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Total Drama Island RP (Accepting Character Choices) (Roleplay started)


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Chef sighed and took off the mask "Man I was hoping to scare you little maggots but I guess I'll have to figure something else out. Now if you excuse me, I was in the middle of making" before he could finish an explosion rattled the entire island that seemed to resinate from the kitchen "lunch, I'll be right back." Chef said running towards the cafiteria to check the damage.


Mean-while a certain red headed teen drumed his fingers on a suitcase, listening to the exlposion coming form the camp. "I guess things are going to be the same as last year." He muttered hoping to see his sweet heart on the island.

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Harold ran up to LeShawna and gave her a hug "I totaly missed seeing you." he said over joyed by the sight of her.


Chef stepped out of the kitchen stiring a slightly blackened pot "Listen up you guys luch will be ready in two minutes!" He takes out the ladel only to show a melted handle "Huh, better make it five minutes."

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