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Cactus Loop


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Once again, don't patronize me about not including way-too-expensive cards, blah, blah, blah.


Extra: 1

Queen of Thorns x1 (I got it in a pack, so I'll put it in here.)


Total: 41


Monsters: 17

Cactus Fighter x3

Lonefire Blossom x3

Gigaplant x3

Nettles x3

Tytannial x2

Sangan x1

Mole x1

Breaker x1


Spells: 11

Hand Destruction x3

Shrink x3

Card Destruction x1

Heavy Storm x1

Trunade x1

CoSR x2

Monster Reborn x1


Traps: 12

All-Out Attacks x3

Ojama Trio x1

Bottomless x2

Torrential x1

Reckless Greed x3

Compulsory x2

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pwwb is only like 4 bucks... i guess if you dont want to shovel out 8 bucks for two great cards you can use compulse but i would go for pwwb...


I don't know what world you live in' date=' PWWB is like $10 a piece.



Exactly. Especially since I can't do eBay.


I'm not spending 20 dollars on two cards unless they're Gyzarus.

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