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Water writen deck

Carbon V3

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This is my writen Water deck:




2x Ice Robot

LV 8



When this card is destroyed be battle destroy all opponents card on the field. This card cannot be destroyed be battle if you tribute 2 Water monsters from your hand.

ATK: 2500

DEF: 2000


Ultimate Water Dragon

LV 9



This card cannot be normal summon or set. This card cannot be special summon except whit tribute 5 Water monsters on your side of field. Every turn discard 1 card from your hand to special summons 1 Water monster from the graveyard to the field on face-up attack position.

ATK: 4000

DEF: 3600


3x Deep Sea Monster

LV 4


Sea monster/effect

If you don’t have trap and spell cards on your side of field you can special summon this monster from your hand. If this card attacks or was attacked of Water monster special summon 1 Deep Sea Monster from your deck.

ATK: 1700

DEF: 900


3x Water Honest

LV 4


Sea Fairy/effect

During your Main Phase, you can return this card from the field to its owner’s hand. During either players Damage Step, when a face-up WATER monster you control battles, you can send this card from your hand to the graveyard to have that monster gain ATK equal to the ATK of the opponents monster it is battling, until the End Phase.

ATK: 1100

DEF: 1900


3x Super Fish LV 3

LV 3



When this card is battle whit monster that is not Water Special summon 1 Super Fish LV 5 from your deck or hand. This card cannot be target of trap and spell cards.

ATK: 1200

DEF: 600


2x Super Fish LV 5

LV 5



When this card is battle whit monster that is not Water special summon 1 Super Fish LV7 from your deck or hand. This card cannot be target of trap and spell cards. When this card is destroyed in battle special summon 1 Super Fish LV 3 from your graveyard.

ATK: 2100

DEF: 1500


2x Super Fish LV 7

LV 7



This card cannot be normal summon ore set. This card cannot be special summon except whit effect of Super Fish LV 5.This card cannot be destroyed in battle of monster that is not Water. This card cannot be target be spell and trap cards. When this card is destroyed be battle special summon 1 Super Fish LV 5 from your graveyard.

ATK: 2700

DEF: 2000


2x Super Fish LV 10

LV 10



This card cannot be normal summon or set. This card cannot be special summon except for removing 1 Super Fish LV 7 from your side of field from play. This card cannot be destroyed be battle. By discard 1 Water monster from your hand to the graveyard you can destroy 1 monster on the field and opponents lose life points of the ATK of destroyed monster. When this card is destroyed special 1 LV 4 or lower from your graveyard to your side of field.

ATK: 3500

DEF: 2500


Water Lizard

LV 4


Sea Monster/effect

Once time on turn you can destroy 1 Water monster and then opponent will lose 1000 life points.

ATK: 1600

DEF: 1600


Spells: 10


2x Water Reborn


You can return 1 Water monster from your graveyard to your side if field in face-up attack position.


Quiet Ocean


Every Water monsters gain 500 ATK and 500 DEF. Every Fire monsters lose 500 ATK and 500 DEF. When this card is on the field every Water monster is LV 4.


3x Fish Torpedo


This card can equal only Super Fish monsters. Super Fish monster will gain 1000 ATK and 500 DEF. This card cannot be destroyed by effect of spell or trap cards.


2x Water Polymerization


Whit this card you can only Fusion Water monsters. When you Fusion 2 Water fusion material that fusion gain 2000 ATK and 2000 DEF.


2x Fish Barriel


You can add 2 Fish token on the field (Water, Fish, LV 4, ATK /1500, DEF /1500) and they can be any fusion material monster.


Traps: 10


3x Water Negate


If you have Water monster on the field you can negate attack of 1 monster


3x Trap Tribute


Every time it is activate a trap card this card gets 1 Trap Counter. When this card gets 10 Trap Counters on it game is over and you win the duel.


2x Water Gamer


You must remove from play 15 Water monsters from graveyard. Then wait

5 turns and then you win duel.


2x Water Summoner

Trap/ Continues

In 1 turn you can summon 2 Water monsters except 1.


Extra Deck: 2


2x Two Water Had Honest

LV 12


Sea Fairy

Water Honest + Water Hones

Two Water Had Honest

ATK: 4500

DEF: 5000

Two Water Had Honest

ATK: 4500

DEF: 5000

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