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Wetlands Synchro

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Monsters: (21)

3x Star Boy

3x Unifrog

3x Mother Grizzly

3x Substitoad

3x Junk Synchron

3x Nightmare Penguin

2x Fiendish Wisdom Frog

1x Sangan


Spells: (11)

3x Wetlands

2x Terraforming

2x Inferno Reckless Summon

2x Demise of the Land

1x Monster Reborn

1x Level Limit - Area B


Traps: (8)

3x Solemn Judgment

3x Limit Reverse

1x Gravity Bind

1x Torriential Tribute


Extra Deck: (6)

3x Junk Warrior (Actually works quite well in this type of deck. After all, most of the monsters you will probably have are Level 2 or lower high-ATK beatsticks.)

3x Black Rose Dragon


Really, I can't think of any other Synchros to put into this Deck. It's not exactly great to -3 or -4 yourself for most Synchros, right?


(As in Goyo and the Level 8s.)


And even then, I'd need to run some Level 4 tuna fish, and the best one here is Debris Dragon...

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