to be victorious. Now I shall continue with the Duel."


Brad/ 3 cards/ LP 7800

SDK. Nick/ 0 cards/ LP 5800


SDK. Nick: Turn 5

I draw. Now I Special Summon "Death Hero Necroslave"(LV6/DARK/Warrior/Effect/ATK/2000 DEF/1600) (Brad says: What?!) Since he was destroyed by battle, he is Special Summoned back to my field when 2 turns have passed. Now I activate the spell "Level Draw", so I pay 500 LP (SDK. Nick: LP 5300) and select 1 monster on the field and draw cards equal to half the level of the selected monster, so I choose "Fossil Dragon Knight - Carnicerus", so I draw 4 cards. (SDK. Nick: Hand: 4) Next I play the spell "Gift of Forgiveness", so I pay 1000 LP (SDK. Nick: LP 4300) and you discard 3 cards from your hand (Brad: Hand: 0) while I draw 3 cards from my Deck. (SDK. Nick: Hand: 6) Now I activate the spell "Double Cost", when this card is activated, I can select 1 monster on my side of the field and the selected monster is treated as 2 tributes, so I select "Death Hero Necroslave". Now I tribute "Death Hero Necroslave" to summon a monster all of you know too well. I summon "Zeo The Death Warrior"(LV7/DARK/Warrior/Effect/ATK/2500 DEF/2200) (Rein says: It's Zeo's dark half! (in thought) I wonder what effect this one has?) Now I activate his effect, once per turn, I can Special Summon 1 "Devil Token"(LV7/DARK/Fiend/Token/ATK/2500 DEF/2000) to your side of the field. Next, I shall play the Field Spell "Death Valley" (Brad says: This place... It's like deserted wasteland.) Well what do you think. This place is the home for all "Death Heroes" and "Death Spirits". Now thanks to "Zeo The Death Warrior"(s) effect, he gains 1000 ATK while "Death Valley" is on the field. (2500 + 1000 = 3500 ATK) Next, I activate the spell "Dreadful Reunion", when this card is activated, I can Special Summon up to 3 "Death Hero" monsters from my Graveyard, ignoring their summoning conditions, so I Special Summon back "Death Hero Necroslave"(LV6/DARK/Warrior/Fusion/Effect/ATK/2000 DEF/1600) and "Death Hero Crystal Monarch"(LV7/DARK/Warrior/Fusion/Effect/ATK/2400 DEF/2000) Now I activate "Death Hero Crystal Monarch"(s) effect, so I draw. (SDK. Nick: Hand: 3) and it's a spell card, so I gain 500 LP. (SDK. Nick: LP 4800) Now I equip "Zeo The Death Warrior" with "Double-edged Axe Sword", once equipped to a monster on the field, the equipped monster on the field gains 1000 ATK. (3500 + 1000 = 4500 ATK) Now "Death Hero Crystal Monarch" destroy his "Fossil Dragon Knight - Carnicerus" and in case you've noticed, thanks to the effects of "Death Valley", "Death Hero" monsters gain 1000 ATK during battle. (2400 + 1000 = 3400 ATK) (Brad counters: Now "Fossil Dragon Knight - Carnicerus"(s) effect activates, when he attacks or is attacked, he gains 200 ATK during battle for every Rock-type monster in my Graveyard. And by my count, that makes 8, so he gains 1600 ATK. (2700 + 1600 = 4300 ATK) (SDK. Nick: LP 3900) (Brad says: Wait. How come "Death Hero Crystal Monarch" wasn't destroyed?) Thanks to "Dreadful Reunion", "Death Hero" monsters cannot be destroyed by battle on the turn they were Special Summoned. And since your monster's power-up is lower than "Zeo The Death Warrior"(s) ATK, "Zeo The Death Warrior" destroy that old relic. (Brad counters: "Fossil Dragon Knight - Carnicerus"(s) effect activates. (2700 + 1600 = 4300 ATK) It's still not enough. (Brad: LP 7600) Now "Death Hero Necroslave" destroy his "Devil Token". (2000 + 1000 = 3000 ATK) (Brad: LP 7100) Now "Death Spirit Searon" attack him directly. (Brad: LP 5300) (Brad says: Hey, what's that on "Zeo"(s) sword?) A Blade Counter. Whenever a monster destroys a monster while equipped with "Double-edged Axe Sword", it gets 1 Blade Counter on it. (BC:1) I play 1 card face-down and end my turn.


("Nick, I will free you from Haou's control." thought Brad.)


Brad/ 0 cards/ LP 5300

SDK. Nick/ 1 card/ LP 3900

Field: "Death Valley"


