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My first pokemon recolors


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With Charizard, you have this weird issue with the left side where it is cut off. Also the blue color doesn't quite work with the left wing.


Spinda has too little differences between the two colors. It also looks like you neglected some recoloring of the borders.


Diflbline is kind of neat, I like it, but eh blue on it isn't too great. You also forgot borders again. I liked how you remembered with Charizard, but then stopped.


That red you made for Golbat look very nice, but once again the uncolored borders ruins it for me.


Porygon Z almost looks like a 2nd gen sprite, but isn't. The problem you have is that the dark color isn't dark enough. You also lack recoloring of the borders. The white highlights also should maybe be a little toned down, the white stays too noticeable.


Glad to know my tut helped though. I really should add some more in depth recoloring into it though, specially because I see too many uncolored borders these days.

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tldr lol just kidding thanks ill try and fix that stuff next time i recolor.


Also I used your tutorials for this splice as well. I'm probably not gonna take on splicing. because as you can see im not really good at it. Its just a hypno plus mankey splice. Should I take on splicing? you tell me.




Thanks Jappio for the tutorials!

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