Dark Posted December 15, 2008 Report Share Posted December 15, 2008 [align=center]Đ∂гκ’s CąѓĐ ΣđįTŞ™ [The Introduction] Hello, and welcome to Dark's Card Edits. Here, not only will you find the best in quality, but the best in service. We sell a wide array of card edits, ranging from Advanced Holo's to a simple Sticker Recolor. We can turn your bland, simple, basic card into an intricate and elaborate work of art. And your artist today is me, Dark. But this must bore you, venture further to unleash the true power of the artist formerly known as Dark. [Thank You] Many people went into making this shop, and they consist of not only I. First, I need to thank Ashje, for his intricate help with simple Holoing and recoloring. Second, let me thank 4tutoralcom, for lending me Holo sheets so that I could even Holo in the first place. Third, I must thank Moneypony, for teaching me Advanced Holoing, tips, and being a great supporter. Fourth, let me thank Strawberry-Nii-Chan, for also helping me with Holoing, and being an all-around great person. Finally, let me thank Sammidysam, for teaching me the basis of Pokemon splicing, even though I do not sell them. All these people deserve a round of applause, and they will forever be embedded in this shop. [The Rules] Other than the YCM rules, I have my own custom rules that apply to this shop. Each time you break one of these rules, it is up to my own right to give you a neg rep. Some rules require more of a punishment. If you break 5 or more rules from this shop, you will be banned, and cannot order an item ever again. 1.) Do not steal from my shop.2.) Do not flame other members, or spam.3.) Do not critique my work. If you don't like it, go somewhere else.4.) Do not ask when your order is done. I also have a life, and will get it done as soon as possible.5.) Please use the forms to order your items. Otherwise, your order is declined.6.) Do not ask for something that is not on the item list.7.) This is a Pre-Pay service. Pay as soon as you order.8.) DO NOT STEAL MY HOLO SHEETS.9.) You may only order up to 6 items per day.10.) DO NOT ORDER BY PM.11.) Prices are subject to increase and decrease without notice.12.) We are not hiring. Do NOT send in applications.13.) You may NOT copy the symbol in the title.14.) I have the right to decline any order.15.) Break these rules and your order will be voided. Breaking rule number 8 results in up to 6 negative reps, and an auto-ban from my shop. [The Bans] If you are banned from my shop, listed below, you cannot post here, at all, and you may not order an item. NONE [important Information] 1.) I automatically provide the IMG Code, unless stated otherwise in your post.2.) If you want me to deliver [PM] the final product, state so in your form. Delivery costs 1 point more.3.) I have no opening and closing times, just post an order and I will do it whenever I have time.4.) You can pay me 5 points per week for me to advertise one of your threads here. Just fill out this form and paste it... Form for Advertising: URL Link:Banner or Signature Code [OPTIONAL]:Slogan:How long should I advertise?: [Advertisments] [Coupon Clause] I will be PMing Coupons for this shop, from time to time. To be elligible to get a coupon, all you have to do is order an item from me. Every week or so, if you ever ordered an item, you might be worthy of receiving a coupon, for free or discounted items. The coupon comes with a bar-code number, and post it here so I know that you get a discount/free item(s). The more you buy here, the more coupons you will get, and the more free items you can get from a single coupon. Each shop is free to use this "Coupon" idea without any credit. [base Card Clause] This is the Base Card. This card will be used in all of the examples at this shop. Before any editing is done, this is what the card looks like. This is to assure you what YOUR finalized card will look like in comparison to what THIS finalized card looks like. That way, you can assure yourself you are buying the correct item. [Form Description] Item Name [Cost in Points] Small Description about the item, or any other notes needed about said item. Form:Form (cont.):Form (cont.):Form (cont.):[spoiler=Example] Example Card [The Menu of Items] OCG Correction [1 Point] The lore or effect of your card is fixed to proper OCG standards. Sometimes I fix the OCG incorrectly, as I am not a 100% master at OCG. Card:Effect:[spoiler=Example] this card cnt be norml summons or setd. this card only speicil sumon when u have xctly 4000 life pts. u can tribte tis card to dstroy evry munster card on ur oppnents sid o da feld Changed to: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned when you have exactly 4000 Life Points. You can Tribute this card to destroy every Monster Card on your opponent's side of the field. Full Card Recolor [1 Point] The whole card is recolored to a custom color. The picture, sticker, stars and attribute are also affected by this item. Card:Color:[spoiler=Example] Full Picture Recolor [1 Point] Only the picture is recolored to a custom color. The card itself is not affected by this item. Card:Color:[spoiler=Example] Advanced Picture Recolor [4 Points] Parts of a card's picture is recolored to a custom color. Not the whole picture is affected, just parts that you choose. Card:Color:Which parts to color:Which parts NOT to color:[spoiler=Example] Sticker