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[Card Contests] Please...oh tell us why!


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I hate contest runners that do this...


When you end a contest' date=' [b']tell the losers why they lost![/b]


If you're just gonna go, "Oh you won, random person 1" then please explain why everyone else lost! This should be ruled, for god's sake, I'm tired of it. =P


Goodbye, bad contest host. =/


This is an exact example of what I mean.


I recently got contest results of something like this,


"Well since everyone but (insert person here) have OCG fail, they win"


Ok...I find this really, really annoying. Why should we just be told we lost or got kicked out with no reasoning? If we lose, we should know why we lost, and instead of just receiving "you came last" we should recieve "you came last because". Perhaps the host could point out the errors we made, so we know what went wrong, and maybe how to improve next time. I really don't understand why we should take a "you lose" and just brush it off. I certainly don't.


I've lost and been kicked out of my fair share of contests (can't say I've won any. ;3) and it's always been the same. "You're out." is what I get, and with no reason why. For all I know, maybe the host doesn't like me for some reason, and just decided I would lose. If we're gonna get kicked out, please, give us a decent reason why.


Sure, I'm all supportive of OCG and such, if I could make perfect OCG I would. But I can't, that's why I'm learning to do better. If I get "you OCG fail" I would like to know where exactly it points out to you that I'm an "OCG fail" so I can see my errors, and then know where I went wrong and improve from that time.


I really want a rule where the host could at least give two sentences, two measly sentences, of why we got kicked out or lost the contest. Otherwise, it just ruins the point of competition. I really wish I could get improvation comments when I lose a contest, because if I enter more contests, I just know how to do better.


It wouldn't surprise me if a few other people are feeling the same way towards contests now as I do. It ruins it - I still want to participate, but I want to have fun and learn how to be a better YCM.


So, if you're in full support of this, feel free to comment saying so. If you think this is an awful idea, feel free to comment saying so with a reason why.


I'm just tired of it - I wish it could be stopped.

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Next time, take your CC problems to a CC mod, like myself.

Anyway, I do agree with you on this, it is rather annoying, but, we can't fully enforce it as a rule, since it is the on the host's behalf to actually run the competition and judge, and, give the results. So what we can only do, is suggest that each host should give a reason as to why a member has either won or lost.

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If you got kicked from a contest then you obviosly borke a rule of the contest. The runner of the contest should say why you were kicked eg Kicked for spamming but that shouldn't be a rule.


If you don't win then you don't win, only one person can win a contest.

It would be helpful if the contest runner gave a comment about the card(s) entered but that's their choice.


This shouldn't be a rule, maybe just suggest them to give a comment like Bloodrun said.

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As its been stated there is no way to force to host to state "why" you didn't win, and point out errors to improve. It really depends on who to host is. For example, i've been in a contet, where, the host (for some odd reason) rated my card 3/10. I can easily say, for that paritcular card, it should have been rated higher, as it's a recent card, and I even made a thread to recieve good feedback. All the host said was "I don't like the effect", and they never even said what they didn't like about it. I didn't win a thing, when it was a pretty good card. I'm guessing something like this happend to you? Heck, i've even seen noobish cards win. It all depends on the host. But I fully support this idea.

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