Brad: Turn 6

I draw. I play the spell "Archaelogical Draw", when this card is activated, I can draw cards from my Deck equal to the number of Rock-type monsters in my Graveyard, so I draw 9 cards. (Brad: Hand: 9) Next, I play the spell "Hammer Shot", so I can destroy the monster with the highest ATK power on the field, so good-bye "Zeo". (SDK. Nick counters: "Double-edged Axe Sword"(s) effect activates, when this card is removed from the field and sent to the Graveyard, it returns to my hand and when the Blade Counters are removed from this card, you take 500 points of damage for each Blade Counter removed. (SDK. Nick: Hand: 2) (Brad: LP 4800) Next, I activate the Field Spell "Sunrise Mountain", so say good-bye to "Death Valley". (SDK. Nick says: Heh. Look again.) What happened? Why didn't "Death Valley" go away? (Rein says: It's his Duel Disk's mechanism, meaning you need to activate 2 Field Spells to get rid of 1.) Dang. Oh well. I activate "Sunrise Mountain"(s) effect, once per turn, I can Special Summon 1 LV4 or below Rock-type monster from my Graveyard, so I Special Summon "Fossil Dragon - Dugroth"(LV4/EARTH/Rock/Effect/ATK/1600 DEF/1000) Now by tributing "Fossil Dragon - Dugroth" and by removing 2 Rock-type monsters from my Graveyard from play, I Special Summon "Doutonryuu, The Fossil Serpent"(LV8/EARTH/Rock/Effect/ATK/3200 DEF/2100) Now I activate its effect, when he's Special Summoned successfully, I can destroy 2 monsters on your side of the field and Special Summon 2 monsters from your Graveyard, so I destroy both "Death Hero Necroslave" and "Death Hero Crystal Monarch" and Special Summon them back to my field. (ATK: 2000) (ATK: 2400) (SDK. Nick says: You forgot about "Death Spirit Searon"(s) effect, since 2 more spell cards were sent to the Graveyard, he gains 600 more ATK. (1800 + 600 = 2400 ATK) That's just enough to wipe you out. (SDK. Nick says: What?!) Thanks to "Sunrise Mountain"(s) effect, whenever a Rock-type monster destroys a monster and sends it to the Graveyard, the ATK come out of your LP. Now "Doutonryuu" destroy "Death Spirit Searon" (SDK. Nick: LP 3100) Now "Sunrise Mountain"(s) effect activates. (SDK. Nick: LP 700) Now all of my monsters free Nick from Haou's control! (SDK. Nick thinks: No! This can't happen. I WON'T LET IT!!) It's over Haou. Nick is now free. Huh? (SDK. Nick: LP 350) WHAT?!! But how? (SDK. Nick says: Heh, heh, heh, heh. (laughs maniacally) Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! I activated my trap card at the last minute. The trap "Anihilation Barrier", by paying half of my LP, all Battle Damage and Effect Damage are reduced to 0, but only during the Battle Phase) No. It can't be. Wait. I still have a chance to beat you next turn. First, I activate te spell "Mudslide", so you take 300 points of damage for each Rock-type monster on my field. (SDK. Nick: LP 50) (Brad thinks: Just one more attack and Nick will be free.) I play 1 card face down and end my turn.


Then something happened to Haou.


"(grunting) No... I'm not letting you out." said SDK. Nick.


"You don't have a choice of the matter, do you?" said a voice.


"(gasps) That voice." said Brad. "Nick is that you?"


Haou's left eye turned into Nick's original eye.


"Great. I'm only able to take over half of my body." said Nick in a distorted voice. "Oh well. Brad, everyone listen. You have to save Haou."


"What?!" yelled Brad. "After what he did to you?!"


"It's not his fault." said Nick. "I don't have much time. Just win this Duel and I'll explain in time. Hurry, Brad. Hurry!" said Nick as he faded away.


"(grunts) Now that that nuisance is out of the way, let us end this Duel." said SDK. Nick.


Brad/ 4 cards/ LP 4800

SDK. Nick/ 2 cards/ LP 50

Field: "Death Valley" & "Sunrise Mountain"


SDK. Nick: Turn 7

I DRAW! Finally. The time has come, but first I play the spell "Spell Reproduction", so I return "Devil Fusion" from my Graveyard to my hand. (SDK. Nick: Hand: 3) Now I play "Devil Fusion", so I fuse "Elemental Hero Sparkman"(LV4/LIGHT/Warrior/ATK/1600 DEF/1400) and "Destiny Hero - Double Dude"(LV6/DARK/Warrior/Effect/ATK/1000 DEF/1000) from my Deck to Fusion Summon "Death Hero Twin Lightning"(LV7/DARK/Warrior/Fusion/Effect/ATK/2300 DEF/2000) You've served your purpose here, mortal. The Darkness shall have no further use of you. I activate the Continuous Spell "Immortal Polymerization" (Brad says: Immortal... Polymerization?) The Ultimate card that ever existed is now in my hands. Now I'll use it to fuse "Death Hero Twin Lightning" with "Death Hero Necroslave" and "Death Hero Crystal Monarch" thanks to its effect that allows me to fuse monster from either side of the field. Now I Fusion Summon "Death Hero Immortal Kaiser"(LV10/DARK/Warrior/Fusion/Effect/ATK/???? DEF/????) "Death Hero Immortal Kaiser"(s) ATK are the combined amount of ATK of the monsters used to Fusion Summon it. (2400 + 2300 + 2000 = 6700 ATK) Now I activate his other effect, by putting my entire hand in my Deck, I can destroy all cards you control on your field! (Brad says: NO!) Now is the time to end this. "Death Hero Immortal Kaiser" destroy him with "End of Humanity"!


"NIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!!!!!!" screamed Brad with agony.


Brad: LP 0/ Defeated

SDK. Nick: LP 50/ Winner


"Nick. I'm sorry. I failed you." said Brad as he faded away.


"BRAD!" yelled Rein. "What did you do to him?!"


"I did nothing of the sort." said SDK. Nick. "It was the Darkness. I guess Nick didn't tell you that if a human loses here, their soul is trapped inside their most cherished card."


Brad's soul card fell to the ground and his card was "Doutonryuu, The Fossil Serpent". The floated in the air and flew into Haou's hands.


"I'll keep this as a reminder of those who dare to oppose me." said SDK. Nick.


