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Digimon: Return of the X

Legend Zero

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Digimon: Return of the X

Theme Song: http://www.mp3raid.com/search/download-mp3/1/chad_kroeger/1.html


It has been a few years since the success of all the digidestined. Now though it seems that the D-Reaper has returned and has taken control of Yggdrasil and the 2 digital worlds have merged. The original digimon now share there planet with those infected with the X-Antibody. All the digidestined hear of an emergency and quickly come to the old school in Tokyo to hear Jeni and his plan to rid the digital world of the most powerful evil to infect the digital world.[/align]



1. You can be any digidestined character from any season. (Or manga)

2. I will only allow 2 to be bad guys.

3. No spamming, flamming ect.....

4. Have fun!


Sign up:

Digidestined Character:




1. Legend Zero: Hikaru Ryuuji {Digimon D-Cyber} (Dorumon)

2. God_Kage: Teru Raku {Digimon D-Cyber} (Agumon X)

3. Cardmaker288: Ken Ichijouji

4. Roxas: Takato [spoiler=Evil] Character Name: Xion Ancyl





Age: 27

Digimon: None as of yet.

Bio: Xion Ancyl lives in the Frontier Universe. He studies the existence of other universes, and the idea of how some universes may in fact exist within another one. Upon the merging of the Digital Worlds, Ancyl was enthusiastic to learn more. Eventually, he realized the power that the Digimon had to offer. However, the great inbalance in the worlds both upset and interest Ancyl. This has inspired Ancyl to assemble a strong army of Digimon. However, he has yet to find a way to do so.


5. GHawk: Davis

6. BH15: Myotismon [Viral Corps]

7. Burst Legacy: Thomas Norstein

8. lordoftheangelicbeasts: Rika

9. ~Arreku~: Neo {Digimon V-Tamer} (Arkadimon)

10. D.Kefka: Henry Wong

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Rika doesn't use Salamon or Angewomon thats Kari. Rika uses Renemon. So who do you want?


Wait If You can use Cyber-D Digimon Can i be Masuken Tero Kiyoshi And my Partner is Agumon?

You just put 2 characters from D-Cyber together' date=' heres the two you put together.

Masuken Kana/Ryudamon


Teru Raku/Agumon X


Can I be Neo from V-Tamer?




Digidestined Character:Neo

Digimon:Arkadimon And it's evolutions,


I'll add you now.


This will start tommarow after I get home from school.

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Rika doesn't use Salamon or Angewomon thats Kari. Rika uses Renemon. So who do you want?


Wait If You can use Cyber-D Digimon Can i be Masuken Tero Kiyoshi And my Partner is Agumon?

You just put 2 characters from D-Cyber together' date=' heres the two you put together.

Masuken Kana/Ryudamon


Teru Raku/Agumon X


Can I be Neo from V-Tamer?




Digidestined Character:Neo

Digimon:Arkadimon And it's evolutions,


I'll add you now.


This will start tommarow after I get home from school.


Oo I want Teru Lol sorry...

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