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i swear to christ think of the sheer amount of combos you can do with this deck


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2 tytannial

3 lonefire blossom

2 gigaplant

2 botanical lion

1 seed of flame

2 nettles

1 sangan

1 breaker

1 snipe hunter

2 lord poison



1 giant trunade

2 card of safe return

1 brain control

1 monster reborn

1 heavy storm

3 black garden

2 world tree

2 mark of the rose

1 terraforming

3 fragrance storm

2 miracle fertilizer



1 torremtial tribute

3 pollinosis - or solemn

1 trap dustchute

1 mirror force



generic extra deck



3 horus lv6

3 arcane archer of the forest

3 kuraz



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a good combo coudl be...


get tokens on feils activate world tree' date=' destroy all plants special summon my plant but thn i have a bunch of counters to mess about with :)


i cant wait to make this deck ^_^



For a moment I thought World Tree was continuos and not field.


Oh, good suggestion, GRASSCHOPPER!!!!!



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im in the midst of makign it i need fertilisers tytanial pollinosis lord poison and a mark of the rose thats about it really =3 (shoudl be easy)


also i am prepared for royal oppression....wait for it













arcane archer of the forest ;)


also yes i fuckign love toolboxes

this just so happens to be the best one ever

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please excuse how horrible i am at making decks because i don't play IRL anymore and i barely started DMU for about a month building bad decks >.>

but how does this deck work?

i understand you swarm the field with plants and tokens and destroy them all with black garden but you have to summon a monster and it seems hard to get one equal to the attack.

i asked some people including people who have earned stars from star tourneys before and even they don't know how this works,mind explaining?

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