"Shall we take them as prisoners, your majesty?" asked D. Hydroc.


"No." said SDK. Nick. "Let them cling to their pathetic lives."


"(growls) You..." growled Rein. "Everyone get out of here now!"


Everyone fled into the woods, including Rein who looked back.


"Awaiting orders for your next attack, your majesty." said D. Hydroc.


"Very well then." said SDK. Nick. "After all, I am the Supreme Devil King. The one who will recreate this world anew! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"


Rein still looked back while running and thought this thought.


("Don't worry, Nick and Brad. We'll all get you back. Even if we die trying!" thought Rein.)


Card of the Day: "Immortal Polymerization"




It appears the gang has now suffered 4 great losses. Nick, Z, Yubel, and now Brad. What will become of the group now? "Next Chapter!" Haou goes hunting for a certain all powerful dragon in another dimension, but in order to defeat the dragon he must defeat its five great warriors. Will the dragon come out alive, or will it also become a slave to Haou's reign? Find out next time. Until then, KEEP ON DUELING!!

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Here's Chapter 25 everyone. Enjoy.


[spoiler=Chapter 25]Previously:


("Now is the time to end this." said SDK. Nick. "Death Hero Immortal Kaiser" destroy him with "End of Humanity"!")


("NIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!!!" screamed Brad in agony. (Brad: LP 0)


("I failed you." said Brad as he faded away and transformed into his most cherished card.)


("I'll keep this as a reminder of those who dare to oppose me." said SDK. Nick.)


(("Don't worry, Nick and Brad. We'll all get you back. Even if we die trying!" thought Rein.))


The story continues:


Meanwhile at Haou's castle...


"My plan to take over the dimension is going perfectly." said SDK. Nick.


Then a head of a dark figure appeared behind him.


"It's not done yet, Haou." said a voice.


"What business have you here, Dark one?" asked SDK. Nick.


"I'm here to inform you of the monster you are searching for." said the Dark one.


"Have you found it?" asked SDK. Nick.


"Indeed, your majesty." said the Dark one. "It is located in the Molten Destruction Dimension. Here is your portal to it."


A giant portal opened showing the dimension.


"I know you have the power to transport to any dimension if you have their card, but take this portal as a "You're welcome" gift for telling you that Nick was in the Duel Monster Realm." said the Dark one.


"Hmph." said SDK. Nick. "You're lucky I don't have the "Molten Destruction" Field Spell with me at this moment. Begone now."


"Yes, your majesty." said the Dark one as her head dispersed.


The Dark one's head disappeared and meanwhile where the Dark one is...


"Ignorant little troll." said the Dark one. "I doubt he's forgotten who made him this way."


Meanwhile in the woods of Death Valley...


"Now we lost Brad, too." said a boy.


"Calm down." said Rein. "We'll get them back. I promise you."


"How are we going to do that, Rein?" whispered Alice.


"Since Haou's got an army, we'll need an army as well." whispered Rein. "I'm gonna find people who escaped the destruction of their villages and see if they want to join us in our fight to get Nick and the others back."


"How do you know if they say yes?" whispered Alice.


"If not, then there's only one solution, dueling them." whispered Rein. "I know if a human loses here, their soul gets trapped in side their most cherished card, but I think I found a way around that. What if the Duel ends in a tie?"


"I guess that might work." whispered Alice. "Okay I trust you."


Alice kissed Rein on the cheek and he blushed a little. (quote: That's all he's gonna get 'til later on in the story.)


"Umm..." said Rein all embarassed. "(coughs) There's nothing to see here. Move along."


Meanwhile Haou rounded some of his soldiers and entered the portal to Molten Destruction. Haou then spots the dragon.


"I finally found you." said SDK. Nick. "The Five God Dragon."


"What is it that you wish?" asked the F.G.D.


"I want you to obey me for all eternity." said SDK. Nick.


"And what gives you the right to order me?" said the F.G.D.


"If you don't, then I shall have no choice but to use force." said SDK. Nick.


"A duel?" asked the F.G.D. "Very well, but as you can see, I am not suited for handling a Duel Disk, therefore, I shall summon from my entire being my five legendary warriors."


Then 5 elemental lights came out from F.G.D. chest and landed on the ground forming human-shaped warriors.


"I am Katon." said Katon.


"I am Suiton." said Suiton.


"I am Doton." said Doton.


"I am Futon." said Futon.


"And I am Raiton." said Raiton.


"So it's 5 against 1." said SDK. Nick. "And if you so lose, your spirit shall be sealed within your card."


"Shall we begin?" said the F.G.D.


"Right." said SDK. Nick.



SDK. Nick/ 5 cards/ LP 8000

Katon/ 5 cards/ LP 4000

Suiton/ 5 cards/ LP 4000

Doton/ 5 cards/ LP 4000

Futon/ 5 cards/ LP 4000

Raiton/ 5 cards/ LP 4000


Katon: Turn 1

I draw. I summon myself, "Katon"(LV4/FIRE/Warrior/Effect/ATK/1000 DEF/1000) And thanks to my Special ability, all FIRE monsters on the field gain 1000 ATK, including myself. (1000 + 1000 = 2000 ATK) Next, I Special Summon "Flame Spirit Dragon"(LV5/FIRE/Dragon/Effect/ATK/1600 DEF/1500) If there is a face-up "Katon" on the field, this card is Special Summoned from my hand. Now I activate its effect, once per turn, I can equip this card to "Katon" and while equipped to him, he gains an extra 1000 ATK. (2000 + 1000 = 3000 ATK) I play 1 card face-down and end my turn. (Katon says: (telepathically) Does everyone have the trap card in their hands?) (Everyones says: (telepathically) Yes, sir.) (Katon says: (telepathically) Excellent. This will all be over when it comes to his turn Master F.G.D.) (F.G.D. says: (telepathically) Very good, Katon. I wouldn't expect less from my best tactician.)


