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Arcana Force Deck


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Ok i went to regionals with this deck with me (did not use sadly) and i play all my opponents after i play the tournament duels with this deck and i won more with it than the other deck.


Total: x41 (plus any synchros i put in my extra deck)


Monsters: x22

AF EX- the dark ruler x1

AF XXI- the world x1

Af XVIII- the moon x1

guardian of order x1

AF XIV- Temperance x1

cyber dragon x1

AF VII- the chariot x2

AF I- the magician x2

AF III- the empress x2

AF IV- the emperor x2

AF 0- the fool x2

AF VI- the lovers x2

mudora x1

shining angel x1

freed the brave wanderer x1

herald of orange light x1


Spells: x12

cup of ace x2

second coin toss x1

swords of reveling light x1

card destruction x1

lightwave tuning x1

creature swap x1

brain control x1

heavy storm x1

monster reborn x1

lighting vortex x1

scapegoat x1


Traps: x7

reversal of fate x3

arcana call x1

mirrior force x1

defense draw x1

soul rope x1


Extra Deck: synchros (not really a big deal)


also this regionals was before the synchros came out but when they did i tried to incorporate them. comments, suggestions

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The Arcana Force series doesn't support itself properly, and largely isn't worth it. Some are even inferior versions of existing cards - why run The Fool over Marshmallon? Why run The Lovers over Gellenduo? Why run The Moon at all? Even the decent cards aren't built in a way that lets them be used together.


The World and The Dark Ruler can both have decks built around them designed to Lock and OTK, respectively. You'll get the best results that way.

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