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Deck Acupuncture


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Monsters (16)

3x Needle Worm

3x Destiny Hero – Defender

2x Arcana Force 0 – The Fool

2x Morphing Jar #2

2x Hiro’s Shadow Scout

1x Des Lacooda

1x Sangan

1x Desertapir

1x Morphing Jar


Spells (15)

3x Messenger of Peace

2x Book of Eclipse

2x Upstart Goblin

2x The Shallow Grave

2x Cup of Ace

1x Card Destruction

1x Magical Stone Excavation

1x Level Limit – Area B

1x Swords of Revealing Light


Traps (9)

3x Compulsory Evacuation Device

2x Desert Sunlight

1x Waboku

1x Wall of Revealing Light

1x Gravity Bind

1x The Gift of Greed


Total: 40


Extra Deck (5)

1x Stardust Dragon

1x Red Dragon Archfiend

1x Magical Android

1x Goyo Guardian

1x Black Rose Dragon


Side Deck (15)

2x Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror (DAD, Yubel, etc.)

2x Fragrance Storm (Plants)

1x Prime Material Dragon (Burn)

1x The End of Anubis (stops Malicious, among other things)

1x Twister (Macro / Drain)

1x Mystical Space Typhoon (Macro / Drain)

1x Heavy Storm (Macro / Drain)

1x Pole Position (Lightsworn)

1x Possessed Dark Soul (Synchro)

1x Jowgen the Spiritualist (anti-Special Summon)

1x Deck Lockdown (Glads)

1x Threatening Roar (Lightsworn)

1x Share the Pain (clear a clogged up field for Shallow Grave)

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i am new at this so don't flame me,but with morphing jar #2,it seems you are trying to do some milling loop,since you have many cards that can intercept with it and you might also mill yourself at in the process.

des lacooda is too slow since you have to wait 2 turns to draw a card,wasting cards to flip it down is not good.

remove the virus cannon as milling one card isn't worth a tribute at most times

i would remove hiro's shadow scout because both draw 3 cards but you might get rid of some vital spells

you wouldn't need wall of revealing light if you already have messenger of peace

i would max out upstart goblin if i were you since LP doesn't affect your win condition

i would also remove DNA checkup as you just revealed your f/d so your opponent won't attack it and focus on removing it

you also have no defense in case something goes wrong,lets see the changes i am making right now


-2 morphing jar #2

-1 des lacooda

-1 wall of revealing light

-1 virus cannon

-2 hiros shadow scout

-2 DNA checkup

+1 upstart goblin


you now have 8 spaces left over for some defense

i would suggest dark bribe since you focus on milling them and making them draw a card and negating seems to be a good choice,i would add 3

in case you didn't know also,tributing does NOT flip it,you probably already know.

i suggest you fill the rest of the 5 slots by either ignoring some of my removal suggestions or fill with the side deck.


i understand this is in IRL,it would be much easier fixing your deck if you told me(us) what cards you have,unless your not going to actually build it or it's for DMU.

please do not flame me for this as i am new

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Morphing Jar #2 is a vital card in any Mill Deck. It reuses your Flip Effect monsters as well as mill the opponent. I understand Des Lacooda is slow starting out, but the deck kind of lacks draw power and needs it. I was considering taking out Wall of Revealing Light because of the cost, but I kind of need the protection. I agree with you on Virus Cannon, except I use it to clear my often-clogged field so I can set new monsters or use Shallow Grave. Hiro I think works well, so I'm keeping it. DNA Checkup is a win-win situation, because it will either have me draw cards (for hand advantage) or my opponent will draw (helps mill the deck). I would use Dark Bribes if I could afford them, but I'm on a major budget. So I'm thinking this...


-1 WoRL

-1 Virus Cannon


+1 Gift of Greed

+1 Waboku


Not sure though... what do you think?

Bump... =/

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Posion of the Mummy Jar Loop.


1 Posion of the Mummy

1 Sangan

3 Morphing Jar #2

3 Thunder Dragon



3 Hand Destruction

3 Dark World Dealings

3 Upstart Goblin

3 Book of Total Ecilpse

3 Messenger of Peace

2 Book Of Moon

1 Level Limit Area B

1 Monster Reborn



3 Reckless Greed

3 Jar of Greed

3 Corpse of Yata

3 All Out Attacks

1 Accumaltive Fortune



All Out Attacks + Morphing Jar#2 + Posion of the Mummy = Game.


Meh, you either mill them to death or loop and burn them

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Posion of the Mummy Jar Loop.


1 Posion of the Mummy

1 Sangan

3 Morphing Jar #2

3 Thunder Dragon



3 Hand Destruction

3 Dark World Dealings

3 Upstart Goblin

3 Book of Total Ecilpse

3 Messenger of Peace

2 Book Of Moon

1 Level Limit Area B

1 Monster Reborn



3 Reckless Greed

3 Jar of Greed

3 Corpse of Yata

3 All Out Attacks

1 Accumaltive Fortune



All Out Attacks + Morphing Jar#2 + Posion of the Mummy = Game.