SDK. Nick/ 5 cards/ LP 8000

Katon/ 3 cards/ LP 4000

Suiton/ 5 cards/ LP 4000

Doton/ 5 cards/ LP 4000

Futon/ 5 cards/ LP 4000

Raiton/ 5 cards/ LP 4000


Suiton: Turn 2

I draw. I summon "Suiton"(LV4/WATER/Warrior/Effect/ATK/1000 DEF/1000) And thanks to my Special ability, all WATER monsters on the field gain 1000 ATK, including myself. (1000 + 1000 = 2000 ATK) Next, I Special Summon "Ocean Spirit Dragon"(LV5/WATER/Dragon/Effect/ATK/1600 DEF/1500) If "Suiton" is face-up on the field, I can Special Summon this card. Now I activate its effect, once per turn, I can equip this card to "Suiton" and she gets an extra 1000 ATK as well. (2000 + 1000 = 3000 ATK) I play 1 card face-down and end my turn.


SDK. Nick/ 5 cards/ LP 8000

Katon/ 3 cards/ LP 4000

Suiton/ 3 cards/ LP 4000

Doton/ 5 cards/ LP 4000

Futon/ 5 cards/ LP 4000

Raiton/ 5 cards/ LP 4000


Doton: Turn 3

I draw. I summon "Doton"(LV4/EARTH/Warrior/Effect/ATK/1000 DEF/1000) And thanks to my effect, all EARTH monsters gain 1000 ATK, including me. (1000 + 1000 = 2000 ATK) Next, I Special Summon "Mountain Spirit Dragon"(LV5/EARTH/Dragon/Effect/ATK/1600 DEF/1500) If "Doton" is on the field, I can Special Summon this card. Now I activate its effect, once per turn, I can equip this card to "Doton", so he gains 1000 more ATK. (2000 + 1000 = 3000 ATK) I play 1 card face-down and end my turn.


SDK. Nick/ 5 cards/ LP 8000

Katon/ 3 cards/ LP 4000

Suiton/ 3 cards/ LP 4000

Doton/ 3 cards/ LP 4000

Futon/ 5 cards/ LP 4000

Raiton/ 5 cards/ LP 4000


Futon: Turn 4

I draw. I summon "Futon"(LV4/WIND/Warrior/Effect/ATK/1000 DEF/1000) And thanks to my effect, all WIND monsters gain 1000 ATK, including me. (1000 + 1000 = 2000 ATK) Next, I Special Summon "Storm Spirit Dragon"(LV5/WIND/Dragon/Effect/ATK/1600 DEF/1500) If "Doton" is on the field, I can Special Summon this card. Now I activate its effect, once per turn, I can equip this card to "Futon", so he gains 1000 more ATK. (2000 + 1000 = 3000 ATK) I play 1 card face-down and end my turn.


SDK. Nick/ 5 cards/ LP 8000

Katon/ 3 cards/ LP 4000

Suiton/ 3 cards/ LP 4000

Doton/ 3 cards/ LP 4000

Futon/ 3 cards/ LP 4000

Raiton/ 5 cards/ LP 4000


Raiton: Turn 5

I draw. I summon "Raiton"(LV4/LIGHT/Warrior/Effect/ATK/1000 DEF/1000) And thanks to my effect, all LIGHT monsters gain 1000 ATK, including myself. (1000 + 1000 = 2000 ATK) Next, I Special Summon "Shining Spirit Dragon"(LV5/LIGHT/Dragon/Effect/ATK/1600 DEF/1500) If "Raiton" is on the field, I can Special Summon this card. Now I activate its effect, once per turn, I can equip this card to "Raiton", so he gains 1000 more ATK. (2000 + 1000 = 3000 ATK) I play 1 card face-down and end my turn.


"Good. If any of your turns were longer, I would've died on the spot." said SDK. Nick. "And what's so special about those dragons of yours?"


"These dragons represent the spirit of our lord and master." said Katon. "They are our companions for justice and our partners for ridding this world of darkness and evil like you."


"Heh. (sarcastic) That was so sweet." said SDK. Nick. "(not sarcastic) But your dragons and your master shall fall before the Darkness and me."


"(telepathically) On my signal." said Katon telepathically.


