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What a wonderful world... [TWEWY RP]


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The girl suddenly burst out laughing. "One could say that... but no, I'm no ghost. I'm a Reaper. A Watcher, to be exact." She snapped her fingers, and the train started to fade away, turn into thin air. The passengers vanished almost instantly, their terrified faces staying on your eyes for a few seconds. You're not even on the bridge: You're back at the train station, standing on one of the tracks! The Watcher smiled. "Impressed, Player? Well, you won't have that much time anyway." A ring of fire suddenly appears around you, the flames reaching almost twenty feet high. You know that if you would even touch the fire, you would not only burn in flesh, you would also burn in mind.


Atticus & Erin


The man stops right beside you. "Please, you got to help me... My partner's trapped and I can't get her out!" You see genuine fear in his eyes: He's terrified. Atticus is reminded yet again of the boy he had eliminated only minutes ago. "Please..."

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The watcher giggled. "The name's Hannah Harrington, if you wondered. And I'm just working, that's all. I was assigned to you by the Conductor's orders." She shrugged. "He wanted to see if you had any potential. But I guess not. I might just complete our mission while I'm here." The flames around you vanish, and Hannah reveals a bright red pin in her palm. "Red Dragon!"


You catch on fire. Your very skin boils as you scream in pain, and climb onto the platform beside the rails in a single leap.

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OoC: Am I supposed to die now, cause I don't want out so early!

IC: Kazuma tried to put out the flames, but couldn't. "NYAH! WHY WHY! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!" Kazuma rushed into the washroom and rolled around in the wet floor. "NYAH! THATS IT! I WANT OUT OF THIS CRAZY PLACE NYAH! TELL ME HOW OR I'LL HAVE TO GO FELINE ON YOU NYAH!" Kazuma assumed his Neko-Jin fighting stance, ready to pounce.

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Atticus & Erin


The man took a deep breath. "She's-" Suddenly, he looked terrified. "What's that?" He points at something behind you, and you turn around. On the platform a few tracks away, you see what at first seems to be a blazing fire, jumping around and making horrible, shrieking noises. Then, your eyes open wide in terror as you see that it's a human. "My god... " The young man looks at the burning victim once again, then turns back to the city. "But I can't leave her there... What to do?"

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Suddenly, you hear a terrible crash, almost as if lightning struck, from inside the mall. The frogs stand paralyzed for a few seconds, and then scatter off. Gabriel huffed. "Wonder what that was. Maybe Adam's up to something." Then, he shrugged. "Nevermind. We can't just sit around here."

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Atticus & Kazuma


Suddenly, the flames vanish and a cracking sound is heard. Atticus suddenly sees the young girl standing on the train track, with the two halves of a red pin in her hands. "Oh, bother", she said, and threw the broken pin to the ground. Kazuma staggered away, his skin red but not boiling or burnt.

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Gabriel nodded. "Yeah. We're only wasting our time here." He looked around. "So, where do we go? I've not been in the city that much. Dunno my way around here."


Atticus & Kazuma


The Reaper giggled. "Nice to see you made some friends, kid. You'll need them for tomorrow's mission." Then, a cloud of smoke erupted around her, and she was gone.

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