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my Deck can it be better?? HELP!!!


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i currently have a what i belive is a very well structured deck. yet when i play my friends cyber dragon deck i continuously lose misrably. i want to know if this deck could be any better by adding, removing or replacing cards. heres my deck plz help


2 Malevolent Mech - Goku En


Magician of Faith

Silent Swordsman LV5

Reflect Bounder

2 Exiled Force

Spirit Reaper


Ryu Kokki


White-Horned Dragon

Cyber Jar


3 Pyramid Turtle

Witch of the Black Forest

D.D. Warrior Lady

Destiny Hero - Disk Commander


Heavy Storm

Graceful Charity

Pot of Greed

Harpie's Feather Duster

Cost Down

2 Reinforcement of the Army


Change of Heart

Mystical Space Typhoon

Mage Power

Premature Burial

Monster Reborn


2 Compulsory Evacuation Device

Torrential Tribute

Imperial Order

Call of the Haunted



this is a speed/beat down/ Banned deck and im thinking of adding a Chaos Emporor Dragon in help plz idk where else to turn to and you all the experts! Thanks!

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if you make it legal i might help...


i really cant make it legal cuz every one dat i play against plays with banned decks so it would be fair if it were to go up against super banned decks. it just wouldnt stand a chance and i know there are some decks out there that can stand up to banned decks but i like using the older kind of cards.

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