SDK. Nick/ 5 cards/ LP 8000

Katon/ 3 cards/ LP 4000

Suiton/ 3 cards/ LP 4000

Doton/ 3 cards/ LP 4000

Futon/ 3 cards/ LP 4000

Raiton/ 3 cards/ LP 4000


SDK. Nick: Turn 6

I draw. (Katon says: NOW!!) (Everyone says: I activate the trap "Assault of Justice", when this card is activated, our monsters can attack even if it's not our turn. Now everyone attack him directly!) (Katon says: This will end you reign of terror!) (SDK. Nick says: Fools. I activate the Quick-Play Spell "Death Fusion", by paying half of my LP (SDK. Nick: LP 4000) I can select 1 "Death Hero" Fusion Monster from my Fusion Deck and send the monsters listed on the selected "Death Hero" from my field, Deck, or hand to the Graveyard and Special Summon the selected Fusion "Death Hero" from the Fusion Deck, then the selected "Death Hero" monsters' ATK are doubled until the End Phase of the turn, so I select "Death Hero Mountain Golem"(LV8/DARK/Warrior/Fusion/Effect/ATK/2500 DEF/2800), then I send "Elemental Hero Clayman"(LV4/EARTH/Warrior/ATK/800 DEF/2000) and "Destiny Hero - Captain Tenacious"(LV3/DARK/Warrior/Effect/ATK/800 DEF/800) to the Graveyard, so I can Fusion Summon "Death Hero Mountain Golem"(LV8/DARK/Warrior/Fusion/Effect/ATK/2500 DEF/2800) Now its ATK power doubles (2500 x 2 = 5000 ATK) And since you can't stop your attack thanks to your traps effect, you'll have no choice but to sacrifice your own selves. (Katon says: NOO!!!) (Everyone: LP 2000) (F.G.D. says: Worry not my warriors. You're not defeated yet.) You say that, but you don't realize I have already won this duel! I summon "Evil Hero Infernal Gainer(LV4/EARTH/Fiend/Effect/ATK/1600 DEF/0) And I equip him with "Double-edged Axe Sword" giving him 1000 ATK. (1600 + 1000 = 2600 ATK) Now I activate the spell "Multiple Attack" I can select 1 monster on my field and that monster can attack as many times equal to half of its level and I choose "Death Hero Mountain Golem", so it can attack 4 times. Don't you see? No can stop the Darkness. I am the shadow that lurks in the night. The thing tat haunts every corner of your minds. I am Darkness! "Death Hero Mountain Golem" and "Evil Hero Infernal Gainer" attack and claim my prize! (F.G.D. says: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!)


SDK. Nick: LP 4000/ Winner

Katon: LP 0/ Defeated

Suiton: LP 0/ Defeated

Doton: LP 0/ Defeated

Futon: LP 0/ Defeated

Raiton: LP 0/ Defeated


The elemental lights blasted right back in the F.G.D. and then the F.G.D. shined into light and transformed into its card and floated into Haou's hand.


"They say you're the most powerful dragon ever to exist, but from what I just saw, I think you need a little... (deep demon voice) Motivation." said SDK. Nick as he uses his powers.


A dark, black aura emitting from Haou's hands surrounded F.G.D.'s card and the spirit of the card was painfully hurting from it until, he was finally under Haou's control. Meanwhile in Death Valley, Haou came back and a beam of dark light shot upwards from Haou's castle tower and when it stopped, out came Haou.


"Hear me, Death Valley!" yelled SDK. Nick.


Rein and the others were watching.


"Nick... No. Haou." said Rein.


"My plan on achieving Ultimate Power has now been accomplished!" yelled SDK. Nick. "For now I have complete control of the F.G.D.!"


Rein and the gang were shocked and surprised.


"N... No... Way." said Rein.


"He took down the most powerful dragon in the game?" said Cody.


"There's... No stopping him now." said Alice all disappointed.


"Nick." said Rachel tearing up.


("This is not you, Nick." thought Kris. "Where are you in there? Where's the little brother that I know and love inside that monster?!")


Inside Haou's subconcious...


("Haou... I will save you from her control. I swear it!" thought Nick.)


"As for the humans and the resistance who dare to oppose me, I hereby declare war against those who dare to make an attempt to stop me! And those who even try to rebel against me, they shall face the all-powerful might of the SUPREME DEVIL KING!!!" yelled SDK. Nick.


"All hail the Supreme Devil King! All hail the Supreme Devil King! All hail the Supreme Devil King! All hail the Supreme Devil King!" chanted the Darkwing fiends from below.


Rein looked angry and furious of what Haou has done. His eyes were flaming with anger and hate against him, but even in his eyes, he never gave up hope. For he and the gang had one mission and one mission only. They have friends they need to save.


"If it's a war you want Haou, IT'S A WAR YOU'RE GONNA GET!!!" yelled Rein.


Card of the Day: "Death Hero Mountain Golem"




You heard them. This isn't just a rescue mission anymore. This is now an all-out war! "Next Chapter"! Rein and the others found the tunnels of where the resistance hide and Rein thought that maybe they might help them with getting Nick, Brad, Yubel, and Z back. The leader of the resistance did not trust them, so he challenged Rein to a Duel. Will Rein and the others get new allies, or will they have to go at it alone? Find out next time. Until then, KEEP ON DUELING!!

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Here's Chapter 26 everyone. Enjoy.


[spoiler=Chapter 26]After hearing Haou's message throughout the land, the gang jumped into action, so they went off to find the resistance along with the other students. And then...


"Whoa!" said Cody as he fell.


"You okay?" asked Rein.


"Yeah. I tripped on something." said Cody. "Huh? Hey, look at this."


"A secret door." said Rein.


Rein and Cody both pulled the chain attached to the door and it opened and everyone went inside and closed the door.


"Where are we?" asked Rachel.


"It looks like a tunnel and it might have secret passageways if we look around." said Rein.


Then a voice shouted...


"Go, "Celestia, Lightsworn Angel"!" shouted a voice as it summoned a monster.


"Look out! Go "Elemental Hero Neos"!" yelled Cody as he summoned Neos.


("Neos?" thought the voice.) "Wait, stop! Forgive me. I thought you were one of those Phantom Darkwing monsters." said the voice.


"That's okay." said Rein. "Hey, are you part of the resistance?"


"Yes, I am. My name is Ehren. I am one of the Lightsworn people." said Ehren.


