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Synchro Deck

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So, I kinda quit playing as of Synchros (not because of them, however), and recently got back into the game.


I decided if I'm going to play by today's standards, I might as well get acquainted with these 'Synchros'.






3| Stardust Dragon

2| Red Dragon Archfiend

2| Thought Ruler Archfiend

2| Black Rose Dragon

3| Goyo Guardian

1| Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundry

1| Natural Beast

1| Ally of Justice - Catastor



3| Destiny Hero - Malicious

3| Krebons

3| Tuning Supporter

3| Quillbolt Hedgehog

2| Junk Synchron

1| Soldier of Mist Valley

1| The Tricky

1| Breaker the Magical Warrior

1| Sangan




3| Inferno Reckless Summon

3| Mind Control

2| Emergency Teleport

2| Hand Destruction

1| Heavy Storm

1| Monster Reborn

1| Brain Control

1| Reasoning

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Monster Gate

1| Scapegoat




3| Solemn Judgment

1| Torrential Tribute

1| Mirror Force




2| Trap Eater

2| Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

2| Light-Imprisoning Mirror

2| Zombie Master

2| Token Thanksgiving

2| D.D. Crow

1| Gorz, Emissary of Darkness

1| Return from the Different Dimension

1| Thunder King Rai-Oh




EDIT: This is (going to be) an IRL deck, do not suggest Allure of Darkness/Destiny Draw/Crush Card Virus, despite how I'd like to run CCV in this.


EDIT2: Oh dear, it appears I cannot use Hyper Psycho Gunner, I thought it was the TUNER that had to be the Psychic Type.


This would be a good time to ask this question - can you put Synchros in your Side Deck? 'Cause he would be lovely to have if I was facing someone that ran Non-Tuner Psychics. Otherwise, it's too situational, and I'll take him out for something like ... Ally of Justice - Catastor.


EDIT3: Ah, I also don't have a way of getting Malicious into the grave ... Any suggestions? Maybe some Hand Destructions? No clue.

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I really like this deck, on paper it looks like I'm guaranteed any Synchro at any time, and that it's likely I'll get out 3 Stardust. But it also looks like something is lacking (other than the lack of a way to discard Malicious), I'm going to have to play test this.


I'm sorry for any TCG Exclusive players, normally I only play by TCG, but the stand-alone Synchro theme doesn't work (nearly as well) without Tuning Supporter.


I do hope I get some comments.

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I kinda thought that, but I'm not sure how to adjust. I enjoy Krebons for searchability, but the Special Summon from Junk Synchron is also a great luxury (especially in this deck). I also like having a level 4 tuner.


I wouldn't run as many E-Teleports as I would Krebons, so I can drop a Krebons and an E-Teleport, or I can drop a Junk Synchron and a Soldier of Mist Valley.


With the former, I'd have 7 Tuners, which is probably still too many, and I wouldn't be replacing them with Non-Tuner Monsters, because I need +2 Hand Destruction.


Also, I am probably missing some Tuner/Synchro support, there's no convenient list.


EDIT: But then, I really like running 3 Krebons, because then I can Inferno Reckless Summon for 2 Stardust, assuming Malicious is in the grave. Ahhh...This is difficult.




-1 Junk Synchron

-1 Soldier of Mist Valley


+2 Hand Destruction



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I will show you my deck build, it might help you find what you need


extra deck


x3 stardust

x2 goyo

x2 thought

x2 red dragon

x1 black rose

x1 magical android

x1 life trancer




x3 krebons

x3 plague spreader

x3 malicious

x2 caius

x2 d-hero dasher

x2 psychic commander

x2 Dark Grepher

x2 D.D crow

x1 Gorz

x1 Raiza

x1 mind protector

x1 overdrive teleporter

x1 sangan




x3 emergency teleport

x3 allure of darkness

x2 d-draw

x1 r-of the army

x1 monster reborn



x3 solemns

x2 psychic overload

x1 mirror force

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mt bad xD I didn't read that far. What don't you agree with in my deck? no matter how many times I re-shuffle etc my first turn has always brought out a stardust (atleast a stardust with a back row) and the allures are not far fetched (25 bucks a pop isn't all that spendy) just the rest is out of hand for most. I have a watered down version of this I could talk to you about over messages?

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Yeah, go ahead.


But note that this deck is about swarming, and more importantly, having access to ANY Synchro at ANY time, yours is more of a Psychic Deck with random Monarchs that focuses on Stardust (not that your deck is bad, it just was built with DARK Psychic-Types with Allure and D-Draw in mind).


Also, I was only alerted that Allure has dropped in price. I may pick them up for another deck I have, but right now I don't feel this needs it.


My favorite part of this deck is probably how I would summon Junk Synchron, then bring back Tuning Supporter, only to chain with Inferno Reckless Summon. Then I can bring out any Synchro I have and draw 3 (unless I wanted a level 5 for some reason).


After drawing 3, maybe I would have Monster Reborn and another IRS. So grand.

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I dunno, since I NEED to get Synchros out, and so it works pretty well IMO. You can't flip the monster you take, can you? If not, I'll probably take one of it out, and Scapegoat, or maybe two.


I would literally run Token Thanksgiving, though. There's a guy that runs a Black Garden-based Plant Deck, and I would lol hard if I gained about 3,200 LP because of it. But yeah, I'll update the Side-Deck.

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