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thanks for the other great splices. can i have alot of splices plz.


1.wobeffet and lucario

2.shuppet and rotom

3.chimchar, piplup and turtwig

4.pikachu and chikorita

5.bulbasaur and lucario

6.torchick and piplup

7.duskonoir and charizard

8.charizard, venasaur and blastoise

9.dialga, palkia and darkarai

10.infernape, empoleon and torterra

11.feraligatr, typhlosion and meganium

12.Blazikin, sceptile and swampert

13.mewtwo and gligar

14.igallypuff and cleffa

15.raichu and rattatta

16.Magmortar and Electivire


Sorry to give u alot of work . i just realy need them.

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