"Nice to meet you." said Rein. "Can you take us to your leader?"


"Yes, of course." said Ehren as she showed everyone where the resistance is.


Everyone followed Ehren to the giant area of the tunnel where they met up with the leader and the rest of the resistance.


"Ehren, what is the meaning of this?!" yelled a voice. "Bringing unknown people to this place. They could be enemy spies."


"I..." said Ehren all scared. "Master Garoth they're not enemy spies. I assure you."


"You're still too naive!" said Garoth as he raised his hand.


Garoth was going in to hit Ehren, until Rein blocked him and punched him in the jaw making him fall.


"(grunts)" said Garoth. "Why you..."


"Instead of trying to hit your subordinate, shouldn't you be focusing on the problem at hand?!" yelled Rein.


"How do I know that you're not just some Darkwing monster using a spell to hide your true face?!" asked Garoth.


"Fine. Since you can't trust me, I'll just convince you." said Rein as he took out his Duel Disk. "I'll make a deal. We duel and if I should win, I should gain your trust and you let us help you in this war to take down Haou."


"(smiles) Heh. Very well." said Garoth. "And if I should win, then..."


"Then no one else but me gets to become your prisoner." said Rein.


Everybody was shocked at what Rein said. Especially Cody, Rachel, and Alice.


"But dude..." said Cody.


"I'll be fine." said Rein. "Just remember, we're here to rescue Nick and the others. Besides, this is what Nick would've done for everyone."


"(sighs) Alright." said Cody. "Go get him, Rein!"


"Enough talk!" yelled Garoth as he readied his Duel Disk. "Let us begin."



Rein/ 5 cards/ LP 8000

Garoth/ 5 cards/ LP 8000/ Deck: 75


Rein: Turn 1

I draw. I play the spell "Lunar Call", this card lets me Special Summon 2 LV4 or lower "Lunar" monsters from my hand, Deck, or Graveyard, so I Special Summon from my Deck "Lunar-Wolf-Hurricane"(LV4/WIND/Beast/Effect/ATK/1700 DEF/1200) in Attack Position and "Lunar-Werewolf-Gust"(LV4/WIND/Beast-Warrior/Effect/ATK/500 DEF/1950) in Defense Position. Next, I play the spell "Double Summon", so I can summon twice this turn, so I summon "Lunar-Swordsman-Tempest"(LV4/WIND/Warrior/Effect/ATK/1100 DEF/1000) and "Lunar-Wolf-Drought"(LV4/EARTH/Beast/Effect/ATK/1200 DEF/1700) And since they're all on the field, they all get their effects. (Garoth says: I see. So you're a Lunar Duelist then? And judging by how you summoned 4 "Lunar" creatures to the field, I must say you're quite skilled. However, I still think you're working for that demon Haou and you plan to tell him where the resistance is.) Guess I still have to convince you more, huh? I activate "Lunar-Werewolf-Gust"(s) effect, once per turn, I can return a monster on the field to the owner's hand, so I return him to my hand for later. (Rein: Hand: 3) I play 1 card face-down and end my turn.


Rein/ 2 cards/ LP 8000

Garoth/ 5 cards/ LP 8000/ Deck: 75


Garoth: Turn 2

I draw. I summon "Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid"(LV3/LIGHT/Beast-Warrior/Effect/ATK/1200 DEF/1800) Next, I play "Double Summon", so I can summon again. And I summon myself, "Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior"(LV4/LIGHT/Warrior/Effect/ATK/1850 DEF/1300) Now "Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior" destroy his "Lunar-Wolf-Drought". And since "Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior"(s) ATK are below 2000, your monster is destroyed. (Rein counters: Not quite. I activate the Continuous Trap "Lunar Barrier". First, this card negates your attack and second, by removing from play 1 "Lunar" monster in my Deck, the Battle Phase ends.) Smart move. Hiding behind some cresent moon. I play 1 card face-down and end my turn. Now the effects of "Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid" and "Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior" activate. "Aurkus"(s) effect lets me send the top 2 cards from my Deck to the Graveyard. (Deck: 72) And thanks to "Garoth"(s) effect, each time cards are sent from my Deck to the Graveyard by the effect of another "Lightsworn" monster, I can send another 2 card from the top of my Deck to the Graveyard. (Deck: 70) And I can draw 1 card for each "Lightsworn" monster sent to the Graveyard by this effect. And since there were 2, I draw 2 cards. (Garoth: Hand: 4/ Deck: 68) Now I Special Summon "Wulf, Lightsworn Beast"(LV4/LIGHT/Beast-Warrior/Effect/ATK/2100 DEF/300). Since he was sent from my Deck to my Graveyard, I can Special Summon him. Now onto your turn.


("He did all that on his End Phase?" thought Rein. "He must be a really skilled "Lightsworn" warrior.")


