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Jax was laying in a small cell room, which didn't have a very high ceiling, with a bunch of needles on the floor, In his Hand was a PLAY ME Tape and there was a Tape Recorder at the other side of the room, Using the Bladed Pigtails he wore (which were Medium Length), He threw the Blades on the Ceiling, which dug into the ceiling and he Got up, Standing on a point of a Needle, He walked to the Tape Recorder and put the Play Me Tape in the Tape Recorder and pressed the play button

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Kyle awoke to find metal bands attached to his wrists. they were the first things he saw, and then fell to the floor, which hurt a lot considering it being covered with tiny little needles. He tried to sit up, and realized that not only was he chained to the wall, but that a BIGGER needle was directly above him. If he tried to get up, he'd die. then he remembered his hands. not only were the metal bands cutting off circulation, but there were little pins coating them, and one on the inside of each. Lined with poison, probably.


Where the hell was he?!

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Jax's tape then sprung to life.

"Hello Jax......I want to play another game. Many years before, my master had caught you and had you play a game with him. Unfortunatly.....you did not....feel apreciation for your own life. You still do heavy drugs and still don't see the true error of your ways. Your lesson was too easy, too painless. Well, I'm about to change that. You are now breathing in a very toxic gas that will kill you in 2 hours. Fluid will build up into your lungs and you will litterally drown in your own body. In the room across from you is a safe......inside of that safe, is the antidote to your poison. And to make this a little more fun, the entire floor has been covered in very sharp, very long needles. So if you don't hurry up, you will suffer a slow, painful death. You have two hours to find the combination to the safe. Good luck Jax, and don't forget, in a sea of hell, you can always find an answer. Live or die Jax.............make your choice." Then the tape stopped.

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Jax Lowered Himself into the Needles, He felt some Pain, but not too much, He then walked towards the Safe, Using his Combonation Hacking Skills, he tested Many codes, but none seem to work, then he remembers his Chain, He Whips the Bladed Pigtails at the Safe, and started trying to Cut the Safe open, Afterwards the Poison seems to hit him, He is coughing spells and is coughing blood

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X watched this amused, "I'm going to teach them all a lesson," X said as he watched the 6 TVs in front of him. He enjoyed watching jax squirm.

"Just an hour left my dear fellow.....and you drown," Said X with amusement. He watched on.

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X then saw the tv with jax.

"Too bad jax......you didn't play by the rules.......there's no antidote in that syringe......." X laughed with amusement.

"So why don't you pull the old plunger on your arm......"


OOC: If you inject air into your bloodstream, ul die in minutes. True fact.

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Jax had already put a Syringe in his arm, but it wasn't the Empty one, but rather one of his Heirlooms, One of the Antidote Needles that he had Stolen off of Jigsaw before Escaping, He tried to sell it for a while without luck, but as it turns out it was needed, by him


Jax: How Does it feel to lose to one of your old Tricks, eh Jigsaw?


Jax Flips the Bird all over the place, but his Bragging soon came with a price, His foot was impaled by One of the needles


Jax: *Grunts* heh, Bad luck does come from bragging

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X was cusing his head off at Mac,

"Who the F*ck traps someone in a fricking warehouse with tools to help them escape?!" X said in rage.

"Time for my own little concoction." X said bitterly, and he pressed a light green button on his desk.


In Jax's torture room, a sightless odorless gas was now passing through Jax's lungs. This one would make him extremely ill. It would slow him down, at least that's what X hoped for.

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A video then played in front of Kyle.

Hello Kyle, I want to play a game. Your entire life has been devoted to justice over the others around you. You have disrespected your own life and have also been trying to kill my master for quite some time now. It is time to see how far you will go to avenge justice. Across the room from you is a man convicted of mass arson. In your right hand is a button. If you push this button, the needle below you will fall and crush your legs, crippling you, but the convicted man will instantly die of electrocution. If you don't press the button, the man will go free without harm. And you will have to find a way out of this room. You have bands tied to your hands that have small needles with a toxic poison on them. They will make you feel ill in about 10 minutes after this video stops. So, what are you going to do? Live ritchious justice and never walk again? Or let a mss murderer go free? Live or Die Kyle, Make your choice..... And the video stopped.

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