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Deformer Remocon (Based on a remote control, but it looks like an iPod)


● While in Attack Position: Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 "Morphtronic" monster from your Graveyard to add 1 "Morphtronic" monster with the same Level from your Deck to your hand. ● While in Defense Position: Once per turn, you can send 1 "Morphtronic" monster from your hand to the Graveyard to add 1 "Morphtronic" monster with the same Level from your Graveyard to your hand.


It has 300 ATK, but it's also a Tuner.


Proof that this is coming out.


Discuss the card and it's potential TCG name.

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Morphers would be better if you could Normal Summon in face-up Defense.


"Stumbling" fixes that problem' date=' as well as "Light of Intervention".


Stumbling makes it impossible to Normal Summon in attack, and Light prevents you from setting when you want to. Not just that, but continuous card is worth a lot less than a game rule >>

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Morphers would be better if you could Normal Summon in face-up Defense.


"Stumbling" fixes that problem' date=' as well as "Light of Intervention".


Stumbling makes it impossible to Normal Summon in attack, and Light prevents you from setting when you want to. Not just that, but continuous card is worth a lot less than a game rule >>



light of intervention is more of a help in deformer/ morphortronic then a hurt.


plus I don't think that anyone would actually use a shot on light untill after you put to use.

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The Second "Dupable" Tuner! 1 more and we're in!

Actually' date=' there's all these guys:

Turbo Synchron

Recycle Genex

Nitro Synchron

Black Bomber



I forgot to add "Good", Its 100% my fault. Im sorry. And im already counting Turbo Synchron, although, id never use it.

Eh. I wouldn't personally want to use any of them. But if I had to, I'd use Nitro or Turbo. Turbo's effect is the most splashable and usable of the others.


I remember one guy made a deck based on Turbo, Nitro, Hedgehog and Tuner Supporter with Duplication. It totally raped my Alien deck. Not that I expected to win, anyway, but still.

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