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Warrior Snychro

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Monsters: 20


Junk Synchron x3

Speed warrior x3

Spell striker x2

Marauding Captain x3

Command Knight x2

Blade Knight

Tune Warrior x2

Freed the Matchless General

Mystic Swordsman Lv 2, 4; 6


Spell :10


Axe of Despair x2

Heavy Storm

Lightning Vortex

Monster Reborn


Smashing Ground

The A. Forces x2




Bottomless Trap Hole x3

Mirror Force

Scrap-Iron Scarecrow x2

Threatening Roar x3

Windstorm Of Etaqua


Extra Deck: 15


Junk Warrior x3

Goyo Guardian x3

Colossal Fighter x3

Stardust Dragon x3

Red Archfiend Dragon x3


Any suggestions/ideas to improve??

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Dont need bushi.

the normal monsters are 3 star tuners. Play Marauding Captain, S.S. tune warrior, snychro into Goyo.

because i can bring the equips back if i choose to.

Its a power boost that can be quite devastating if used correctly.

Cause it pisses off your opponent.

Cause its an original idea. which, now a days, isn't something most people can claim.


And you need to check again. All cards are in the right place. ^^

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Dont need bushi.

the normal monsters are 3 star tuners. Play Marauding Captain' date=' S.S. tune warrior, snychro into Goyo.

because i can bring the equips back if i choose to.

Its a power boost that can be quite devastating if used correctly.

Cause it pisses off your opponent.

Cause its an original idea. which, now a days, isn't something most people can claim.


And you need to check again. All cards are in the right place. ^^



Kyuubi, sbdnate is right, you have Junk Warrior in the Main deck. Should it maybe be Junk Synchron?


there is a difference between original and failure...


I have to agree with Kyuubi as far as Scrap-Iron Scarecrow can technically remain on the field to be used again the following opponent's turn, provided that it's not Dust Tornadoed.

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