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New Moderator!


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I will say this. I had no intention of becoming a mod. I was pm'ed by Ycmaker. But I'm not going to just say no. I wanted to be a mod. I haven't had any complaints. Besides, i'm not a mod of tcg or anything like that anyway..

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I will say this. I had no intention of becoming a mod. I was pm'ed by Ycmaker. But I'm not going to just say no. I wanted to be a mod. I haven't had any complaints. Besides' date=' i'm not a mod of tcg or anything like that anyway..


I COMPLAIN, way more people deserve mod then you. YOU DON'T DESERVE IT.

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When did I ever say that I deserve to be a mod? never

"To become a site moderator, you need to have a been a member for a reasonable amount of time, and have a proven track record of being mature and helpful. Then when a moderator slot is open, the existing mods will suggest potential candidates, then vote on it." I am not helpful, hell I'll try and make you feel so bad so that you cry. But plenty of other people deserve mod more, people that are actually helpful, have a good knowledge/advanced knowledge of the game,and can actually help decks to do good in tournaments and such.

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Gist, other than for the Deck and TCG section (on occasion), how does the tournament scene have anything to do with this forum? Also, why is it a Mods jobs to have good or advanced knowledge of the game? Good/Advanced knowledge of the game is for tournament judges, not moderators for a forum that has little or nothing to do with the Tournament scene. A Mods job is to prevent Spam from spreading throughout their assigned section and to help with things as much as possible in their section.


Also Max, if you have a problem with Yami Startrainer being a Mod, shouldn't you address your complaint with YCMaker (the admin) and/or the other Moderators so they can (if possible) do something about it, rather than targeting his Graphics business? And about bhim, could it be that bhim is on often, just not on while you're on.


BTW: To deal with the honey problem sticking your CAPS LOCK, maybe you should try taking the button off of the keyboard and cleaning underneath the button with saliva (wet your finger and rub the area) while your computer is off.

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Can I make a statement. Regardless of what everyone thinks of me, God Kaze is a great mod. He didn't make this thread for people to post this kind of stuff in. Frunk, if you please, lock this.

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To end everyhting:



Max, GROW UP! When I first came here, I looked up to you as a respectable member. Now I just see a petty and jelous person. bhim pointed out a problem and offered a solution. If you want to be a mod, try doing the same. Your only other option is to stop complaining about ppl becoming mods.


I COMPLAIN, way more people deserve mod then you. YOU DON'T DESERVE IT.

It's not a matter of who deserves to be a mod more than others, it's a matter of WHO CAN DO THE JOB. StarTrainer works in graphics, where he works best. I work in Custom Cards, where I belong.


He joined. The Sartorial movement is progressing.



Please don't promote your Nazi/Cult regime in my threads. -_-




EDIT: Agreed, StarTrainer, I made a mistake making this thread. I should have realised the contriversy this would create.

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congrats to both! honestly i don't think i could ever be mod no matter how hard i tried. oh and star, i think your a good canidate for mod the main arguement so far is who's been on from the begining and if that were the case then no new people will ever have a chance at mod. it's not a question of usege it's a question of personallity. btw i think that deity mitsu might be a considerate for mod.

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Don't forget Darkguy. He's a mod as well.


Congrats Kaze! It's good to have you on here :D


Max: *sigh* what can I say? ... I really am disappointed in your behavior. It is extremely appalling. When you ranted about my moderation status a while ago, I didn't comment, though I was disappointed then as well. At this point, your behavior is just equal to that of a whiny child. [No offense to anyone else that fits that description]


Obviously you're not a moderator due to all of these outbursts you seem to have. And don't say they're not, because they sure as hell are. If you really want to be a moderator SOOOOO bad, here's what you can do:


PM YCMaker and tell him that I am offering my moderation position to you. Odds are he won't allow it, but nevertheless, be a better mod than me. As you yourself said, I'm never on. And that's easily proven by looking at my Posts Per Day count. You're absolutely right my friend.

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