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Crappy Dark Worlds


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can someone help me with my dark worlds? i tried making them better..but i think i made it worse



Brron, Mad King of Dark World x1

Broww, Huntsman of Dark World x2

Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World x2

Gren, Tactician of Dark World x2

Beige, Vanguard of Dark World x1

Sangan x1

Morphing Jar x1

Spirit Reaper x1

Newdoria x1

Exiled Force x1

D.D. Warrior Lady x1

Metabo Globster x1

Dark Resonator x2

Des Feral Imp x1

Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World x3

Sillva, Warlord of Dark World x3

Jinzo x1

Doom Shaman x1

Raviel, Lord of Phantasms x2



Pot of Avarice x1

Card of Safe Return x1

Card Destuction x1

Dragged Down into the Grave x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Dark World Dealings x2

Heavy Storm x1

Monster Reborn x1

Lightning Vortex x1

The Cheerful Coffin x1



Widespread Ruin x1

Torrential Tribute x1

Bottomless Trap Hole x1





*Note: I do not have any Solemn Judgements, Mirror Forces, Dark Bribes, or Cush Card Viruses. I would run Dark World Dealings at 3, but my third got stolen. I could run two Widespread Ruins or Bottomless Trap Holes if it would help.




Mystic Tomato x1

Gren, Tactician of Dark World x1

Mobius the Frost Monarch x1

Mask of Darkness x1

Dekoichi, the Battlechanted Locomotive x1

Crystal Seer x1

Dark Eruption x2

Dangerous Machine Type-6 x1

United We Stand x1

Limit Reverse x1

Hidden Book of Spell x1

Deck Devastation Virus x1


**Note: I do not have any Caius the Shadow Monarchs, my friends are running all of them.




please help :(

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dont even attempt DW if you dont have all the stuff you need... here's a list of what you need to get:



3x goldd

3x sillva

3x broww

3x psychic commander

2x mind master

1x gorz

1x morphing jar

1x breaker

1x caius



3x dwd

2x cosr

1x card destruction

3x allure

3x e-tele

2x dwl

1x monster reborn

1x heavy storm

1x giant trunade

1x brain control



1x tt

3x solemn



15 generic cards

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the problem is i dont have any decrees, solemns, or any other good card. i have to deal with Stucture Decks, and the crap i pull from packs because the best thing i've ever pulled is Neos Wiseman (my first Crossroads pack, anyways..back on topic) so every deck i make is comprised of the crap i pull because all my e-tele, allures, and my solemn was stolen...:( anyways, can i get more help because i want this deck to become good (i know its crap right now, hence the title)

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save up for the good cards, Crush Card Virus is out of almost everyone's hands that don't want to buy a piece of cardboard almost worth 2 Ipod Nanos. Look for good players that are giving up the game and ask nicely if you can have their cards, or just bet cards in duels against stupid people with good cards and beat them.

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