Rein/ 2 cards/ LP 8000

Garoth/ 4 cards/ LP 8000/ Deck: 68


Rein: Turn 3

I draw. (Rein thinks: This card is... Thanks man.) I activate the spell "Gift of Forgiveness". (Garoth says: I knew it! You are working for Haou!) No I'm not. To be honest, this card was given to me by a friend before he got captured by Haou. I'll never forget his sacrifice. Now "Gift of Forgiveness"(s) effect activates, by paying 1000 LP (Rein: LP 7000) you discard 3 cards (Garoth: Hand: 1) and I draw 3 cards. (Rein: Hand: 5) Now I play the Field Spell "Wolf Forest-Canis Paradise" Now all Beast-types, Beast-Warrior-types, and Warrior-types gain 200 ATK & DEF, including your "Lightsworn" monsters. ("Lunar-Wolf-Hurricane": 1700 + 200 = 1900 ATK/ 1200 + 200 = 1400 DEF) ("Lunar-Wolf-Drought": 1200 + 200 = 1400 ATK/ 1700 + 200 = 1900 DEF) ("Lunar-Swordsman-Tempest": 1100 + 200 = 1300 ATK/ 1000 + 200 = 1200 DEF) ("Aurkus": 1200 + 200 = 1400 ATK/ 1800 + 200 = 2000 DEF) ("Garoth": 1850 + 200 = 2050 ATK/ 1300 + 200 = 1500 DEF) ("Wulf": 2100 + 200 = 2300 ATK/ 300 + 200 = 500 DEF) Now I activate my field's effect, I tribute "Lunar-Wolf-Hurricane" and "Lunar-Swordsman-Tempest" to Fusion Summon "Lunar-Guardian-Tempest"(LV6/WIND/Beast-Warrior/Fusion/Effect/ATK/1900 DEF/2100) And he gets a power boost. (1900 + 200 = 2100 ATK/ 2100 + 200 = 2300 DEF) Now I activate his effect, once per turn, I can return 1 card on the field to the top of the owner's Deck, so I choose you spirit card "Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior". (Garoth: Deck: 69) Next, I play another "Double Summon", so I summon "Lunar-Werewolf-Sand"(LV4/EARTH/Beast-Warrior/Effect/ATK/1950 DEF/500) and "Elder Wolf"(LV4/LIGHT/Beast/Effect/ATK/800 DEF/800) They both get power boosts. (1950 + 200 = 2150 ATK/ 500 + 200 = 700 DEF) (800 + 200 = 1000 ATK/ 800 + 200 = 1000 DEF) Now I activate my field's effect again, so I tribute "Lunar-Wolf-Drought" and "Lunar-Werewolf-Sand" to Fusion Summon "Lunar-Guardian-Desert"(LV6/EARTH/Beast-Warrior/Fusion/Effect/ATK/2400 DEF/1600) And he gets a power boost. (2400 + 200 = 2600 ATK/ 1600 + 200 = 1800 DEF) Now "Elder Wolf"(s) effect activates, all Beast-type and Beast-Warrior-type monsters on my field gain 400 ATK & DEF except "Elder Wolf". ("Lunar-Guardian-Tempest": 2100 + 400 = 2500 ATK/ 2300 + 400 = 2700 DEF) ("Lunar-Guardian-Desert": 2600 + 400 = 3000 ATK/ 1800 + 400 = 2200 DEF) Now "Lunar-Guardian-Tempest" destroy his "Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid". (Garoth counters: I activate the Continuous Trap "Lightsworn Barrier" Now by discarding the top 2 cards in my Deck to the Graveyard, (Deck: 67) I can negate your attack.) In that case, "Lunar-Guardian-Desert" destroy his "Wulf, Lightsworn Beast". (Garoth counters: I can negate your attack again. (Deck: 65) Now I activate "Lunar-Guardian-Desert"(s) effect, once per turn, I can draw 1 card from my Deck. (Rein: Hand: 2) I end my turn.


Rein/ 2 cards/ LP 7000

Garoth/ 4 cards/ LP 8000/ Deck: 67

Field: "Wolf Forest-Canis Paradise"


Garoth: Turn 4

I draw. I know my spirit card was sent to the Graveyard so I could protect my monster, but there's always a way to bring him back. I summon "Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner"(LV3/LIGHT/Spellcaster/Effect/ATK/1000 DEF/1000) Now I activate her effect, once per turn, I can Special Summon 1 LV4 or lower "Lightsworn" monster from my Graveyard by discarding 1 card from my hand (Garoth: Hand: 3), so I Special Summon back myself "Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior"(LV4/LIGHT/Warrior/Effect/ATK/1850 DEF/1300) (Rein says: Big deal. I've seen enough of your ugly face already.) Why you despicable little... (grunts) I play 1 card face-down and end my turn. Now my "Lightsworn" monsters effects activate, "Aurkus" let's me discard 2 cards from the top of my Deck. (Deck: 62) "Garoth" lets me draw 1 card since a "Lightsworn" monster was discarded and lets me discard the top 2 cards of my Deck. (Garoth: Hand: 4/ Deck: 59) And "Lumina" lets me discard the top 3 cards of my Deck. (Deck: 56) And one of them was another "Lightsworn" monster, so "Garoth" allows me to draw another card. (Garoth: Hand: 5/ Deck: 55) (Garoth thinks: It's a small price to pay, but each card discarded gets me one step closer to drawing the mighty dragon.)


Rein/ 2 cards/ LP 7000

Garoth/ 5 cards/ LP 8000/ Deck: 55

Field: "Wolf Forest-Canis Paradise"


Rein: Turn 5

I draw. (Garoth counters: I activate the Continuous Trap "Glorius Illusion", when this card activates, I can Special Summon 1 "Lightsworn" monster from my Graveyard in face-up Attack Position, so I Special Summon "Celestia, Lightsworn Angel"(LV5/LIGHT/Fairy/Effect/ATK/2300 DEF/200) (Rein thinks: Man! It's no use what I do. We're both at a complete stalemate. Wait, this card is...)




("Hey Rein. If you're gonna duel one of the resistance, then take this card." said Cody.)


Rein acquired "Elemental Hero Wildedge".


