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Long lost deck theme...venom

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Guest setojim



3 Venom Serpent

3 Venom Snake

3 Alien Shocktrooper

3 Vennominon, the King of Poisonous Snakes

2 Vennominaga, the Deity of Poisonous Snakes

3 Evil Dragon Ananta

1 Card Trooper

2 Dark Armed Dragon

1 Dark Grepher


1 Heavy Storm

3 Venom Swamp

3 Allure of Darkness

3 Trade-In

1 Venom Shot

1 Giant Trunade

2 Snake Rain


1 Mirror Force

3 Damage = Reptile

3 Offerings to the Snake Deity

2 Rise of the Snake Deity

3 Solemn Judgment

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replace your DAD idea with the earth flipper monsters.


3 golem sentries (1800 def, 1000 ATK)


and 2-3 guardian sphinx's (2400 DEF. 1700 ATK)


will ether force your opponent to attack them every turn, or have their monsters returned to their hands (or extra deck in case of synchros/ fusions)


and they can be played with out worrying about swamp. they flip back face down whenever you want them to.


try it.

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