Meh' date=' you either mill them to death or loop and burn them




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Monsters (16)

3x Needle Worm

3x Destiny Hero – Defender <--- Not a good way to "mill"

2x Arcana Force 0 – The Fool

2x Morphing Jar #2

2x Hiro’s Shadow Scout <--- More useful in this format, but dunno.

1x Des Lacooda

1x Sangan

1x Desertapir <--- Book of Moon is better in lots of ways.

1x Morphing Jar


Spells (13)

3x Messenger of Peace

2x Book of Eclipse

2x Upstart Goblin

2x The Shallow Grave

1x Card Destruction

1x Magical Stone Excavation <--- I don't think it should go in here.

1x Level Limit – Area B

1x Swords of Revealing Light


NOTE: No Monster Reborn?


Traps (11)

3x Compulsory Evacuation Device

2x DNA Checkup <--- Would not recommend using. Deck is mostly EARTH

2x Desert Sunlight

1x Waboku

1x Wall of Revealing Light

1x Gravity Bind

1x Virus Cannon <--- Never.

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I use Defender because not only does it supply defense but slight mill as well. I had Book in there before, but I traded it for a Card Trooper (lol) so I thought I'd put Desertapir as a sub til I get another one. Why would I use Monster Reborn? I considered it to bring back a Needle Worm and flip it down with Eclipse or something, but I'm not sure what other purpose it could serve. Checkup is a win-win situation, because it either will mill my oppoment or give me draw power. Plus, Defender and Sangan are DARK, and the Fool is LIGHT. I kinda agree with you on Virus Cannon - should I put a The Gift of Greed to replace it? And what should I replace everything else with?

Oh, forgot to explain Stone Excavation - it's good to bring back Messengers, Level Limits, etc. if I'm in a tight spot.

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No no no no no no no no no. Making your opponent draw cards is never a good way to mill, especially in today's format. They'll draw into their best OTK cards faster, and blow you out of the water.


Also, you can use Monster Reborn against your opponent to get their dumped monsters, bring back your Defender if you keep it, or have a blocker like The Fool.


Also, Paralyze Chain is not a good choice for side deck material.

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Unfortunately there aren't many good milling cards besides the jars and Needle Worm, so I'm not sure what to replace the opponent-draw-cards (like Defender and Checkup) with. I thought Paralyzing Chain might help burn off my opponent with Doppelganger if I'm facing burn, but I agree 300 damage just isn't enough. What do you think I should put in for it?

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Monsters (12)

3x Needle Worm

3x Morphing Jar #2

2x Hiro’s Shadow Scout

1x Sangan

1x Morphing Jar

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Marshmallon


Spells (21)

3x Hand Destruction

3x Dark World Dealings

3x Book of Eclipse

3x Upstart Goblin

3x Cup of Ace

2x Book of Taiyou

2x The Shallow Grave

1x Magical Stone Excavation

1x Card Destruction

1x Level Limit – Area B


Traps (6)

3x Threatening Roar / Solemn Judgment

2x Desert Sunlight

1x Gravity Bind




I just made this up in a second, no idea how it would work. Probably not well.

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Monsters (12)

3x Needle Worm

3x Morphing Jar #2

2x Hiro’s Shadow Scout

1x Sangan

1x Morphing Jar

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Marshmallon


Spells (21)

3x Hand Destruction

3x Dark World Dealings

3x Book of Eclipse

3x Upstart Goblin

3x Cup of Ace

2x Book of Taiyou

2x The Shallow Grave

1x Magical Stone Excavation

1x Card Destruction

1x Level Limit – Area B


Traps (6)

3x Threatening Roar / Solemn Judgment

2x Desert Sunlight

1x Gravity Bind




I just made this up in a second' date=' no idea how it would work. Probably not well.



It seems okay, just not competitive enough for me to run at Regionals. Especially since this might be the last regionals ever since Konami sued UDE or whatever went down... anyway, I'd definitely run Hand Destructions and another Jar#2 if I had them, but I sadly don't. I'm gonna update the deck now in the first post.

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I know I probably won't top, but I think I've got a pretty decent deck. It playtests rather nicely, and I've once used the effect of a single Needle Worm 4 times before it left the field. I've got protection, milling, and draw power - I don't really see much of a problem. My only concern is letting my opponent draw into their best cards. Then again, I'd rather use a Gift of Greed than Simultaneous Loss. Do you know any good milling cards? Like, MILLING cards? Ones that don't let your opponent draw? Needle Worm and the Jars are all I can think of. Again, there's Simultaneous Loss, but not even a monkey would use that card.

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