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The card of all cards


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In case you cant read the description of Chuck's effect:


When this card is played, all cards on the feild are destroyed, the opponent loses all of his life points, and the person who played the card loses all but one life point for summoning Chuck to do pointless work

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I HATE CHUCK NORRIS (not even cool?)


but ill be creitcal and unbiased (although chuck norris cards are banned!!!)



bad pic,

too high strl evel,


effect is inaccurate

ATK and DEF false stats

pic has border on bottom,

no card set stuff (eg. SD1-EN001 )

wrong type (=warrior type)

Goes in Joke card thread.


wrong, this card is banned, even from joke threads (i read the new rules)


other cards that are banned...cant rmbr any more cept for norris :lol:


but there was a small list... :lol:

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