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Winged Kuriboh LV9?

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Thsi card was featured in the Yu-Gi-Oh GX Manga... and any money it will trun into a real card... uh...


Name: Winged Kuriboh LV9

Japenese Name: ハネクリボー  LVレベル9

Level: 9Star.PNG (9)

Attribute: Light Light.gif

Type: Fairy / Effect

ATK: ?

DEF: ?

Lore: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Results of the Alchemic Research". This card's ATK and DEF are the sum of the ATK and DEF of the 3 monsters removed from play to Special Summon this card.






No one knows what "Results of the Alchemic Research" does, because there is no article on the Wikia on it...


But could you see this as an actual card

I Can't... but they'll find a way some how

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No one knows what "Results of the Alchemic Research" does' date=' because there is no article on the Wikia on it...



Well, if you read the effect of winged kuriboh lv9, the effect of "Results of the Alchemic Research" should be something like this:

Remove 3 face-up monsters on your side of the field from play to Special Summon 1 "Winged Kuriboh LV9" from your hand or deck.

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I do,


Play Results of the Alchemic Research, then tribute a Black Luster Soldier (Old School), 2x Great Maju Garzett


3000 + (As a guess to what was used) 16000 + 19000 = 38000 ATK

2500 DEF


38000/2500 + 1x Mist Body = a 38000/2500, monster that won't die in battle.


1st G.M.G. tributes: Hamon + Rafiel = 16000

2nd G.M.G. tributes: BEUD + Uria (5000) = 19000


that is way to insane for just 1 kuriboh but if you land even 1 shot in this and gave it a spell so it does damage weather or not the enemy's cards are in defense mode and make sure that the m/t is clear its almost more deadly then a victory dragon.

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There is no way anyone would have 2 Garzett and a Black Luster soldier on the field in a competitive enviroment. It isn't overpowered because you loose 4 cards (The Spell Card you're using and 3 monsters) for 1 monster. This makes the card a "-3", which means it's not worth plaing outside a specific OTK deck (not the one mentioned above, too situational).

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It's obviously remove three monsters from play. What I hate about this is that:

a) sheer ATK power does not win duels nowadays;

b) BOTH cards are dead draws, potentially,

c) When, in a competitive environment, will you get three monsters on the field?


Competitively this would fail, non-competitively it could be interesting.

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