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Acid Trap Hole vs. Shield Crush

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Shield Crush - A magic card that destroys a defense position monster. Simple.


Acid Trap Hole - A trap card that destroys a face-down defense position monster with under 2000 DEF, with the honor of looking at the card before you destroy it/dont destroy it. Basically, you can destroy an opponents monster as soon as they set it.


Which one should i run, if i should run either one of them? Both of them? What's a better alternative card for destroying defense monsters?

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Nobleman of Crossout > both of them. Destroy + remove from play + Flip effect card = opponents loses all others from deck. The only problem is the flip effect destroyer can hit your deck' date=' too if it is a widely used monster like Dekoichi.



I already know of that card's epic win and run it already. I was wondering which one is best at destroying defense monsters, since i can only hold 2 Crossouts.

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because i have cards that throw the opponent into face-down defense positions. It ruins the power of tuner monsters and Tribute/Special Summoned monsters with maleable ATK & DEF, since when they are flip summoned, they don't have their ATK & DEF values anymore (Evil Dragon Ananta and Great Maju Garzett are good examples). Swords Of Concealing Light prevent Flip Summons and make monsters extremely vulnerable to piercers and Shield Crush.

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because i have cards that throw the opponent into face-down defense positions. It ruins the power of tuner monsters and Tribute/Special Summoned monsters with maleable ATK & DEF' date=' since when they are flip summoned, they don't have their ATK & DEF values anymore (Evil Dragon Ananta and Great Maju Garzett are good examples). Swords Of Concealing Light prevent Flip Summons and make monsters extremely vulnerable to piercers and Shield Crush.



Currently, you are spending two cards to kill a monster - one to flip it face-down, and one to actually kill it. Why on earth would you want to do that instead of simply spending one card to remove it directly?


It doesn't exactly help that nobody uses monsters with malleable ATK and DEF. I had to look up what Evil Dragon Ananta did because it was so useless and obscure that I didn't even recognize its name.

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because i have cards that throw the opponent into face-down defense positions. It ruins the power of tuner monsters and Tribute/Special Summoned monsters with maleable ATK & DEF' date=' since when they are flip summoned, they don't have their ATK & DEF values anymore (Evil Dragon Ananta and Great Maju Garzett are good examples). Swords Of Concealing Light prevent Flip Summons and make monsters extremely vulnerable to piercers and Shield Crush.



Currently, you are spending two cards to kill a monster - one to flip it face-down, and one to actually kill it. Why on earth would you want to do that instead of simply spending one card to remove it directly?


It doesn't exactly help that nobody uses monsters with malleable ATK and DEF. I had to look up what Evil Dragon Ananta did because it was so useless and obscure that I didn't even recognize its name.


i said i have the cards. there's no way in hell im going to build a deck aroudn doing something like that. Except Shield Crush.


Evil Dragon Ananta can be run successfully in decks filled with Reptiles that find it fun to die, alot. ALOT, like Venom and Aliens. It's not the ultimate card, but having to destroy 1 card on the field could be a benefit.

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