Recolor [1 Point] Get the sticker of your card recolored to a custom color. Gold is available, but it may not be 100% correct. Card:Color:[spoiler=Example] Attribute and Star Recolor [4 Points] Get the Attribute or Stars of your card recolored to a custom color. Black and white are not available for this item. You can choose to completley remove the stars or Attribute, making it a 0-star and/or a no-Attribute card. Card:Star Color:Attribute Color:[spoiler=Example] Standard Recolor [4 Points] Get your card recolored to custom color. The attribute, stars, picture or sticker is not affected by this item. Black and white are unavailable. Card:Color:[spoiler=Example] Inverts [Free] Get your card recolored to invert colors. Card:[spoiler=Example] Glow Card [1 Point] Have your card have a custom glow effect. Does not work good on Synchro or Ritual monsters. Card:[spoiler=Example] Cubic Card [1 Point] Have your card re-shaped so it looks like a bunch of cubes. Card:[spoiler=Example] Circular Card [1 Point] Have your card re-shaped so it looks like a circle. Card:[spoiler=Example] Sub-Type Fix [3 Points] Fix the second type of your card, and get rid of that pesky Effect symbol. Your card needs to include both types AND the effect symbol, like the base card does, for this item to work. Card:[spoiler=Example] Spotlight [3 Points] Add a custom Spotlight to your card and/or picture. Multiple spotlights do NOT cost extra. Card:Type [Aura, Fire, Sun, SunShine or Star]:Where should it hit:[spoiler=Example] Rainbow Picture [4 Points] The whole picture of your card becomes into a Rainbowish color. Advanced Rainbows cost extra. Card:[spoiler=Example] Water Picture [3 Points] The whole picture of your card beomces a Waterish color. Advanced Waters cost extra. Card:[spoiler=Example] Standard Holo [4 Points] A custom-colored Holo sheet faded and embedded into the WHOLE picture of your card. Card:Holo Sheet #:Color:Light or Dark:[spoiler=Example] Advanced Holo [5 - 7 Points] Parts of the picture are "Standard Holoed" and parts are not. Price can vary on difficulty. Card:Holo Sheet #:Color:What to Holo:What not to Holo:[spoiler=Example] [Holo Sheets] Rule #8 in my shop prohibits you from stealing any of these HOLO Sheets. These were founded in 7 ways... 1. One of them was founded by me, and is the standard for HOLOing.2. Egyption God X founded some of the HOLO sheets, and we share them.3. Some nice YCM Members donated some HOLO sheets to my shop.4. Chaos [Remix] gave me some of his old HOLO sheets.5. 4TutoralCom was nice enough to give me some of his HOLO sheets.6. I made some of the HOLO sheets, all by myself.7. KillerxKid let me use one of his HOLO sheets, provided I credit him. [spoiler=Holo Sheets] Holo Sheet number 1 is at the top, while Holo Sheet number 10 is at the bottom. I will sometimes make my own Holo sheet and post it here, for you guys to reveiw. In this sense, this list will expand, to more than 10. [special Deals] Platinum Card [7 Points] Includes a Standard Recolor, a Standard Holo and a Sticker Recolor, all in one order! Card:Recolor Color:Holo Sheet #:Holo Sheet Color:Dark or Light:Sticker Color:[spoiler=Example] Mega-Recolor [8 Points] Includes a Standard Recolor, a Sticker Recolor, a Picture Recolor, a Star Recolor and an Attribute Recolor all in one order! Card:Recolor Color:Sticker Color:Picture Color:Star Color:Attribute Color:[spoiler=Example] Thanks for choosing Đ∂гκ’s CąѓĐ ΣđįTŞ™ for all of your card-editing needs. More items are yet to come, after more experimenting with GIMP and Paint. We currently have 19 items and 10 Holo Sheets. We hope to see you again at this fine establishment.[/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sammidysam Posted December 15, 2008 Report Share Posted December 15, 2008 What should I order? I want your suggestion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
krazy_kid_ac3 Posted December 15, 2008 Report Share Posted December 15, 2008 Can you make this standard holo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Posted December 15, 2008 Author Report Share Posted December 15, 2008 What should I order? I want your suggestion. Depends on what card. Or you could order a grab bag' date=' where I make it randomly. Can you make this standard holo Fill out the form and pay me 4 points. No money and no form means no item. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sammidysam Posted December 15, 2008 Report Share Posted December 15, 2008 That's the thing; I don't make many cards. And my coupon expires in three days. :x Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Posted December 15, 2008 Author Report Share Posted December 15, 2008 Yeah, well, I guess if you don't make any cards... you should start. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sammidysam Posted December 15, 2008 Report Share Posted December 15, 2008 ' pid='1471280' dateline='1229385362']Yeah' date=' well, I guess if you don't make any cards... you should start. ;)[/quote']Is the rule for permission at DA still live? I need to know. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
krazy_kid_ac3 Posted December 15, 2008 Report Share Posted December 15, 2008 nevermind about the card Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Posted December 15, 2008 Author Report Share Posted December 15, 2008 No, but if the artist randomly comes to YCM and never consented, your card will be taken down. But no dA artist comes here, so just post a URL link IN CASE. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
