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Protagonist vs. rivals

Astro Dude

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I agree with Crab, one moments weakness and it can have you for dinner. Like how Judai's one moment of weakness in the duel with Brron allowed Haou to get the foot in the door he needed to make his vessel come under his control. Momentarily lapses in fight caused by some sort of thing calling to you, or deep seated sadness boiling up are all it needs if you're not keeping you mind secure.


(I believe Destiny is the reason the Signers are getting pwned, they're not standing united)

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Remember' date=' the orichalcos does not affect strategy planning


Are you crazy? You get 5 more Monster Card zones! Plus, Thare are cards that were made for the effect of Orichalcos. Guardian Formation ftw


By that I meant it does not affect you in making stupid mistakes


Disproof by counterexample: it quite obviously does, given Yami's actions.


Which is more likely?


1) The one time he makes a misplay that causes him to lose just happens by sheer coincidence to also be the one time that he has in his possession an evil artifact of doom designed explicitly for the purpose of corrupting the mind of whoever possesses it and causing said possessor to do dark and evil things that they would not normally do.


2) The obvious correct answer.

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yeah that was during the duel against Yugi in Death Valley.


You mean the DUROH! MONSTA KADO!!! scene?


Actually all Rafael had to do was tell him to take a look at his monsters and what he did' date=' and he became self-conscious again



I can't remember exactly when Raphael says that, but there are two times when he could have said it:


1) At the very end of the duel - after Yami just spent the entire duel throwing monsters away with Catapult Turtle - and right before launching his final attack with Eatos.


2) In the middle of the third episode of that duel - before Yami has finished throwing monsters away with Catapult Turtle, which shows that it didn't snap him out of it at all.

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it was at the very end of the duel' date=' RIGHT before he summoned Eatos, he told him to take a close look, and Yami was surprised to see he did all this



Excellent. We have an artifact of doom whose effect isn't even noticed by the victim until the person using it to corrupt the victim points out what is happening after it is far too late.


And apparently you don't consider that cheating.

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Yami knew it was evil long before he got the card' date='



And considering that it took him two whole duels and LOLSOULSEARCHING quest even after he realized what he had done to fully shake of the Seal's effects, it's pretty obvious that knowing that the seal is evil is insufficient.


Tell me, when was the last time you shook off the effects of a mind-corrupting dark artifact of doom? What's that, you say? You haven't ever done that? Not even once? Also, was anyone able to just casually rid themselves of the Seal's effect? No? Well, in that case, it looks like you have about as much evidence supporting your view as Kaiba has debts.


and it's not like Rafael made an illegal move or anything.


Technically' date=' neither did Pegasus or Kaiba in their cheap victories.


And in reality it's not the card, it's that crystal around his neck


The crystal was largely ineffective without the Seal.

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mind reading is illegal' date='



Mind reading is illegal, but mind control isn't?




and Kaiba's desperation pushed him to extreme measures.


I don't see any rule in the rulebook that prohibits a duelist from threatening to jump off of a castle if they lose.


And the crystal was what was doing Yami in' date=' the seal was only helping it



Doesn't matter. One artifact of doom is as good as another.

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