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Spirit of the Dice Club - Card Making Contest - Look on first post for more details

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Hello, if you have never heard of Spirit of the Dice click here


Here you can talk about pretty much anything you want.. Please try keeping the topic to Spirit of the Dice, but you may trail off a bit if you want, you can talk about Yu-gi-oh, movies, tv shows, music, and maybe even Magic the Gather! But please keep it mostly based on Spirit of the Dice ;D


You can even try giving ideas for more cards!! If its good enough, I will give you rep for helping me out!


I hope this doesn't die, please enjoy this club.. ;D


[spoiler=Club Contest:]

This contest does not have an end date yet, so be patient..

Your objective is to make a Spirit of the Dice card!! I need a picture and everything..

Winner will recieve 3 rep and 50 points..

I will go easy on the OCG, don't worry, but at least try to get the best as you can ^^

I will most likely use most of your card ideas


Fill out this form for the contest


Card Name:

Card Pic:






I am going to make your card so you know what it looks like. I will fix up most of the OCG but I know what it was like before..


Red Alloy's Spirit of the Dice (I made a token for it ^^):





You have 3 warnings in this club.. You get a warning every time you break a rule.. After 3, you get a neg rep and if your lucky, a nuetral rep..


1. No spamming

2. No flaming

3. Do not use vulgor language

4. If anybody ruins the reputation of the club, you will be booted

5. All YCM rules




If anything is going on or if you have any rants, send a PM to either:

- Sharneeda

- Moneypony




1. narutoloverjoey

2. Red Alloy (Kudos to you for lots of great card ideas)

3. Snitch


5. superbull

6. D.Kefka








I will add more later...

The Simpsons Club for Simpsons Fans

The Music Spot Club

⌐⌐ Dark Ambitions ╗╗





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Don't remove this. Thank you.

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allright! lol, welcome new members ^^


I'm in. This game looks really cool - the only thing I have to say is that you make the board on Jcink instead. I could do that' date=' if you want.[/quote']

Ohh, that would be great if you could do that ^^

Also, could you make the Card Zones and Dice Zones to six instead?

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Wow' date=' that card looks cool. I haven't really looked at all the cards yet, so I don't know them all. Working on the new forum now! ^^


Also, if you'd be willing to, PM me how to make the cards and I'll have a go at one. ^^


hmm,a new forum?i am not sure on why we would need multiple forums for this.


personally,i don't know my favorite card >.>

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Whaty I'm saying' date=' is, your current forum host, in a nutshell, sucks. =/


your saying our current host sucks >.>

it's made from a generator-kind of thing so....

what host do you use?

and i don't know much about HTML >.>


Doesn't take any HTML to run Jcink...it's easy as 1, 2, 3. If you want to see it, PM Shar for the link. He/she has it.

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id like to join

new one!


title rouge mage

type mage right



effect roll one six sided die. if the result is 6, this cards s becomes 0 and this cards a becomes 1800. each time you roll dice, this cards a goes down by 100


nother one


name ancient knoledge

type sorcery

effect double the results of all dice rolls





name zombie pyron

type undead

atk- 800

spd- 1200

effect roll one six sided die. this card can attack times the result halved


nother one

pic art16.jpg

name- pyron wolf rider

type- alchemy

attack- 1200

speed- 800

effect- this card can only be set on the field by sacing one undead monster and one demon monster.roll one six sided die. this card can attack times the result halved




name pyron aviator

type alchemy

atk 1500

spd 1200

effect this card can only be set on the field by sacing one dragon card and one undead card. this card can attack twice in the same turn.


heres my card for the contest!


name spirit of the dice

effect roll 2 six sided dies. add 1 spirit token to the field. type - warrior

its attack and spd are equal to the result times 100.


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