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Id Abuse

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Id's name is awkward...


Monsters: ( 17 )

3x Id the Super Demonic Lord

3x Bountiful Artemis

3x Ameba

2x Shining Angel

2x Destiny Hero - Plasma

2x Sky Scourge Invicil

1x Treeborn Frog

1x Sangan


Spells: ( 15 )

3x Shien's Spy

3x Creature Swap

3x Mystic Box

2x Hostile Servant

2x Allure of Darkness

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm



Traps: ( 8 )

3x Solemn Judgment

2x Royal Decree

2x Divine Wrath

1x Mirror Force


Should I add a Synchro aspect to this Deck?

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Monsters: ( 20 )

3x Id the Super Demonic Lord {Swap

3x Bountiful Artemis {Nothing to do with Swap. Counter Fairy.

3x Harvest Angel of Wisdom {Nothing to do with Swap. Counter Fairy.

3x Ameba {Swap

2x Shining Angel {Fairy.

2x Destiny Hero - Plasma {Destiny Hero that is not going to get Summoned and otherwise serves no purpose to a Swap deck, especially one that you intend to stop your opponent from Summoning with.

2x Sky Scourge Invicil {Not even run in Counter Fairies. Just kinda random tech or something.

1x Treeborn Frog {No. While it does generate some advantage by swapping, you have Continuous cards in your deck, and probably wont generate much with this card. Plus, isn't this supposed to be Swap Burn, and not Beatdown?

1x Sangan


Spells: ( 12 )

3x Shien's Spy

3x Creature Swap

2x Hostile Servant

2x Allure of Darkness {Don't even know what to say about this.

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm



Traps: ( 8 )

3x Solemn Judgment

2x Royal Decree

2x Divine Wrath

1x Mirror Force


Not nearly enough support cards run for the theme you're shooting for.

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