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X-Men: Darkest Before Dawn (Season 1, PG-13/16)


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[center]Darkest Before Dawn[/center]

[align=center]The X-Men have braced a lot of things in their time: Thay've fought Magneto; They've destroyed his Brotherhood; They've killed Apocalypse. But now they have a new threat to take on: New Students.
It's that time of the year again, and the school isn't all that ready for it. Jean dead, Emma and Scott in charge, Logan off in Canada, and Aurora only God knows where isn't the best way to welcome new mutant children. And to top it off, something is brewing in the darkest bowels of the human soul; something evil; something monstrous. Eric was right when he said a mutant versus human war was brewing.
The only issue is, whose side will the you be on when it starts?


Mutant Name:
Side: Against Human (Brotherhood), For Human (X-Men), Neutral
Appearance (pic prefered):
Reason for joining the School or Brotherhood:


Maddie O'Brian-Me: [spoiler]
Name: Maddie O'Brian
Mutant Name: Burst
Gender: Female
Side (Against Human (Brotherhood), For Human (X-Men), Neutral): X-Men
Powers: Maddie weilds telekinesis and moderate telepathy. When her powers are in use, her hands glow with a shimmering purple energy, as well as what she is using them on. She can even use them on herself to enable flight. Maddie is also showing signs of pyrokenicy and pyromaniacy, though it is VERY faint, when she uses her powers over their limit. Her eyes began to glow red, and so do her purple-illuminated hands.
Bio: Maddie was twelve years old when she was fully aware of her mutant gene. Up until then, she good hardly use it, but use it she did. Simple things, like pencils for taking notes in school or getting food from the fridge, but stuff nonetheless. But then her and her parents were starting to realize that this wasn't a little phase that she'd outgrow, and they need help. Daddy couldn't take it, so he left Mom and became a compulsive drunk. That's when Emma Frost and Scott Summers came to help. They offered the mother their taking Maddie to a boarding school, Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters, as well as finacial aid. She didn't think twice, and Maddie was excited as hell. Three years later, she has developed insane power levels, and has arrived at the gates of the "greatest" school in the country.
Appearance (pic prefered):
Reason for joining the School or Brotherhood: Divorced parents, drunken-all-the-time father, mother running on almost no cash, and the kids at school are ba*tards towards mutants. Need i say more??
Michael K. Anite- Ryuchan [spoiler]
Name: Michael K. Anite
Mutant Name: Touch
Gender: Male
Side: Against Human (Brotherhood), For Human (X-Men), Neutral: X-men, Neutral
Powers: Manipulate its corporal tempreature, create heat or cold waves according to that temperature, ca change the tempreature of other objects by touching them.
Bio: he was once saved by Spiderman during the events of Onslaught saga. After that started to admire heroes most of all X-men as he soon discovered its new mutant habilities, but this new powers, make him a target of rejection, and human hate...he goes to X-men base asking for help.
Appearance (pic prefered): [spoiler][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c288/DragonBlade702/anime-boy.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

Reason for joining the School or Brotherhood: After being saved by the X-men:
Protection against humans [/spoiler]
????-Mage [spoiler]
Name: ????
Mutant Name: Surge
Gender: Male
Side: Neutral
Powers: Surge is able to absorb energy and manipulate it to his liking. His skeleton has been enhanced with a variation of adamantium, although not as strong as adamantium. Additionally, energy that Surge absorbs can be stored until he is ready to use it.
Bio: Surge was born a mutant with the ability to absorb energy of any type and reuse it with great force. His ability saved his life a great many times, but also drove everybody he cared about away from him. He made his way to a secret base (Weapon X), where he volunteered for a metal bonding to his skeleton. The process was a success, and with his new powers Surge left and continued his travels around the world. Exactly what he want out of life is unclear to him, but that is why he travels the world. Recently he has made his way to New York.
Appearance (pic preferred): [spoiler][IMG]http://tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:yjNDsIElUVZY8M:http://i177.photobucket.com[/IMG][/spoiler][/spoiler]
Dark Necro-Dark Necro[spoiler]
Name:Dark Necro
Mutant Name: Devil
Gender: Male
Side: Brotherhood
Powers: anything i touch it explodes
Bio: a heartless, souless person who discovered his power at the age of 13 hatred for every human power and death is his only desire and strength
Appearance (pic prefered):
Reason for joining the School or Brotherhood: my parents were human and they hated me ever since so i have hatred for every human thats y i joined the brotherhood [/spoiler]
Zak-Visser [spoiler]
Name: Zak
Mutant Name: Morph
Gender: male
Side: X-Men

