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Im probably doing this terribly wrong.


Monsters: 13


3x Destiny Hero - Plasma

3x Destiny Hero - Dogma

3x Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon

3x Toon Summoned Skull

1x Elemental Hero Stratos


Spells: 24


3x Allure of Darkness

3x Destiny Draw

3x Trade-In

3x Hand Destruction

3x Dark World Dealings

3x Toon Table of Contents

3x A Feather of the Phoenix

1x Card Destruction

1x Reasoning

1x Scapegoat


Traps: 3


3x Magical Explosion


Rate / Fix.


Im testing this out.

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Well the only thing this Deck would really need is for Reasoning to be at 3. Monster Gate is uneccessary since I would hardly ever have a Monster out.


Ive conducted a few tests. I havent been able to get the FTK. I feel the Toon Summoned Skulls should go. The only thing I would consider replacing them with is another draw Spell. Upstart Goblin is the only thing I can think of but the problem with that is the fact it gives my opponent 1000 Life Points when I activate it.

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Yep, as you say, you are doing it wrong, My bro was given this Decklist, but you need to wait till MCE comes out


Monsters: 12

3 Mind Master

3 Magical Exemplar

3 Broww

3 Toon Dark Magician Girl


Extra Deck: 6

3 Tempest Magician

3 Musician King


Spells: 26

3 Magical City Endymion

3 Allure of Darkness

3 Dark World Dealings

3 Toon Table of Contents

3 Upstart Goblin

3 Emergency Teleport

3 Instant Fusion

3 Terraforming

1 Card Destruction

1 Monster Reborn


Traps: 3

3 Magical Explosion

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