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Sleeping With The Fishes

Mister Sir

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Monsters: 19

Levia-Dragon - Daedalus x3

Warrior of Atlantis x2

Abyss Soldier x2

Abyssal Kingshark x2

Zombie Master x2

Goblin Zombie x2

Mezuki x3

Plaguespreader Zombie x3


Spells: 12

A Legendary Ocean x3

Giant Trunade


Monster Reborn

Book of Life x2

Big Wave Small Wave

Double Summon

Foolish Burial x2


Traps: 9

Solemn Judgment x3

Threatening Roar x3


Torrential Tribute


Extra: 15

Dark Dive Bomber x2

Black Rose Dragon x2

Thought Ruler Archfiend x3

RDA x2

Stardust Dragon x3

Goyo Guardian x3


Trying to OTK with Daedalus's Effect and Swarm with Zombies. Need help fitting in Burial From a DD.

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... zombies without cosr... instafail...


Then take stuff out for it.

Here's a new deck list:


Monsters: 19

Levia-Dragon - Daedalus x3

Warrior of Atlantis x2

Despair From the Dark x2

Abyssal Kingshark x2

Zombie Master x2

Goblin Zombie x2

Mezuki x3

Plaguespreader Zombie x3


Spells: 15

A Legendary Ocean x3

Giant Trunade


Monster Reborn

Book of Life x2

Big Wave Small Wave


Trade-In x2

Foolish Burial x2


Traps: 6

Threatening Roar x3


Torrential Tribute


Extra: 15

Dark Dive Bomber x2

Black Rose Dragon x2

Thought Ruler Archfiend x3

RDA x2

Stardust Dragon x3

Goyo Guardian x3

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Why Plaguespreader?


why are you so bad at this game?


Because he is some ten year old momma's boy who thinks he is cool just because he has DAD.


lol probably... though i have to say that he has helped me... he helped me relize that it is possible to make a horribad dad deck...

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Why Plaguespreader?


why are you so bad at this game?


You are an idiot and you should be banned.


Sbdnate is not an idiot. Granted, his advice can become a bit off-tack at times, and he will more commonly resort to yelling at people rather than the suger-coated help most of us hand out. But, he is billions of times better at this game than yourself.

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