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Zombie Mill


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Mill dispite lack of play, logicaly works rather well in this meta as

1) Tele-dads gy gets flooded with dark monsters making it difficult to summon DAD

2) LS mills too quickly and is likely to deck out

3) Glads loose monsters, and there for options via mill


Monsters (21)

Goblin Zombie x3

Il Blud x2

Mezuki x3

Morphing Jar

Plaguespreader Zombie x3

Pyramid Turtle x3

Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower x3

Zombie Master x3


Spells (14)

Allure of Darkness x3

Book of Life x3

Card Destruction

CoSR x2

Heavy Storm

Inferno Reckless Summon x3


Monster Reborn


Traps (4)

Solemn Judgment x3

Torential Tribute



Generic Extra Deck x15


[spoiler=Cards I want to include, but need more space for]

more mill

Swing of Memories


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3x zombie master

3x mezuki

2x il blud

3x bone tower

1x card trooper

3x plague spreader



3x allure

2x cosr

3x mass driver

3x hand destruction

1x card destruction

2x foolish

1x bftdd

3x book of life

2x irs

1x monster reborn

1x heavy storm

1x giant trunade



2x iiw

3x solemn


just something i threw together real quick but it can be an otk...

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