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The Fall of Heaven prelude:the beginning of the apocalypse

Archangel of destiny

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--Invisible? I'm going to have to change that post MY way...


Mokuro was stalking some footsteps he heard, at which he saw nobody, so he though... "Heh, I see..."...


Mokruo then casted a Spell, "Revealish!", at which, Ron's Inivisibility disappeared. "Aw, so much for your invisibilty..."

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"Your invisibilty? Well, you know that inivisiblity doesn't cover sound..." Rokujo then laughed as soon as he heard the cell broke. "Don't worry, I have sent some of my Minions to repair the cell, and sent one of the Strongest of my Army, perferebly the Generals to Put a Special Barrier around it, that nobody can brake without killing him of course..."


Rokujo then said, "Tell me, have you ever wondered what it was like to be disgraced by a God that never answers your prayers? Well, that is what the Humans feel... The Humans are in a tough time. Their planet is going to die, wether they can try to stop it or not... And we, Riders of the Apocalypse, are going to bring Heaven and it's God to it's knees, once, and for all of eternity!!!!!"

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Ron replied: "Well, you can.. ... DIE!! Then Ron tranforms into his Gold Form. He then starts charging at Mokuro as he wants him killed. He then sends for clones tranforming them into their Silver Form and became just like Ron. Soon after, one all of Ron's clones said: "I want all of you killed!!" Ron then said: "That's my line.." and they all charged at Mokuro.

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