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My Earth Deck.

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This deck is made up of all earth attribute monsters.theyre are diiferent types in this deck because the main attribute is Earth.


Total Cards:40(Extra Deck Not Included In TotaL Card Count)


Extra Deck:1 (I only have 4 syncro monsters and the other 3 didnt fit in this deck)

Gaia Knight,The Force Of Earth x1



Magic cylinder x1

Solemn Wishes x1

Cemetary Bomb x1

Threatening Roar x1

Backup Soldier x1

Waboku x1

Trap Reclamation x1

Black Horn Of Heaven x1



Synchro Boost x1

Cyclone Boomerang x1

Double Summon x1

Axe Of The Despair x1

Malevolent Nuzzler x1

Monster Reborn x1

Terraforming x1

Gaia Power x1

Black Luster Ritual x1



Witch Doctor Of Sparta x1

Mad Sword Beast x1

Comrade Swordsman Of Landstar x1

Marauding Captain x1

Earth Effigy x1

Barrier Statue Of The Drought x1

The Trojan Horse x1

Lady Panther x1

Noisy Gnat x1

Goggle Golem x1

Elemental Hero Wildheart x1

Giant Rat x1

Cannon Soldier MK-2 x1

Ultimate Tyranno x1

Exploder Dradon x1

Gearfried The Iron Knight x1

Tune Warror x1

Warrior Dai Grepher x1

Stone Dragon x1

Alien Socktrooper x3

Black Luster Soldier x1 (Main Card)



Ive been working on this deck for a while if theyre is anything you like or dislike plz tell me.......And If any cards are banned i will replace them with not banned caards.

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i dont havemany good cards.......and i have fun making deck unlike you.

Justify the placement ??


We have fun making our decks. I don't have a lot of good cards (or the money for them)' date=' but that doesn't mean I'm actually using the deck. You can make a good deck that you're not using in real life, or save up your money to build a really good deck.


Justify the placement: He'll help you if you tell him [b']why[/b] each card is in the deck; I'm pretty sure he'd be fine with a basic explanation.



I personally think this deck fails.

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Oh ok..........well Barrier statue keeps my opponet from special summoning, Trojan Horse And Earth Effigy are for

tribute summoning Ultimate Tyranno and Stone Dragon, The 3 Alien Shock troopers are for the atk pwr and The tuners are for the syncro monster and Gaia Power Raises atk of all earth monsters and the other cards just fit theyre And Black Luster Soldier Is one of my favorite cards so i decided to make him the main card.

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^ Well, Aliens belong in Alien

Barrier Statues don't work well, because they are EXTREMELY Vulernable to getting off the Field.

Tribute Summon isn't the BEST way to get a Monster out. But in some Situations...

Ultimate Tyranno belongs in Dino/Aggro

There's lot of others Synchros that are EARTH to use ^_^

BLS is a Ritual, and is not Too Good. Some Suggestions for this Deck:


Gadgets(Although Gadget Decks work too.)

3 Giant Rats(1 isn't enough)

Nimble Momonga

King Tiger Wanghu(meh, can't Think of anything else XD)



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Now the rules say no flaming.

My Decks are original for me i just like making random decks i dont have many cards.,I dont get to duel that much either.........and i dont get new boosters or tins that often.....AND i like older cards allitle better because theyre worth more than these new cards.

And Its an "EARTH" Deck It doesnt matter if the monster is an alien or an insect As long as theyre "EARTH" monsters..........:|

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Do this:

(Or at least try)



Witch Doctor Of Sparta x1 -1

Mad Sword Beast x1 -1

Comrade Swordsman Of Landstar x1 +1

Marauding Captain x1 +2

Earth Effigy x1 -1

Barrier Statue Of The Drought x1 -1

The Trojan Horse x1 -1

Lady Panther x1 -1

Noisy Gnat x1 -1

Goggle Golem x1 -1

Elemental Hero Wildheart x1 +2(You ALWAYS max out Wildheart)

Giant Rat x1 +2

Cannon Soldier MK-2 x1 -1

Ultimate Tyranno x1

Exploder Dradon x1 -1

Gearfried The Iron Knight x1 -1

Tune Warror x1 +1

Warrior Dai Grepher x1

Stone Dragon x1 -1

Alien Socktrooper x3

Black Luster Soldier x1 (NO) -1

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole x1

Sengan x1

Morphing Jar x1



.......Or something like that

(Since I dont really know whare you are going with this)

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