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Yu-Gi-Oh! Madness Series 1, chapter 2 [DISCONTINUED]


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Hi, I thought I'd have a go at making a fan fic seeing as most YCM members like them.

[spoiler=Finished Chapters]

[spoiler=Chapter 1]

Chapter 1

Meet the cartel family, it consists of 3 Children and only 1 parent which is the dad, the mother was killed in a train crash one year ago. There is Michael, the eldest, he's an eager duelist and will duel whenever there is an opportunity. Unfortunately, when he was ten (he's 21 now) he fell off his house roof which is two stories high, he broke his arm and damaged his eyes. Two hours after the incident he arrived at the hospital and had a robotic arm attached, due to the eyes being artificial the color was messed up so he has one yellow eye and one green eye, it was another year before Michael could duel again. [spoiler=Michael's pic]1434al3.jpg Michael enjoying a duel, age 21


There's the twins or the "Divine Twins" as they call themselves, they refuse to duel unless it's a tag-team match so they can go together, they're both 18 and think they're the best at everything.

[spoiler=Twin's pic]ri89w8.jpg




[spoiler=Chapter 2]

Chapter 2

The Memories

Michael had just come back home from work at Konami corp at 8:07PM.

"Ughh, I can't believe the printers broke down today, I haven't got as much time to think of strategies for my next duel with this guy tomorrow now" Said Michael, to himself. Just as he reached his hand into his back pocket for his deck the phone rang, which is in the kitchen. He got up from his chair and went into the kitchen, he picked up the phone...

"Hello?" Asked Michael

"Who is this?" Asked the guy on the other end.

"Michael Cartel" Said Michael, wondering who he was speaking to

"Ahh, good." Said the guy in a low tone of voice

"What do you want?" Asked Michael, becoming impatient.

"I've been reading up on you, and..." There was a dialing tone.....

There was a crackle and the dialing tone stopped.

"Must have been some interference on the line" Said Michael.

"You had a serious injury eleven years ago didn't you?" Asked The guy.

"Well, yeah, but I don't like to..." Michael dropped the phone as images of how the shadow had passed the street and a rock hurled at him flooded into his head, he began to feel dizzy as the images swirled around in his head. Then came the worst image of all, him landing on the ground with a crack and him screaming in agony, he landed on the floor with a thud.

"Hello?" Asked the guy

"Hey?" He asked again becoming worried

"HELLO MICHAEL? IT'S ME" He asked again, barely managing the shouts

He hung up and in the next 10 minutes he had an ambulance over at Michael's place, he was rushed into A&E, after 12 hours he still wouldn't wake up

"He has some damage to the back of his head, nothing serious" Assured the doctor.






Sorry folks, I am discontinuing this Fan-Fic.

Mods - please don't lock or delete this thread

You may still comment on it and read.

Only had one reader anyway :P

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that almost makes Michael look a little bit like Dartz when he was under the Orichalcos. Michael has certainly come a long way just to be able to duel. It's a good start for a chapter

I see what you mean (the eyes I'm guessing?)

I've got all the characters for Chapter 2 on my computer just need to upload 'em

Sneaky Peak!

Ya know the background for the twins? They will stumble upon it again and it swallows them up...

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