Powers: (Click to View)
Is able to morph in to any animal who's DNA he can acquire, when he acquires an animals DNA he must make direct contact with the animal (He cant acquire it there is anything in between his skin & the animal), the animal also goes in to a trance until 20 seconds after he stops touching it. when he morphs he becomes an exact replica of the animal he morphs in to, he can also take the form of other people/mutants, but he can't get the power of the mutant he turns in to, also when he changes from one morph to another all injuries are healed.
Bio: (Click to View)
He has been using his powers for as long as he can remember, but he never told anybody because he new how badly mutants where treated, but one day he was forced to fight & reveal to everybody that he was a mutant, ever seance he has been going to the mutant school for gifted youngsters * he freely uses his powers, rarely hiding them from anybody, & sometimes uses them to sneak around, seance almost nobody can tell if its him or a normal animal when he morphs.
Appearance: (Click to View)

Reason for joining the School: He hoped to find friends among the mutants [/spoiler]
Rokujo-Enrise [spoiler]
Name: Rokujo Miharu
Mutant Name: Forsaken
Gender: Male
Side: For Human (X-Men)
Powers: Rokujo can control Dark Energy within his Hands, which will later in the RP, will turn into Death Flames. Both are Pure Black, nothing Darker than them. Usually, people would think that they mean he is Evil, but you can never judge a book by its cover.
Bio: Rokujo was always hiding his true powers even since he obtained them, which was since birth. Rokujo has been getting invitatons from collages that would further enhance his carrer, so he can become one of the, if not then most intelligent man on the planet, but for now, he us just the most intelligent Mutant on the planet, at which, nobody can be smarter than him. Despite his intelligence, and his want for more, he is forced to go to the Mutant School, because he does not want to risk his secret for intelligence.
Appearance (pic prefered): http://fog-mire.deviantart.com/art/Forsaken-80937938
Reason for joining the School: Rokujo feels that everybody should live in prosparity, and should not fight, no matter how different they may seem, so he wants to prove to the world that being a Mutant is not all that bad, even if they have problems with it, because it wasn't their fault to begin with. [/spoiler]


No godmodding
I control NPCs (teachers, other students members did not make)[/align]
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Name: Michael K. Anite

Mutant Name: Touch

Gender: Male

Side: Against Human (Brotherhood), For Human (X-Men), Neutral: X-men, Neutral

Powers: Manipulate its corporal tempreature, create heat or cold waves according to that temperature, ca change the tempreature of other objects by touching them.

Bio: he was once saved by Spiderman during the events of Onslaught saga. After that started to admire heroes most of all X-men as he soon discovered its new mutant habilities, but this new powers, make him a target of rejection, and human hate...he goes to X-men base asking for help.

Appearance (pic prefered): anime-boy.jpg

Reason for joining the School or Brotherhood: After being saved by the X-men:

Protection against humans

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jw, but is there a pasific universe we are in (Ultimate, 616...)?


Name: ????

Mutant Name: Surge

Gender: Male

Side: Neutral

Powers: Surge is able to absorb energy and manipulate it to his liking. His skeleton has been enhanced with a variation of adamantium, although not as strong as adamantium. Additionally, energy that Surge absorbs can be stored until he is ready to use it.

Bio: Surge was born a mutant with the ability to absorb energy of any type and reuse it with great force. His ability saved his life a great many times, but also drove everybody he cared about away from him. He made his way to a secret base (Weapon X), where he volunteered for a metal bonding to his skeleton. The process was a success, and with his new powers Surge left and continued his travels around the world. Exactly what he want out of life is unclear to him, but that is why he travels the world. Recently he has made his way to New York.

Appearance (pic preferred):



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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Zak

Mutant Name: Morph

Gender: male

Side: X-Men

[spoiler=Powers: ] Is able to morph in to any animal who's DNA he can acquire, when he acquires an animals DNA he must make direct contact with the animal (He cant acquire it there is anything in between his skin & the animal), the animal also goes in to a trance until 20 seconds after he stops touching it. when he morphs he becomes an exact replica of the animal he morphs in to, he can also take the form of other people/mutants, but he can't get the power of the mutant he turns in to, also when he changes from one morph to another all injuries are healed.


[spoiler=Bio: ]He has been using his powers for as long as he can remember, but he never told anybody because he new how badly mutants where treated, but one day he was forced to fight & reveal to everybody that he was a mutant, ever seance he has been going to the mutant school for gifted youngsters * he freely uses his powers, rarely hiding them from anybody, & sometimes uses them to sneak around, seance almost nobody can tell if its him or a normal animal when he morphs.