moneypony Posted December 16, 2008 Report Share Posted December 16, 2008 umm,you forgot to use the almighty healing tool for the sub-type fix once again >.>and just to let you know,if you need me to teach you about a type of card edit(or an idea of your own) just let me know. ;)sorry if i tricked you into thinking this was an order as i don't make cards these days and i don't really need much :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snitch Posted December 16, 2008 Report Share Posted December 16, 2008 Wow! You copied the exact same layout of your previous shop, and edited it slighty! =O Mind if I work here? PM me the answer, don't want to bother your customers. ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Posted December 16, 2008 Author Report Share Posted December 16, 2008 umm' date='you forgot to use the almighty healing tool for the sub-type fix once again >.>and just to let you know,if you need me to teach you about a type of card edit(or an idea of your own) just let me know. ;)sorry if i tricked you into thinking this was an order as i don't make cards these days and i don't really need much :([/quote'] I don't understand how to use the Healing Tool. :D Wow! You copied the exact same layout of your previous shop' date=' and edited it slighty! =O Mind if I work here? PM me the answer, don't want to bother your customers. ^^[/quote'] ...was that supposed to make me feel bad? Also, I don't wanna hire anyone, but need be, I shall PM away. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snitch Posted December 16, 2008 Report Share Posted December 16, 2008 UHhh, no, it wasn't. Sorry. Just a joke. T___T Anyhow, here's what I'm willing to do. ^^ [spoiler=Snitch's Items][spoiler=Items][spoiler=Swirled Holos] [spoiler=Specific Holo]BG or Character/Main of Pic ONLY. [spoiler=Planted!] [spoiler=Light Holo] [spoiler=Heavy Holo] [spoiler=Gold Sticker] [spoiler=Premium Pack]1 Holo Type + 1 Gold Sticker [spoiler=Forms][spoiler=Swirled Holos]Swirled Holo (Snitch)Card To Be Holo'ed:Price To Pay (1-3): [spoiler=Specific Holo]Specific Holo (Snitch)Card To Be Holo'ed:What Part To Holo (Pic or Background ONLY):Price To Pay (2-4): [spoiler=Planted!]Planted! (Snitch)Card To Be Planted!'ed:Price To Pay (1-3): [spoiler=Light Holo]Light Holo (Snitch)Card To Be Holo'ed:Price To Pay (1-3): [spoiler=Heavy Holo]Heavy Holo (Snitch)Card To Be Holo'ed:Price To Pay (1-3): [spoiler=Gold Sticker]Gold Sticker (Snitch)Card To Be Sticker'ed:Price To Pay (1-2): [spoiler=Premium Pack (1 Holo Type + 1 Gold Sticker)]Premium Pack (Snitch)Card To Be Holo-Sticker'ed:Holo Type:Price To Pay (2-5): Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sammidysam Posted December 16, 2008 Report Share Posted December 16, 2008 I'd like a sub-type for this card please, thanks.I am not going to use my coupon yet... :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chief Cotton Posted December 16, 2008 Report Share Posted December 16, 2008 Sorry to say but this is all very easy to do with Photoshop. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
moneypony Posted December 16, 2008 Report Share Posted December 16, 2008 sorry to say he uses GIMP.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Posted December 16, 2008 Author Report Share Posted December 16, 2008 I'd like a sub-type for this card please' date=' thanks.[img']http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/9632/146412mf3.jpg[/img]I am not going to use my coupon yet... :lol: Sure, I will try to get it done before the day withers away. Sorry to say but this is all very easy to do with Photoshop. Yeah, I guess it is. Oh well, no buisness for me. :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Posted December 18, 2008 Author Report Share Posted December 18, 2008 BUMP, I can feel I have to abandon this one as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
moneypony Posted December 18, 2008 Report Share Posted December 18, 2008 no my friend,you don't need to abandon it,just make better things,card edit might not be so popular nowadays,perhaps adding non-card related stuff and naming it like:[Ф Đ∂гκ’s CąѓĐ ΣđįTŞ™ Ф] +more! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Posted December 18, 2008 Author Report Share Posted December 18, 2008 I don't know how to do anything else, and I can see that nothing that I do is "popular". So I guess I phailz in GFX. :mrgreen: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sammidysam Posted December 19, 2008 Report Share Posted December 19, 2008 ' pid='1481388' dateline='1229635159']I don't know how to do anything else' date=' and I can see that nothing that I do is "popular". So I guess I phailz in GFX. :mrgreen:[/quote']Then I can start going shopping through a shop message I send to Dark... -message deleted due to breaking rule by saying it- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
krazy_kid_ac3 Posted December 19, 2008 Report Share Posted December 19, 2008 Card:Holo Sheet #:1Color:blueWhat to Holo:the background and the in betweenWhat not to Holo:the monster the hair the swords Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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