("My Deck isn't just filled with Neo-Spacians." said Cody. "Oh and take this card too.")


("What's this card?" asked Rein. "I've never heard of it.")


("Nick created it to go great with my Elemental Heroes and I'm sure it'll go great with your Lunar Deck along with Wildedge." said Cody.)


The story continues:


Rein/ 3 cards/ LP 7000

Garoth/ 5 cards/ LP 8000/ Deck: 55

Field: "Wolf Forest-Canis Paradise"


Rein: Turn 5 (cont.)

(Rein thinks: Nick, you have card for any situation don't you? Alright, let's go!) I activate the spell "A Hero's Will", when this card is activated, I can select 1 monster on my field, then I can select 1 "Elemental Hero", "Destiny Hero", or "Evil Hero" in my Deck or Fusion/Extra Deck and the selected monster gains the selected "Elemental Hero", "Destiny Hero", or "Evil Hero"(s) effect until the end of the turn, so the monster I select is "Lunar-Guardian-Desert". (Garoth says: But you have no "Elemental Hero" monsters in your Deck.) Not in my Deck, but in my Fusion/Extra Deck, so I select "Elemental Hero Wildedge"(s)(LV8/EARTH/Warrior/Fusion/Effect/ATK/2600 DEF/2300) effect, which allows him to attack every monster on your side of the field. (Garoth says: No!) Now "Lunar-Guardian-Desert" (ATK: 3000) attack all of his monsters. (Garoth counters: I activate "Lightsworn Barrier"(s) effect, so I discard 8 cards to negate all of your attacks. (Deck: 43) Now "Lunar-Guardian-Desert" attack them again! (Garoth says: What?!) Just because you negated his attacks the first time, it doesn't mean "Elemental Hero Wildedge"(s) effect stops there. (Garoth counters: Then I discard 8 more cards. (Deck: 35) Keep attacking, "Lunar-Guardian-Desert". (Garoth counters: You won't get through! (Deck: 27) We'll see! Attack! (Garoth counters: We'll see indeed! (Deck: 19) (Garoth thinks: No! One of the cards I discarded was the mighty "Judgement Dragon"(LV8/LIGHT/Dragon/Effect/ATK/3000 DEF/2600) (out loud) You made me discard my only chance of winning this Duel!) Oh did I? I never noticed. Keep going "Desert"! (Garoth counters: No Way! (Deck: 11) Just a little more. (Garoth counters: No! (Deck: 3) Now finish off that barrier! (Garoth counters: Impossible! (Deck: 0) Since your barrier is out of the way, I can attack with all my monsters. First, "Lunar-Guardian-Desert" destroy all of his monsters. (Garoth: LP 2850) Next, "Lunar-Guardian-Tempest" attack him directly. (Garoth: LP 350) Now "Elder Wolf" finish this!


Rein: LP 7000/ Winner

Garoth: LP 0/ Deck: 0/ Defeated


"(groans) Impossible." groaned Garoth. "I never landed one attack on you."


"Wait, how come you haven't turned into your spirit card?" asked Rein.


"Up on the surface, the darkness that affects people in a Duel when they lose turns them into their spirit card, but since we're underground the darkness can't get to us." explained Ehren.


"You! Rein, was it?" asked Garoth.


"Yeah?" asked Rein.


"It appears I was wrong about you and your friends, so I'll let you and your friends help us in this war." said Garoth.


"Alright!" yelled Rein.


"But tell me, what is the reason you want to fight alongside us besides defeating Haou?" asked Garoth.


"(sighs)" sighed Rein. "Because a friend of ours was captured by Haou. Ever since then, a few more of our friends were captured as well. We know we can't take them on alone, so we ask you to help us so we can get them back."


"I know your pain, young one." said Garoth. "We too are fighting to release our people from Haou. We'll do whatever we can."


After a few hours, the resistance army went up to the surface and got ready for, including Rein and the others. The army consisted of the Lightsworn people and also the Elemental Heroes, Destiny Heroes, Six Samurai, and any other tribe willing to help. As soon as they got to the border to Haou's Castle, they saw a giant battalion of Darkwing fiends.


"Haou! We've come back to end your Reign and free our people!" shouted Rein. "If you don't show yourself right now, I'll consider it an act of surrender!"


Everyone was cheering on Rein for the words he said. Then meanwhile in Haou's tower...


"Sire, I have came to inform you of..." said a Darkwing.


"I have already heard him." said SDK. Nick. "That will be all. Ready the troops for the battle."


"Yes, your majesty." said the Darkwing as it walked out of the tower.


"All my hard work has now led me to this." said SDK. Nick. "I've dirtied up these hands ever since my rise back to power. So, Rein you're coming here to face me one on one in this decisive battle. Hmph, you're as brave as you are foolish that is why I accept your challenge. Heck, I welcome it. (snickers) Heh, ha, ha, ha. (laughs maniacally) Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" laughed SDK. Nick as he walked out the balcony.


Haou walked to the balcony and yelled to the heavens...


"AND SO THE BATTLE BEGINS!!!" yelled SDK. Nick to his army.


Card of the Day: "Lunar-Guardian-Desert"




Now that Rein and the resistance are working together, the time to stop Haou is now! "Next Chapter"! The war gets underway. During the battle, the gang is going to bust into Haou's castle but they run into trouble along the way to Haou's tower. When Rein finally gets there, they both get ready to Duel. Will Rein and the others win the war, or will they fall against the mighty power of the Supreme Devil King? Find out next time. Until then, KEEP ON DUELING!!

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