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What a wonderful world... [TWEWY RP]


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Erin, Atticus, Kazuma


The man gripped Erin's arm. "We'll have to go! She won't survive for long if we just leave her!" Erin nods, and the two of them run up to the city.


A few minutes later, the two of them stop outside one of the oldest houses in Hazelwood, a wooden building pressed in between a pet shop and a small market. "She's somewhere inside."

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"Atticus!" Erin reached out his hand and grabbed Atticus right hand before he fell. Erin was loosing his grip,

"Atticus, are you okay!?" Erin couldn't hold on, he started to panic.

"Don't worry!" Atticus then slipped, Erin couldn't hold on.

"I'm sorry!" Erin watched Atticus fall toward the basement in horror. The fall didn't look fatal, but it was still a far ways down.

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Atticus, Erin, Kazuma


The man looked down the hole, then at Kazuma. "Alright, this wasn't that good. Could you get down there and make sure he's not hurt himself? Just to be sure." He nodded at Erin. "My partner's on the top floor."


And yes, you hear a slight moan from the stairs, but it's very quiet.

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Erin looked down the hole again. "Be careful."

He then looked up the stairs, it was dark, there were no lights and it was a small narrow staircase. Erin headed up, following the soft moans. When he reached the top there was a door. Erin opened it and yelled.

"Is there anyone here?"

The only reply was another soft moan.

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Atticus wandered through the dark basement.

"Hello? Anyone here?" Atticus couldn't see a thing, he was kind of scared, what was he gonna do? He then suddenly tripped and fell on the hard floor.

"OUCH! Today is just not my day," he said. Then Atticus heard a quiet whisper.

"You're gonna die......."

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The same whispering repeated itself over and over again. "You're gonna die... you're gonna die... you're gonna die..." Then, a quiet zap! was heard, and the voice turned silent. Suddenly, you see the source of the whispering, and you smile. A Reaper Lord action figure had ticked on in a sudden surge of power.



You enter the room, the man going in right behind you. The only thing visible in the room is a dusty table with half a leg torn off. "I'm sorry I had to do his." Then, something comes down hard on your head and you fall to the floor.

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"Ah!" Atticus saw the action figure and threw it into a mirror, which shattered.

"You're gonna die. You're gonna.............die....." The toy died.

"I HATE this place!" Atticus said, sneezing again from the dust.

Then he heard it again, louder this time,

"You're gonna die......." Atticus' heart pound erraticly.

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Kazuma sized up the hole. He kicked a small rock and waited for the sound. The sound came after 3 seconds. "This is a shallow hole nyah! I can get down there no problem!" Kazuma climbed down the hole and using cat-like grace landed on the floor. The room wasn't that dark for Kazuma. "Hello?" Kazuma shouted. He heard some whispering in the background, so he followed the sound, until he found Atticus, holding an action figure and looking tense. "There you are nyah! I was looking for you nyah!"

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"You know the mission. One of us have to die in order for the rest to live." The man, obviously a Player himself, had tied up Erin's hands and feet. He couldn't move an inch. "I'm taking care of your friends downstairs as we speak. It's best to avoid as much competition as possible while I'm at it. Flametouched Pin, activate!" The dry floor around Erin caught on fire as the man ran down the steps.


Atticus & Kazuma


More and more of the spirits appeared around you, drifting around in the corner of your eyes. Whatever had grabbed Atticus' leg pulled harder, and he suddenly realized that there was a hole in the ground beneath him. Another hole, deeper than the ground itself. You cast a glance back, and see that Kazuma is assaulted by the spirits as well.


They punch you and tear at you with their fierce hands with sleek fingers ending in sharp claws.


And just on the border of the hole, you see the man make a run for the door.




Gabriel shook his head, and took a step to the middle of the street. An instant later, he was run through by a car. "Doubt they'd be much of a help. We could get on the subway though." He nodded in the direction of a stairwell leading down into the ground.

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Kazuma felt an icy hand slash across his face. "Nyah! What is this?" Then Kazuma saw the man who lead them here leave the house. "That traitor!" Kazuma focused his attention on Attucus, who was being dragged by a spirit. "Hold on nyah! I got ya!" Kazuma grabbed Atticus and pulled as hard as he could.

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"Ahg!" The fire was burning Erin's legs, it kept getting closer to engulfing him in the flame. The smell of burning flesh filled the room.

"Help!, oh God help!" Erin was screaming at the top of his lungs, he started to panic and squirm.

"Please someone, help!"

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Atticus growled, "That little twerp! Leaving us here to die!" Atticus yelled as the spirits echoed even more. He dug his fingernails into the floor and struggled to climb up.

"Kazu, go on without me, I'm not gonna make it!!!!!" Atticus cried out as The claws got even more of a hold on him.

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