[spoiler=Appearance: ]1044985947_8068b7498c.jpg


Reason for joining the School: He hoped to find friends among the mutants

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Name:Dark Necro

Mutant Name: Devil

Gender: Male

Side: Brotherhood

Powers: anything i touch it explodes, the power of immortality, super strength, super speed, and when people look into my eyes they see death and destruction and they die inside leaving them without a breath

Bio: a heartless, souless person who discovered his power at the age of 13 hatred for every human power and death is his only desire and strength

Appearance (pic prefered):

Reason for joining the School or Brotherhood: my parents were human and they hated me ever since so i have hatred for every human thats y i joined the brotherhood

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The decision is left up to lord, but your character is a bit to powerful. take out speed, immortality and the death eye thing and its good but what you have now is a bit much. And if I may, I like your characters power of exploding touch. It gives me an idea for your characters bio.


[spoiler=Bio] Devil was your average kid. Good grades, was into sports, and even had a girl friend. Things were going fine until 2 months after his birthday. He had touched his girl friend on the arm, blowing her away into nothing but dust. He was a mutant. His parents wanted to get him help, but during the confrontation Devil touched both of his parents killing them. Devil left his home, leaving behind all he knew. With his new life starting Devil developed despise for humans.


Some time later his objectives became single minded. Wanting nothing more than to obtain enough power to bring society to its knees. Thats when Devil met Magneto, then realizing the Brotherhood could full fill his dark dreams.


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ok ill take out evrythin dat u said on dere

Name:Dark Necro

Mutant Name: Devil

Gender: Male

Side: Brotherhood

Powers: anything i touch it explodes

Bio: a heartless, souless person who discovered his power at the age of 13 hatred for every human power and death is his only desire and strength

Appearance (pic prefered):

Reason for joining the School or Brotherhood: my parents were human and they hated me ever since so i have hatred for every human thats y i joined the brotherhood

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--Count me in.


Name: Rokujo Miharu

Mutant Name: Forsaken

Gender: Male

Side: For Human (X-Men)

Powers: Rokujo can control Dark Energy within his Hands, which will later in the RP, will turn into Death Flames. Both are Pure Black, nothing Darker than them. Usually, people would think that they mean he is Evil, but you can never judge a book by its cover.

Bio: Rokujo was always hiding his true powers even since he obtained them, which was since birth. Rokujo has been getting invitatons from collages that would further enhance his carrer, so he can become one of the, if not then most intelligent man on the planet, but for now, he us just the most intelligent Mutant on the planet, at which, nobody can be smarter than him. Despite his intelligence, and his want for more, he is forced to go to the Mutant School, because he does not want to risk his secret for intelligence.

Appearance (pic prefered): Forsaken

Reason for joining the School: Rokujo feels that everybody should live in prosparity, and should not fight, no matter how different they may seem, so he wants to prove to the world that being a Mutant is not all that bad, even if they have problems with it, because it wasn't their fault to begin with.

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OOC: Since we have started, i would like you to use either OOC, or Enrise's --, Dark Necro. Oh, wait...he just got temp-banned. Lovely...And thanks for the sig; i love it; it works perfectly for the RP, just would have liked one without Logan. ;) JK, it's great.


I'll start us Academy-mutants off.




The white heels clacked loudly against the cobblestone trail. The white cape trailed behind them, flowing profoundly with each step. Even the platinum-blonde hair glistened in the morning sunlight. Then the clacking, flowing, and glistening stopped quite suddenly, and two white-gloved hands grasped the stone railing.


Emma Frost stood with a graceful-yet-casual presence over the mass of children and parents. She had a confident smile, and looked very pleased with herself. It wasn't easy sending scouts to almost every neighborhood with a teen mutant, let alone orchestrate all of the scouting from a mere office, and there was guarantee that they'd be successful. The turnout was pleasantly surprising.


A man with ruby-lensed glasses stepped out from behind her, stroking his short, brown hair. He looked even more casual, to the parents dismay, but tried to work beyond his appearance. He took hold of the railing next to Emma, and spoke powerfully.


Scott Summers: Um, welcome. I'm glad to see you all made it safetly to New York; i know some of you might have found the trip a tad long. But you'll be thankful you did. This is Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters, and we are Scott Summers and Emma Frost, the Headmasters. We'll begin the tours and whatnot momentarily, and we hope you all enjoy your stay...

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