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Full Metal Alchemist RP!!! - Ended Due To Inactivity L~O~C~K!


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This RP is set 50 years after Edward, Alphonse and everyone else died.

The Alchemists and remaining Ishbalans have created a peace treaty. New Humonculis have been born, and have already begun wreaking havoc on the world. It's up to The Order Of Alchemy, a group of Alchemists and Ishbalans who vowed to fight all Humonculis, to destroy them.




1. No using Alchemist Nicknames or Real names from the show

2. No using transmution without circles (Unless you have permission)

3. You can copy appearances

4. No copying Humonculis


6. If you are inactive for a week you are kicked out unless given good reason (pm me)

[spoiler=Accepted People] Neos Bakuda - Dark Matter Alchemist


Chris Fierceman - Space Alchemist


Richard Danes - Metaloid Alchemist


Omar - Death Alchemist


Kosama Mosiya - Nature Alchemist


Hayate Masaru - Kaminari Spark Alchemist








[spoiler=Alchemist Application]Name:

Alchemist Nickname:






[spoiler=Humonculis Application]Name (must be a bad feeling):






[spoiler=Ishbalan Application]Name:





Here's my application


Name: Neos Bakuda


Alchemist Nickname: Dark Matter Alchemist


Age: 25



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Name: Richard Danes

Alchemist Nickname: Metaloid Alchemist

Age: 21

Appearance: Dark brown hair, 5'10", has blue jeans, a black T-shirt. Looks like General Hughes (from the show) except no glasses and has a cigar with him. Unlit though. His eyes a black and he has a shave much like his grandpa (General Hughes)



If this is okay, I'll keep it, if not then let me know.

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kk thx, now need some Humonculis.


and btw, 2 things, 1. Eddy, can't copy last names (The shave is ok). 2. Lord Of Chaos, you have to add the word Alchemist into your nickname

Name: Chris Fierceman

Alchemist Nickname: The Space Alchemist


Appearance: Tall' date=' Blackhair, Blue eyes, watch hanging from his left pocket.


Technically if it is 50 years everyone is still a live, but just a lot older.



Btw, It's 50 Years AFTER they died.

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Yeah, I think I can read.. Also, I already made an Alchemist in my first post...



Name (must be a bad feeling): Death

Age: Unkown

Power: Use souls as weapon and other items



Name: Inferno

Power: Can create fire from the markings all over his right arm and left leg, making them either into shields are weapons..

Age: 23

Markings: Marking all over from the tip of the right middle finger, all the way to the right side of the face. Markings are also on the entire left leg.

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