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Charge of the Alkaline Brigade [For SephirothKirby]

Saiyan Knight

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Well, my friend here has asked that I root through the depths of my brain and construct an infinitely powerful Battery deck. This one's the Batteryman AA Overkill, AKA Batteryman Double-A-O.K.


First of all, we'll need the bare-bones essentials. The Batterymen and the Inferno Reckless Summons to get them out.


Monsters- 3

3x Batteryman AA


Spells- 3

3x Inferno Reckless Summon




Now, this kind of deck NEEDS to either take 2 turns or go second and win on the first turn. This is because you need to actually ATTACK for game. It's not a burn damage scenario. Also, with Inferno Reckless Summon, you'll need to have the opponent with a monster on their field.


Now, I already know that this deck WILL seem odd to most of you, and I'll be making it to my specifications for an OTK, which can be odd, but bare with me. I promise it won't suck as hard as it looks like it will. Let's add all the generic draw cards we can, for the first part, within reason.


Monsters- 3

3x Batteryman AA


Spells- 11

1x Card Destruction

3x Dark World Dealings

3x Hand Destruction

3x Inferno Reckless Summon

1x Upstart Goblin


Now, we only use 1 Upstart Goblin because we'll be attacking for 9000, and we can afford to hand them 1000 life points. Any more then that though and we'd be putting ourselves out of range of the OTK.


We're also going to stuff in 3 copies of Short Circuit so we can blow away the field for a clear attack.


Monsters- 3

3x Batteryman AA


Spells- 14

1x Card Destruction

3x Dark World Dealings

3x Hand Destruction

3x Inferno Reckless Summon

3x Short Circuit

1x Upstart Goblin


Now let's add in 3 Thunder Dragon for thinning, 3 Toon Table of Contents for thinning, and 3 Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon, so we can use 3 Trade-In.


Monsters- 9

3x Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon

3x Thunder Dragon

3x Batteryman AA


Spells- 20

1x Card Destruction

3x Dark World Dealings

3x Hand Destruction

3x Inferno Reckless Summon

3x Toon Table of Contents

3x Trade-In

3x Short Circuit

1x Upstart Goblin


For the sake of having to Special Summon one of the Batterymen for the IRS to take effect and bring out three copies, we'll include a Monster Reborn and 3 copies of Battery Charger. On top of that, we'll use 2 Magical Stone Excavation, since they're common now.


Monsters- 9

3x Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon

3x Thunder Dragon

3x Batteryman AA


Spells- 26

2x Battery Charger

1x Card Destruction

3x Dark World Dealings

3x Hand Destruction

3x Inferno Reckless Summon

2x Magical Stone Excavation

1x Monster Reborn

3x Toon Table of Contents

3x Trade-In

3x Short Circuit

1x Upstart Goblin


Next, since the opponent needs to have a monster, we'll go ahead and add in 3 Grinder Golem. They add to Trade-In, don't stop our Special Summoning, and give us an easy target for IRS on their side.


Monsters- 12

3x Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon

3x Grinder Golem

3x Thunder Dragon

3x Batteryman AA


Spells- 28

2x Battery Charger

1x Card Destruction

3x Dark World Dealings

2x Foolish Burial

3x Hand Destruction

3x Inferno Reckless Summon

2x Magical Stone Excavation

1x Monster Reborn

3x Toon Table of Contents

3x Trade-In

3x Short Circuit

1x Upstart Goblin


We only need 2 more cards, and I'm going to say we should opt for 2 copies of Foolish Burial to make sure Battery Charger and Monster Reborn are ALWAYS loaded.


Now we have enough speed and consistency to pull out our combo around 80% of the time. We'll still get dead hands, but we should be able to recover just fine.


If you need to know why a specific card was picked, let me know. =3

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