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I need help with my Buster deck


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x3 malicious

x3 krebons

x2 psychic commander

x2 d-hero dasher

x2 d.d crow (third sideable)

x2 buster beast

x2 buster stardust

x1 mind protector

x1 overdrive teleporter

x1 sangan

x1 caius

x1 dark grepher




x3 e-teleport

x3 allure

x2 d-draw

x1 monster reborn

x1 reinforcements of the army




x3 solemn

x2 psychic overload

x2 buster mode

x1 mirror force


side deck


x3 stardust

x2 goyo

x2 red dragon

x2 thought

x2 blackrose

x1 magical android


the deck isn't all that fluent. I am mainly concentrating on bringing out buster stardust on my first turn. Any help is greatly appreciated. I can also list my actual deck without the buster related changes if that helps.

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