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Shadow of the dark.

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Total cards:40



Seven Tools Of The Bandit x1

Magic Cylinder x1

Solemn Wishes x1

Bottomless Trap Hole x1

Waboku x1

Magic Jammer x1

Hate Buster x1

Trap Reclamation x1



Monster Reborn x1

Mystic Plasma Zone x1

Terraforming x1

Field Barrier x1

Double Summon x1

Gravekeeper's Servant x1

Black Pendant x1

Shrink x1

Symbols Of Duty x1

Ribbon Of Rebirth x1

Axe Of Despair x1

Swords Of Revealing Light x1



Mystic Tomato x3

Infinity Dark x1

Regenerating Rose x1

Dark Crusader x1

Element Doom x1

Familiar Knight x1

Plague Wolf x1

Ghost Gardna x1

Snipe Hunter x1

Red-Eyes B. Chick x1

D.D. Survivor x1

White-Horned Dragon x1

Dark Blade x2

Curse Of Dragon x1

Summoned Skull x1

Red-Eyes B. Dragon x1

Gorz The Emisary Of Darkness x1 (Main Card)


Ive been working on this deck for 3 days ive read each card carefully and i think it would do good in a duel.

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Total cards:40



Seven Tools Of The Bandit x1

Magic Cylinder x1

Solemn Wishes x1

Bottomless Trap Hole x1

Waboku x1

Magic Jammer x1

Hate Buster x1

Trap Reclamation x1



Monster Reborn x1

Mystic Plasma Zone x1

Terraforming x1

Field Barrier x1

Double Summon x1

Gravekeeper's Servant x1

Black Pendant x1

Shrink x1

Symbols Of Duty x1

Ribbon Of Rebirth x1

Axe Of Despair x1

Swords Of Revealing Light x1



Mystic Tomato x3

Infinity Dark x1

Regenerating Rose x1

Dark Crusader x1

Element Doom x1

Familiar Knight x1

Plague Wolf x1

Ghost Gardna x1

Snipe Hunter x1

Red-Eyes B. Chick x1

D.D. Survivor x1

White-Horned Dragon x1

Dark Blade x2

Curse Of Dragon x1

Summoned Skull x1

Red-Eyes B. Dragon x1

Gorz The Emisary Of Darkness x1 (Main Card)


Ive been working on this deck for 3 days ive read each card carefully and i think it would do good in a duel.


Dragonmaster strikes again with the worst deck in the world.

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Total cards:40



Seven Tools Of The Bandit x1

Magic Cylinder x1

Solemn Wishes x1

Bottomless Trap Hole x1

Waboku x1

Magic Jammer x1

Hate Buster x1

Trap Reclamation x1



Monster Reborn x1

Mystic Plasma Zone x1

Terraforming x1

Field Barrier x1

Double Summon x1

Gravekeeper's Servant x1

Black Pendant x1

Shrink x1

Symbols Of Duty x1

Ribbon Of Rebirth x1

Axe Of Despair x1

Swords Of Revealing Light x1



Mystic Tomato x3

Infinity Dark x1

Regenerating Rose x1

Dark Crusader x1

Element Doom x1

Familiar Knight x1

Plague Wolf x1

Ghost Gardna x1

Snipe Hunter x1

Red-Eyes B. Chick x1

D.D. Survivor x1

White-Horned Dragon x1

Dark Blade x2

Curse Of Dragon x1

Summoned Skull x1

Red-Eyes B. Dragon x1

Gorz The Emisary Of Darkness x1 (Main Card)


Ive been working on this deck for 3 days ive read each card carefully and i think it would do good in a duel.


Dragonmaster strikes again with the worst deck in the world.


Hipocrits at their finest.


Lol Irony.

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Seven Tools Of The Bandit -1

Magic Cylinder -1

Solemn Wishes -1

Waboku -1

Magic Jammer -1

Hate Buster -1

Trap Reclamation -1


Mystic Plasma Zone -1

Terraforming -1

Field Barrier -1

Double Summon -1

Gravekeeper's Servant -1

Black Pendant -1

Ribbon Of Rebirth -1

Axe Of Despair -1

Swords Of Revealing Light -1


Element Doom -1

Familiar Knight -1

Red-Eyes B. Chick -1

White-Horned Dragon -1

Dark Blade -2

Curse Of Dragon -1

Summoned Skull -1

Red-Eyes B. Dragon -1

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Then why did they make YCM,if you cant post the decks that you put so much work into why would ppl want to join..............Oh 1 more why was i banned for "1 day",Didnt make much sence to me cuz i deleted the neg reps and i dont know if i flamed or not???

Oh and that would leave me with no cards in the deck therfor it wouldnt be legal.

ANd what do those 4 letters meen i would tye them in but im not repeating them cuz it might be somthin bad.

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Then why did they make YCM' date='if you cant post the decks that you put so much work into why would ppl want to join..............Oh 1 more why was i banned for "1 day",Didnt make much sence to me cuz i deleted the neg reps and i dont know if i flamed or not???


[b']Deleted neg reps? You don't have the power to do that.[/b]


Oh and that would leave me with no cards in the deck therfor it wouldnt be legal.


No deck at all is better than this deck.


ANd what do those 4 letters meen i would tye them in but im not repeating them cuz it might be somthin bad.



GTFO = Get The F**k Out.


This deck sucks badly. At least it has some staples.

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Then why did they make YCM' date='if you cant post the decks that you put so much work into why would ppl want to join..............Oh 1 more why was i banned for "1 day",Didnt make much sence to me cuz i deleted the neg reps and i dont know if i flamed or not???[hr']

Oh and that would leave me with no cards in the deck therfor it wouldnt be legal.

ANd what do those 4 letters meen i would tye them in but im not repeating them cuz it might be somthin bad.


If you didnt learn anything from your Temp Ban the go away and dont come back because spamming people's threads, flaming people who give help and criticism in particular are not welcome here. If you bothered to actually read the forum rules like every smart member would do then you may not have been banned in the first place.

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I did read the rules,i dont even know how to spam peoples threads and i deleted the neg reps but i was still banned im very confused......and all i learnt from it was 1 day where i couldnt login becuz I HAD(and still dont)NO IDEA WHY I WAS BANNED.........cut me some slack im not "perfect"like you guys.

oh thats what those letters meen.......thats a VERY bad word.

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Here is a possible better deck.

Edit your first post and put this in, have people comment on it.

You'll get more serious reviews with this deck.



Monsters: 20

Mystic Tomato x3

Krebons x3

Destiny Hero - Dasher x2

Plaguespreader Zombie x1

Destiny Hero - Malicious x3

Dark Crusader x1

Lich Lord, King of the Underworld x1

Plague Wolf x3

Necro Gardna x1

Snipe Hunter x1

Sangan x1

Gorz The Emisary Of Darkness x1


Spells: 11

Monster Reborn x1

Shrink x1

Black Garden x3

Terraforming x1

Allure of Darkness x3

Destiny Draw x2


Traps: 9

Solemn Judgment x3

Dark Illusion x3

Divine Wrath x3


Extra Deck: 15

Generic Extra Deck

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Never heard of half of those cards but ill try i will eventually get better at deck building im not as experienced as you guys.......can i post decks with cards i dont saying that this would be my deck if i had theese cards ???



you don't have to say anything.

just post a deck and wait for comments.

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OH MAN ive only been using cards i had.......Well i guees i brought that on myself..Thnx for tellin me i can much better decks now but how do you guys know what all theese cards do cuz i dont know what evry card does so i cant build extreme ultimate decks my new decks probably wont be a whole lot better than this cuz im NEW to the game y'know.

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